r/worldnews 26d ago

Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations Russia/Ukraine


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u/HipHobbes 26d ago edited 25d ago

I mean, Havana probably is a nice place this time of the year but as to moving your ships out of range of Ukrainian drones this is a tad bit over the top.

EDIT: I stand corrected! Apparently, Havana this time of the year is a hot and humid mess with a high threat of hurricanes......still a long way off just to be safe from Ukrainian drone strikes.


u/New_Stats 26d ago

Good luck with the hurricanes


u/mimdrs 26d ago

This would legit happen haha


u/MisplacedLegolas 26d ago

Isn't hurricane season this year lookin' to be very fuck?


u/New_Stats 25d ago

Extremely fucked. But they said the same thing last year and it wasn't too bad.


u/ErrorlessQuaak 25d ago

The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season was the fourth-most active Atlantic hurricane season on record. Despite being an El Nino year. Lets hope our luck holds this year


u/Shitty_UnidanX 25d ago

El Niño causes cross winds that actually prevents hurricane formation. That’s why it was only the fourth-most active Atlantic hurricane season on record. This year should be record El Niño level water temperatures plus a transition to La Niña mid-hurricane season which will allow hurricanes to form easily.


u/Army165 25d ago

The water temps are significantly higher than they have been in any other year. We are seeing water temps now that are usually seen in August. We are also back to La Nina this year, which should lead to an increase of storms for us as well. It will be an interesting hurricane season for sure.


u/mimdrs 23d ago

Do russian ships have ac


u/Charybdis150 25d ago

Oh man, a hurricane coming in and sinking the Russian ships kamikaze style would be the final confirmation we’re all living in a simulation.


u/tatorene37 26d ago

It’s hot as shit this time of year. June-August are probably the worst times to visit with how humid it is. It’s 85-90 with like 75% humidity right now


u/magicone2571 26d ago

It is horrible... I'm in the west indies and it just never ends. 24/7 90 and 75%+ humidity.


u/OffensiveBiatch 26d ago

The Russian warships must have ice cold AC and dehumidifiers to deal with that DA ? They are state of art nyet ?

I'd rather serve on an air conditioned Russian ship than pay $1000 a month in electricity in TX.

Ohhhhh and screw you here is your /s


u/Wolfram1914 25d ago

A Russian fleet sailing to Cuba in the summer is like any other army attacking Russia in the winter.


u/tatorene37 25d ago

More like attacking Finland in the winter


u/nopersonality85 25d ago

So not as bad as DC?


u/tatorene37 25d ago

Not even close. I spent a summer in DC, but grew up in Miami (closest comparison to Havana I can personally attest to). It’s way stronger than DC


u/north_by_nw_to 26d ago

“And when we are finished, the only sound they will hear is our laughter while we sail to Havana, where the sun is warm and so is the comradeship.”


u/hurtfulproduct 26d ago

lol, as a Floridian I can say it’s gonna melt these damn Ruzzians


u/karl4319 26d ago

Just looked at the forcast. Rain, thunderstorms, and more rain. Going to be humid and hot. Any bets on fleet becoming stuck do to too much heat stroke?