r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/noirdesire 5d ago

1) They are fed propaganda that it's stolen territory and are fighting for Russian nationals.

2) They are a hypermasculine culture that absolutely doesn't care they are looked as a weak when in their mind they aren't.

3) They also are fed news videos of all our liberal transsexual protests and pride days and military members wearing women's clothing. So they see the west becoming gay.


u/Yureina 5d ago

Gay guns still kill.


u/archiminos 5d ago

Are you talking about Russia or MAGA?


u/Power_to_the_purples 5d ago

Two sides of the same coin


u/MTFBinyou 5d ago

Por que no los dos?


u/OfficeRelative2008 4d ago

“Were you just speaking Mexican?! This is America!”

-су́ка блядь

“Thank you! Much better.”


u/archiminos 5d ago

Perfect answer haha


u/katreadsitall 5d ago

I mean aren’t they the same thing?


u/somirion 4d ago

Also having anal sex with a man is not gay if its a rape, remember (or 90% of russian army would be gay because they roped or were roped)


u/eat_dick_reddit 4d ago

They also are fed news videos of all our liberal transsexual protests and pride days and military members wearing women's clothing. So they see the west becoming gay.

And then they go into the Russian army to be raped by other men.

What a fucked up country.


u/RailRuler 5d ago

I wouldn't say "hypermasculine" because the positive traits of masculinity are not celebrated, but the toxic ones are.


u/noirdesire 5d ago

I are adding your own meaning to that. It's not wrong but they do celebrate positives. My wife was born there. I spent a month there. In that time I can honestly say men are very different than most american men.


u/carpcrucible 4d ago

Russia is an imperialist state and they fuckin love imperialism


u/EPIC_RAPTOR 4d ago

Imagine being beaten by a femboy drone operator fortnite dancing while he's launching hellfire missiles at you


u/betterwithsambal 3d ago

I would pit a professionally trained all gay army up against that sorry bunch of misfits they call a military any day. It's just that they have so many to throw into the fray, they literally overpower your weapons with shear numbers. And they do not care about losses at all.