r/thebulwark Apr 14 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Is John Sununu actually stupid?


Here's an intefview he did with George Stephanopolous today:


STEPHANOPOULOS: Will your support for Trump continue even if he's convicted?

CHRIS SUNUNU: Yeah. This has been going on for more than a year and his poll numbers never go down.

S: But you're going to politics. I'm asking about right and wrong.

CS: This is about politics.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But I'm asking whether you're going to be swayed by a conviction

SUNUNU: Nobody should be shocked that the Republican governor is supporting the Republican president

STEPHANOPOULOS: Please explain given the fact you believe Trump contributed to an insurrection how you can say we should have him back in the Oval Office

SUNUNU: For me, it's not about him as much as it is having a GOP administration

S: But he will be the president! That doesn't make any sense to me. You believe that a president who contributed to an insurrection should be president again?

SUNUNU: As does 51 percent of America, George

STEPHANOPOULOS: Just to sum up. You support Trump for president even if he's convicted in the classified documents case. You support him for president even though you believe he contributed to an insurrection. You support him for president even though you believe he's lying about the last election. You support him for president even if he's convicted in the Manhattan case. I just want to say, the answer to that is yes, correct?

SUNUNU: Yeah. Me and 51 percent of America.

S: Governor, thanks for your time this morning.

r/thebulwark May 27 '24

Non-Bulwark Source It can only be a tragedy or mistake so many times


“Israel PM Netanayhu say strike which killed scores of displaced Palestinians in Rafah was a “tragic mishap” from another BBC article.

At what point is it no longer an accident that dozens of women and children are killed routinely? When is the cruelty the point? We can say that Hamas shouldn’t be in the civilian population (which they shouldn’t), but if you want to say you are the most moral army in the world and the good guys; shouldn’t you be held to a higher standard?

r/thebulwark Feb 16 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Ezra Klein - Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden


Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden

In this episode of his podcast, Ezra pushed back on all the arguments Democrats are making to downplay Biden's age and says he needs to step down from running again. Transcript at the link if you prefer to read than to listen. His focus is on Biden as a candidate, not as president. He says that Biden isn't up to this and that a lot of people are making arguments that are really disconnected from reality because they believe that there's no other option at this point. He argues for choosing the nominee at the convention--and says he will do a longer episode on how an open convention would work. He does also address "The Kamala Harris problem"--he thinks she's underrated but also doesn't think it would rip the party apart up not choose her, if she can't persuade delegates to vote for her.

Curious to hear how people who have objected to Bill and A.B. making this argument feel about hearing it from Ezra Klein. I found the former two persuasive on Monday's pod. I agree that Biden wasn't up to this, BUT I still found it hard to feel optimistic about the results of an unknown alternative. But Ezra paints an exciting picture of how an open convention could work, and how much energy and attention would be on the party and all its talent in the run-up. He also imagines a future where Biden loses and all the tell-all books about the campaign are full of messages from his staff privately saying he can't do this and will lose, while pretending publicly that everything is fine.

r/thebulwark Apr 29 '24

Non-Bulwark Source The Storm Brewing in Michigan


This is a grim read.

“I’m happy to take several steps back if that’s what it takes to take a step forward.”

Just an absolutely wild thing to say.

Maybe it’s because I live in New York where agitation over the war is extremely high, but I know a lot of people who are down on Biden and the Democrats because of it. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m becoming increasingly pessimistic about this election. Is 7 am too early for a drink?

r/thebulwark Jun 02 '24

Non-Bulwark Source ‘I Didn’t Say Lock Her Up’: Trump Distances Himself From Call to Jail Clinton (Are you F-ing kidding me?)


