r/southpark 2d ago

"My mom says if you want to become a lesbian you have to lick carpet." S01E11 - Tom's rhinoplasty Other

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I just love how innocent & naive the boys are in the early seasons.


8 comments sorted by


u/itsmyfirsttimegoeasy 2d ago

Today there is no carpet, it's all bare floor.


u/mczerniewski 2d ago

This is a bunch of crap! I've been licking this carpet for 3 hours and I still don't feel like a lesbian!


u/Foreskin_Ad9356 jethus chrithst 2d ago

Can confirm


u/Complete-Morning-429 2d ago

Because of this episode, I forever link bikes to sandals to lesbians


u/Educational-Ad1285 2d ago

Just got to chow on this box


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u/Ho3Go3lin 1d ago

What could father Maxi put in our butts hmm 🤔