r/southpark 4d ago

Which one do you prefer more Rabble Rabble Rabble

I wish they made more movies

Wake up bitch your my new best friend

Do we get to go to the mall

I hope you're happy in the life you have chosen

Don't quote Dickens in my apartment


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u/redzass1 4d ago

Making fun of themselves is why they're still going so strong


u/Effelljay 4d ago

It’s the ultimate secret of comedy. Poor Chef didn’t get that.


u/irit8in 4d ago

Chef had health problems scientology didn't let him


u/Smooth-Lengthiness57 4d ago

Apparently they let him, but when he was unable to make decisions for himself they stepped in and made the decisions for him. Including financial


u/irit8in 4d ago

Thats what I was referring too


u/Smooth-Lengthiness57 3d ago

So despicable

But also, realizing now I misread your first comment and said the same thing


u/irit8in 3d ago

All good mine was quickly typed poorly formatted and worded shifty. Like this one! Cheers mate on a good interaction and on reddit of all places


u/Smooth-Lengthiness57 3d ago

Nah bro you're doing great. I just don't do reading and book learning to good

Cheers for the good reddit talk to you too


u/GingerlyRough Them britches don't stand a chance! 4d ago

It wasn't Chef's fault, it was that fruity little club for scrambling his brains.


u/EutawStreetBully 3d ago

I dont feel bad for anyone who travels to have sex with a chi


u/tdigyt 3d ago

I blame that fruity little club that scrambled his brain


u/Effelljay 3d ago

The sad thing is the hypocrisy. He was perfectly fine with ridiculing others but not his cult. Seems like a pattern with that group.

Trey & Matt parody all, including themselves, only true nut jobs don’t get the joke. Just get the joke man!


u/DontForgetYourPPE 4d ago

Going strong might be a bit of a stretch, it's been way down hill for a long time now. Since PC principal and shi tpat town, I don't know anyone who has kept watching regularly since then.


I honestly don't even know how to watch it any more? Is it still on comedy central? I haven't had cable tv in 15 years


u/Important_Coyote4970 4d ago

You’ve missed out. It’s got better.


u/Therealdevcat 4d ago

Me, I'm still watching it regularly. I actually leave it playing 24/7 and sleep with it playing.


u/CandyFlippin4Life 3d ago

Always sunny for me, but South Park is heavy in rotation.


u/Therealdevcat 2d ago

I also do Always Sunny, but only for a little while when I'm tired of South Park.


u/EutawStreetBully 3d ago

Lol omg i do the same thing


u/1trashhouse Casa Bonita 4d ago

still better than pretty much any comedy currently on tv


u/DaddiesxCummies 3d ago

Some of the PC seasons got weird, but the past two have been real fun. Somewhat reminiscent of early irreverent episodes