George Orwell really undersold 1984.

r/thebulwark 24d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Trump demands Biden remove ad of him calling dead soldiers suckers and losers


I got this from the r/politics sub. Do watch the embedded Biden ad.

r/thebulwark May 26 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Ken Burns goes there


r/thebulwark 26d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Republican nominee for the U.S. senate explains why his campaign spent money at a strip club

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r/thebulwark May 08 '24

Non-Bulwark Source This explains alot


Rfk brain worm

r/thebulwark 4d ago

Non-Bulwark Source 538's Sub Favors Gov. Whitmer As Replacement [So Far]

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r/thebulwark 28d ago

Non-Bulwark Source If Biden Wins, He Needs To Impeach Clarence Thomas (Alito Too)

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r/thebulwark May 04 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Should Muslims Vote For Joe Biden? The Mehdi Hasan Debate


r/thebulwark 16d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Trump Is Now Openly Threatening CEOs Who Don’t Support Him


r/thebulwark Apr 19 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Israeli missile hits Iran, U.S. officials confirm


F you, Israel. You did not have a single death from Iran's attack on you AFAIK and they said the matter was concluded. Why couldn't you JUST TAKE THE WIN?!?

At this point I just think Bibi is just trying to create endless war so he can't get booted from office and have to face consequences for his corruption. Ugh.

This sucks. Cut all funding until Israel stops building in the West Bank. I am tired of them putting a bullseye on the USA by constantly violating UN resolutions.

r/thebulwark May 24 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Biden's Leftist Critics Should Rethink "Strategic Leverage"


r/thebulwark 10d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Trump Ran Up National Debt Twice As Much As Biden


r/thebulwark 24d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Is there NO way to remove Aileen Cannon?!


I mean, JFC, she's as close to blowing Trump as humanly possible. She lays down roadblock after roadblock. Can't Jack Smith challenge any of this and get her tossed?


r/thebulwark May 25 '24

Non-Bulwark Source More Culture War Craziness

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I’ll link to a news story for more in the comments, but basically, the Nashville Metro Council denied a permit for a sign that didn’t meet codes to the owners of the Morgan Wallen-branded bar on Broadway (the main tourist strip). Apparently, this is reason enough for people to threaten rape and violence these days.

r/thebulwark 22d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Nevada Cty where trump won 82% of vote: 2020 election results contested, election clerk recall initiated


Gift link from the NYTimes An election clerk faces a recall for certifying the vote in a NV county which trump won by 82%. Some residents think he should have won by more.

r/thebulwark Feb 23 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Democratic Presidential Candidate Dean Phillips Says He’s Open to Being Nikki Haley’s Running Mate on a ‘Unity Ticket’


r/thebulwark Apr 25 '24

Non-Bulwark Source The Petty Feud Between the NYT and the White House

Thumbnail politico.com

r/thebulwark 22d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Southern Baptist Convention votes to oppose IVF


Take them at their word, it’s not about pro life. It’s about control.

r/thebulwark Feb 08 '24

Non-Bulwark Source OK. Because the Dems suck at politics, today's special counsel report, esp. where Biden's memory is concerned, is once again going to make age a SIGNIFICANT problem going forward because Rs are going to milk it for all it's (not) worth.


Do NOT put the "jokey" pix back here when "Biden is Old" becomes more prominent again.

Yes, smart critical thinkers understand "I don't remember" is a classic strategy when in court. But it was really bad for Reagan when he couldn't remember during Iran Contra. That part of the DoJ report is going to be a HUGE problem because it 100% plays into the "Biden is Old" feeling that exists in the country.

And if you're an honest broker here you know that the country votes mostly on "feels" and that the Republicans are better at dirty politics than the Dems, and this will ultimately do the most damage to the opinion of those right leaning independents who need to be convinced to either stay home or actually vote for Biden. It just got significantly more difficult today.

Oh, and you better believe this will lead No Labels (and Manchin and Hogan) to think that maybe it will be a good idea to have a 3rd choice on the ballot.

EDIT: From some of these early responses, it seems like NONE OF YOU listen to Sarah's Focus Group podcast. Shame on you!

EDIT 2: It seems JVL's Triad (2/9/24) agrees with me. I know I'm on the right side of the argument with JVL's support.

r/thebulwark Apr 05 '24

Non-Bulwark Source Isn't John Fetterman going a bit too far with his unwavering support of Israel? When even Tim & Sarah are expressing concerns with the way Bibi is fighting the war, Fetterman's stance here is extreme.

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r/thebulwark 5d ago

Non-Bulwark Source Kinzinger going on offense on CNN. More of this please.

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