r/wholesome 5d ago

She got to be a disney princess for a bit šŸ„¹

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u/Steeljaw72 5d ago

Must have been hot outside. They wanted the salt form your sweat.


u/Crystal_Voiden 5d ago

They crave the minerals


u/erix84 5d ago



u/VaultGuy1995 4d ago

It's what birds crave


u/cino66 5d ago



u/Muladhara86 5d ago

Is it a ā€œfeet cleaning fishā€ situation where they starve the performers to force them to act?


u/Steeljaw72 5d ago

lol, probably not. Salt is tasty. She tastes like salt.

Doubt they are intentionally removing salt from the birds diet to get them to do this.


u/Cerisayashi 5d ago

Youā€™ve been accepted into the bird community šŸ˜Š


u/What_the_mocha 5d ago

I love how they perched on the glasses.


u/somesthetic 5d ago

They're grooming her


u/yourwhippingboy 5d ago

Homer, thereā€™s a bird on your head!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I'm told reddit doesn't like that


u/HASN0FILTER 5d ago

I guess Alfred Hitchcock film was kind of right. Might take a few months but those things will nibble that person down to the bone!


u/nothingbeast 5d ago

Years ago I went to a zoo that had a lorikeet encounter. A big, netted area where the birds were free to fly, perch, eat... and guests could walk through.

Signs everywhere said "Birds may land on you, but please do not touch them." Fair enough, they warned me.

Those birds spent the next half hour all over my head and shoulders. Got some fantastic pics of me and the wife. But when it was time to move on, they could NOT be removed.

I leaned over to the perches and food to try and entice them to get off, but they were always replaced if they left at all. I raised my hand to "shoo" them off, but not to touch.

The zoo employee inside the exhibit just gave a tepid "please don't touch the birds."

I replied "Hey man, I'm totally open to any suggestions on how to get them off of me so we can leave," but, apparently, that was the extent of his job, because he didn't do anything else.


u/Sharkbait93 5d ago

He did his job so youā€™re free to brush them off imo. From my experience of owning one of these persistent grooming bastards stroke towards their legs and theyā€™ll step up and then just yeet them like a frisbee.


u/nothingbeast 5d ago

Heh... If it was later in the day I probably would've been a bit more hands on.

But we had JUST gotten into the zoo and this was basically the first real thing we did.

I didn't want something that silly to be the reason my day came to an end before it started!

Kicked out for bird touching! šŸ˜„


u/Sharkbait93 5d ago

Iā€™m telling you. These birds are the most persistent arrogant grooming bastards known to man. Mine would pluck at my weak stubble whilst Iā€™m playing games and Iā€™d just grab him and put him by his seeds and water on my desk and NOPE homie back collecting my hairs for a nest. Absolute menace but damn I miss him


u/ladydhawaii 4d ago

Like a frisbeeā€¦ hilarious.

I once had a domestic parrot land in my yard- I fed him and looked for the owner. Thinking he would safer at my home for the night - I kept him where the dog slept.
Released him the following day. At night came back to my house. I continued to search for the owner- after a couple months of caring for him at night, the bird became very demanding- if I didnā€™t come home by a certain time- he would attack me. And eventually kicked out my dog from his sleeping area.
I found a nice person who would care for him. But some bird can be grouchy.


u/Sikkus 5d ago

In bird culture, you are considered a good bird.


u/DrDankMemesS 5d ago

Damn, that is one salty ass bitch

-the birds


u/Homi_ProGamer 5d ago

Beware the bird lady.


u/krabbekorn 4d ago

The mortal enemy of the cat lady.


u/psychotic_rodent 5d ago

Free exfoliation šŸ¤£


u/Q8DD33C7J8 5d ago

It's most likely your body wash. You probably use a fruit smelling bw and they thought you were a fruit tree.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/_bully-hunter_ 5d ago

this place looks identical to a budgie aviary that I visited at the Virginia Safari Park; they also have a drive-thru safari with tons of animals you can feed as youā€™re going along and other cool encounters


u/MeFinally 4d ago

Interesting because I was thinking it looked like the one in bush gardens which is also in virginia


u/_bully-hunter_ 4d ago

ahhh itā€™s very possible, i donā€™t remember trees being over/next to the one at the safari park so you may be right but I havenā€™t been to busch gardens in so long that I didnā€™t even know/remember that they had one lol


u/Commercial-Housing23 5d ago

You're now a Disney princess āœØļø


u/TopCheesecakeGirl 5d ago

Next time, donā€™t wipe birdseed on your face before going!


u/atomictonic11 5d ago

Lmao she must sweat a lot


u/naturalmanofgolf 5d ago

Sheā€™s just so nutty


u/carldubs 4d ago

i mean, they're eating her skin, right?


u/Koomaster 4d ago

Iā€™ve been in one of these bird enclosures and was swarmed by birds landing all over me. My family was very entertained. Me less so. Those things pecking at you hurt! They will draw blood!


u/Grand-Ad-3177 5d ago

Soooo adorable!!ā¤ļø


u/KeyNefariousness6848 5d ago

Keets! Keets everywhere.


u/Safetosay333 5d ago

Pulling out the stray hairs


u/nothowyoupronounceit 5d ago

Meanwhile my parrotlet hates my guts and will only sit on my finger for millet. Even hired a bird trainer to try to help and she told me ā€œyour bird will never love youā€. Lifeā€™s not fair!


u/Bubbly_Celebration_3 5d ago

But did they do her chores?šŸ§ If soā€¦I must find this place


u/Used_Stable_4483 5d ago

So adorable!! Living the bird dream, for sure.


u/TisCass 5d ago

She's getting a full grooming treatment! Our Budgies love grooming faces, our late boy Schnitty used to sit on my mic bit of the headset to groom me. He also plucked my left eyebrow the lil shit, usually while I was trying to game. One of our girls, Chippie, will nibble your face and loves when my husband let's her nom his hand, can't put seed in his hand, must be empty l9o


u/Writingtechlife 5d ago

Oh god, my father used to keep about 100 of the feathery little bastards in two large sheds in the garden. God I can still remember the smell of it 20 years later.

Every so often one would make a break for it when he had the cage door open and the fluttery shits would take ages to get caught and put back, that's if they didn't disappear out of the shed door that he had left open.


u/bob_rt 5d ago

when the budgies feast on your mites


u/Big_flipflop 5d ago

That is my dream


u/Winter2712 4d ago

All adorable and cute till one of them decides to taste piercing too


u/TSAxrayMachine 4d ago

my neck shrunk feeling ticklish just watching this


u/bluepushkin 4d ago

They're licking her. She probably has sweaty skin.


u/ELLZNaga21 4d ago

So I hear cats?


u/OrganizationOk5418 4d ago

Everyone had a budgie when I was growing up, nearly always called Joey for some reason.


u/Icy_Penalty_2718 4d ago

Eating those mites.


u/Nervous_Sky_ 4d ago

That would have creeped me out immensely.


u/Suspicious-Bit-1406 3d ago

What kind of face lotion did u use that morning lol


u/Sareya84 2d ago

Where is this place? šŸ˜šŸ„°


u/anonymoose_0427 2d ago

Fun fact not only is it the salt on your skin but it's a grooming thing. If parrots find their roommate or cagemate to be unclean they will groom themselves. That's all it is. They smelled the sweat, thought you to be unclean and wanted to clean you


u/dp1967 5d ago

Can she get bird flu šŸ˜·


u/memeaninatorus_94 5d ago

They kicking salt for electrolytes on her sweaty ass


u/Mohican83 5d ago

Birds can see small bugs and mites and smell weird smells. Probabaly think its a big ass bug or something