r/unitedkingdom Verified Media Outlet 5d ago

Keir Starmer says he doesn’t want schools teaching young people about transgender identities ...


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u/Smooth_Maul 5d ago

Yeah and the rest of the quote is saying because we don't know enough about it.

I'd rather my kids be taught about trans people by a professional and not someone with pre-existing biases filling their head with outdated information.


u/glasgowgeg 5d ago

Then the schools consult and work with professionals to devise a curriculum, same as they'd do with any other topic.


u/leaflace 5d ago

Which is what the consultation is for..


u/glasgowgeg 5d ago

Then there's no need for him to say “No, I’m not in favour of ideology being taught in our schools on gender”.

You only need to say you're working with professionals to devise a curriculum.


u/leaflace 5d ago

If you understood that gender ideology is a right wing term to denigrate transgender people you would.


u/glasgowgeg 5d ago

I understand that, and his use of it is because he's opposed to it entirely, which is what I'm saying.


u/leaflace 5d ago

I give up. Enjoy the rage bait.


u/glasgowgeg 5d ago

It's not rage bait, it's reporting that Starmer is transphobic, something he's repeatedly affirmed by engaging in anti-trans culture war nonsense on the side of the bigots.