r/worldnews 9d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/Ghost9001 9d ago

Little weak man scared of a 15 year old boy.


u/Low_Narwhal_1346 9d ago

Tyrants are scared of everything and everyone.


u/MyNameIsDaveToo 9d ago

For good reason


u/Good-Ad-6806 9d ago

Why don't the Russian just eat Putin. Are they stupid?


u/Call_Me_Skyy 9d ago

As much as I have against Russian society (and I will gladly admit that bias since my family survived Holodomor), they are not stupid. They are controlled. Russian History is a history of strongman types holding power whether inherited or taken. Russia is not an easy place to live and part of the control is keeping the population consumed with surviving. There is ALOT more to it obviously, but those are the two big reasons I would say keep men like Putin in power there.


u/SaerDeQuincy 9d ago

They are not controlled. They are just opportunistic before anything and anyone else. There is only one Russian I know that I could say I somewhat trust and he had to flee from there. Watch the movie "The fool" from 2014.


u/Call_Me_Skyy 9d ago

As most starving animals tend to be. If a person didnt take advantage by 1993 they have no opportunity now. I would say a nuclear power that doesnt have running sewage for 60% of its population is very much about control. My whole family still speaks russian and my MIL is pre-93 ukrainian. Very aware of their 7 words for "lying," but they are controlled. Some control can be self inflicted.

But a very good movie recommendation. Prefer the original myself


u/smergb 9d ago

Would you mind elaborating on the "7 words for lying"?

Is it that lying is so prolific they have separate words for different kinds of lies?


u/Call_Me_Skyy 9d ago

It's a bit of an overstated joke on my part lol 😅 there are four words for "lie" which have different meanings and two words for truth one of which isn't entirely truth. The joke is they are all lies in Russia anyways. But here is a little piece of reading that explains it without me having to text my mom



u/smergb 9d ago

Thank you!