r/southpark 4d ago

idea para un episodio Rabble Rabble Rabble

first of all I want to say that I translated this from deepL in case it sounds weird, so don't be surprised if the translation is unconventional.

the actresses from cap marvel, she hulk, miss marvel and america go to south park, where the theatrical act of tobey being raped by the black rapist francesca is presented,

the guys meet them, and they get pissed off because cap marvel is menstruating and offended as a woman on her period.

they leave because they get all goatty

and they come up with a plan to fuck up their lives.

talking about how they made fun of cap marvel being on her period, and destroying her reputation.

the women believe them and the men act like idiots with their wives to avoid trouble

and now half the world hates them

and butters gets punished by his parents for being friends with them.

doing the dishes for all of south park

then the teachers and women in general shit on their lives

and cartman plans to contact tobey about his experience with the black rapist.

the girls are still pissed off so they decide to put on their marvel super suits and go to attack them at the school's exit.

they hurt themselves and end up crying to say that they are being beaten up.

and butters is now in jail for being a friend of the protas.

during the fight the other girls hit the boys, kenny fights back, they fight and he shows what a slum boy can teach gender equality.

in the end he escapes and the boys, except for Kenny who is on the run, go to jail.

but cartman informs them that he was able to contact tobey to tell them how he got along with the black woman.

and they discover thanks to a chat between the guards that they will be taken to a women's prison to "get their comeuppance''.

then Kenny arrives, digs a hole and everyone escapes except Butters, who is now taken to the women's prison.

then the guys arrive at tobey's place to do a live podcast, where he confesses that the black woman raped him several times, and that she beat him during her period just because

and that he did nothing because she was hiding behind racism.

this reaches the ears of a neighboring town that is very conservative, and they go to protect tobey and the kids.

the boys go to the town thanks to a contact of kenny's while he was on the lam.

but in that moment the women of south park close the way, kenny is going to fight but stan's sister comes and backs down because she can kill him with one blow, and she even threatens that she is angry because she is on her period.

and they threaten to kill tobey for being a liar and a racist.

at that moment the men of the town come to try to defend them but since the women are on their periods they are filled with fear.

and the supers come to make things worse, and they call the inmates of the women's prison to help them.

they come like crazy while they are menstruating (I think I already burned the joke more than the black rapist)

and they are going to finish off the boys, until the men from the other town arrive, who are not so easily intimidated but don't get killed because they are women.

until one of the inmates comes in with butters as purple as a grape, and threatens to make them all end up like that.

then in a last-ditch effort butters stands up, pulls down his pants

pulls down his pants and shows his mega dick

the girl knocks him out with a kick, admits to being trans and says that she had that surgery before she became a woman.

and cuts it off to say she's on her period

then the guys from the other town go and fight with all the women except the ones from south park

because they recoil when they see that they are mothering the supers

and the men defend them so they don't get hitten

in the end the guys end up being half liked by everyone thanks to the news that they defended abutters from a trans rape.

and stan's wendy thanks him for saving her from the trans superheroines.

and the episode ends when stan and kyle go to the movie theater to see what's on

but since there's only supers overcoming, "south park machismo" experiences and menstruation stuff they say there's just pure bullshit.

how are you? i apologize if my jokes offended the female audience.


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