r/unitedkingdom Verified Media Outlet 5d ago

Keir Starmer says he doesn’t want schools teaching young people about transgender identities ...


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u/InbredBog 5d ago

It gets clicks and engagement, that’s about it, if people became more involved in the things they think are important to them rather than being hooked on rage bait the algorithms would self correct.

We are too stupid for that unfortunately.


u/___a1b1 5d ago

This very article demonstrates that.

Starmers actual comments (found in the article) don't match the headline. Despite Pink News being known for posting bullshit, it's got hundreds rage posting on this sub today.


u/Plugged_in_Baby 5d ago

Had to scroll way too far down to find this comment. What he actually said is that he doesn’t want things to be taught “in an ideological way”. Which should be uncontroversial, but here we go.


u/___a1b1 5d ago

Pink news thrives on rage bait and their audience absolutely loves it. They love this notion of persecution and politicians out to get their team.


u/Plugged_in_Baby 5d ago

Sadly I think you’re very right.


u/starscream_nz 5d ago

Anecdotally I went on a date with a "journalist" from Pink News several years ago. Never had someone so negative and determined to be miserable on a date before. There wasn't a second, hah.


u/___a1b1 4d ago

Did you make it into an article proclaiming doom, prejudice and phobia in the dating scene?


u/starscream_nz 4d ago

Haha, probably! I didn't have the motivation to endure more of his misery so didn't bother to check.


u/OwlsParliament 5d ago

"in an idealogical way" is meaningless though. To some people just mentioning it is idealogical.


u/Kotanan 5d ago

And that’s the way Harmer is referring to.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Kotanan 4d ago

Transgender people. He doesn’t want transgender people talked about.


u/crh23 5d ago

Disagree - it's a pretty common tactic for the right wing to discredit anything the don't like (gay relationships, trans people, etc.) as "ideology", so this could easily be a pretext to a significant restriction on how children can be taught about gender and sexuality.


u/indoubitabley 5d ago edited 5d ago

“I think we need to complete the consultation process and make sure that there is guidance that is age appropriate".

“That is helpful for teachers and has at its heart the safeguarding of children.”

"Also, I don't care if Dumbledore was packing a cock like a toddler holding an apple, or he had a minge like a badly packed kebab, it's all fun in the dark baby"

If pinknews can make up a quote from the article they published, then so can I, guess which one is mine!


u/ArtBedHome 5d ago edited 5d ago

Honestly, I would disagree, as all the people who are against homosexuality, transgenderism, different gender presentations, saying "ideologically" just makes it sound better.

An ideology doesnt mean "to convince someone". Ideology just means "coherent ideas that make sense". There exists no knowledge that doesnt require an ideology to understand it.

What the words Starmer said actually mean is "i dont think anyone should teach that being transgender exists in a way that makes sense".


u/___a1b1 5d ago

Except that's not what it means. History is littered with nonsense ideology.

Now please acknowledge that the headline doesn't match the article.


u/ArtBedHome 5d ago edited 5d ago

That is what "ideology" means. Any system of thought at all is an ideology. That is why we say "history is littered with ideologies". It doesnt mean "history is littered with people teaching each other things", it means history is littered with groups/structures of ideas. You might not like it or use it like that yourself but that is what the word means.


u/___a1b1 4d ago

Please address my point.


u/ArtBedHome 4d ago

But we have been adressing your point.

Thats what the whole point about the meaning of Ideology is in this case. YOU YOURSELF said that "history is littered with nonsense ideology", implying that Kiers placing of transgend people is as dealing with a nonsense ideology, from which it follows on that "telling children that transgender people exist" shouldnt be taught in schools if you do in fact beleive that "the existence of transgender people" is a nonsense ideology.

IE: Kier Starmars use of the phrase "ideology" doesnt meaningfully change the content of the sentance he said, its just a buzzword to make it sound okay to attack smaller groups, same as "woke" or "pc" or anything else.

I adressed your point, I can only assume you just dont like that I did and still dont agree. Or you didnt notice. I leave it up to you to pick which.


u/___a1b1 4d ago

My point was about the headline not matching the article.

You and nearly every other poster here is reduced to ranting because you didn't even even read the article. You've gone for the dopamine hit of rage over something that wasn't even said by a site notorious for posting absolute bullshit clickbait.