r/southpark Jan 21 '24

I didn’t want to come to terms with this but Randy is right Meme

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271 comments sorted by


u/Here2Derp Jan 21 '24

I don't smoke and I still ended up not good at anything


u/TheApathyParty3 Jan 21 '24

I know plenty of people that don't smoke and still end up as abject failures.

The world just kind of sucks.


u/The_Outcast4 Jan 21 '24

The world is fine. Most people just kind of suck.


u/neechantrina Jan 21 '24

I couldn't disagree more about the world being fine lol


u/Lost_All_Senses Jan 21 '24

He means the world is fine because it's getting closer to getting rid of us and we're the biggest harm to it. So, don't worry, the world will be fine.


u/Physical-Director568 Jan 21 '24

Well people kind of are the world considering they are the top of the food chain and make all the decisions that run the world lol


u/Shaolinchipmonk Jan 21 '24

We make the decisions that runs society, that's all. We like to think we run the world, but nature always proves us wrong.


u/Physical-Director568 Jan 21 '24

Well in the long run, I guess. But humans are altering the course of nature with the environmental decisions we make or lack thereof. We certainly influence the course nature is taking, but exactly how we are altering it, is up for discussion or really kind of unknown. But society is the world. If we all weren't here running things in the society weve created, there would still be an Earth but not any consciousness about its existence. So the point would be moot. Like if a tree fell in the forest and nobody heard it, did it make a sound? If an Earth existed with no self-aware beings on it, does it really even exist? Nobody would know.


u/Scorpion667 Jan 24 '24

But existence isn't dependant on us experiencing it. To assume the tree didn't make a sound is to believe all time, physics etc cease to operate simply because they're outside of your peripherals. It's like those idiots on twitter that say "i've known more people survive from cancer than die from it therefore it can't be that bad"

The world still exists outside the tiny bubble of your own senses. Society is not the world, society is just a part of it.

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u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

The world created us and continues to influence who we become, and we contribute to making it what it is - it's an endless feedback loop which leads us to the inescapable conclusion that we and the world are one. We suck because the world sucks because we suck.... Etc.

Despite the illusion of progress and evolution... The more things change the more they stay the same. Everything has always been prone to eating everything else alive, from celestial bodies to microbes to complex lifeforms, the very laws of physics compel us to destroy and be destroyed. The evolved trait of compassion isn't an exception or evidence to the contrary, it is simply a defense mechanism like any other, and a good defense is the best offense. Compassion ultimately makes us more monstrous, not less - because now our very nature is obfuscated even from ourselves.

We'd have to change the very parameters of the big bang for it to be any other way. And yet, even if had the ability to do so, we probably would end up creating the same hell that spawned us all over again. We'd just try to make it more "compassionate" and in doing so we'd make it even more infernal.


u/bthornsy Jan 21 '24

A well made point sir, but this is a Wendy’s.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

I'll have a baconator with large Dr pepper and curly fries pls. With an extra large side of existential dread.


u/SmokyMcPots420 Jan 21 '24

That'll be $12.95 plus tax.

Edit: The existential dread is free. Sauces still cost extra.

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u/BeefJacker420 Jan 22 '24

We live in 2023. There are over 8 billion people on this planet. We should have space for people who aren't special.

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u/A1sauc3d Jan 21 '24 edited Jan 21 '24

I was gonna say, I hate to break it to you but that has nothing to do with the pot OP 😂

On the flip side, plenty of people smoked pot when they were younger and got VERY good at their area of expertise.

Natural drive and talent are gonna go a long way. But yeah weed does have a tendency to turn some people into permanent couch potatoes, and those people should probably steer clear or use sparingly. It’s all about knowing how things effect you personally and exercising the self restraint to act accordingly, not about making blanket rules about substances like “if you do X you’ll never do Y and Z”


u/Editthefunout Jan 21 '24

Op is 20 and gen z is revitalizing the refer madness.


u/pileofcrustycumsocs Jan 21 '24

Satanic panic seems to be making a comeback to for whatever reason


u/Physical-Director568 Jan 21 '24

He must be back with Saddam again 🙄. Never ends well

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u/Frenchy-__- Jan 21 '24

I was gonna comment the same thing😪


u/Anonymuscle_90 Jan 21 '24

You seem good at being humble?


u/Here2Derp Jan 21 '24

It's what makes me great.


u/Anonymuscle_90 Jan 21 '24

All jokes aside… maintain that energy my friend, you are great. More often than not we place unrealistic expectations on ourselves paired with comparing our lives to others.


u/Affectionate-Dig1981 Jan 21 '24

We have too many things to kill boredom besides pot nowadays.


u/Material-Leader4635 Jan 21 '24

Talking bout bath salts amirite?


u/BlackCherrySeltzer4U Jan 21 '24

Life’s little ironies, amirite?


u/GahdDangitBobby Jan 21 '24

To be truly exceptional at something you usually have to start very young. So at a certain point it's out of your control; don't feel too bad about it


u/beasleydawg Jan 21 '24

Your comment made me feel better about myself. Thank you masked hero.


u/tikkytokky01 Jan 21 '24

In this case, Thank God I at least smoke pot, I am good at smoking pot.


u/balance_n_act Jan 22 '24

Came here to say this. However, smoking sometimes gives me a boost of motivation that I need to be creative or active. I’m still glad I didn’t really start smoking until my 20s tho. I like having that part of my life that was just sober me


u/infectedhobo Jan 21 '24

This was the thought that drove me to smoke and become good at a few things atleast, so much fear I had no choice.


u/Ultrasound700 Jan 21 '24

You watched South Park, which has similar results.

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u/SharpenedShovel Jan 21 '24

This is the speech we should have got as kids. Instead, a cop came to school and told us they saw someone on weed "commando crawl down the street, the road scraping the skin off their forearms, and they didn't even realize, they were so high". At that point, you don't believe anything they tell you.


u/megaben20 Jan 21 '24

Considering weed is only illegal because the guy who ran prohibition didn’t want to loose his job. The war on drugs was invented by Nixon to punish political enemies, African Americans, and minority groups. Not even talking about the general issues as society that are drivers for drug addiction doctors prescribing addictive painkillers, boredom, stress, depression, and the list goes on. We as a society just don’t know how to handle drug addiction.


u/Xikkiwikk Jan 21 '24

It was also invented to kill Japan’s rampant hemp and marijuana production.


u/thedude85 Jan 21 '24

Drugs are bad, mkay...


u/ScienceWasLove Jan 21 '24

Thankfully, it’s only illegal in the US.


u/TheApathyParty3 Jan 21 '24

We're working on that.


u/stevencr4z Jan 21 '24

At a crawl speed, with the skin scraping off of our forearms

In all seriousness our political system is so fucking slow to accomplish anything, especially with the polarized gridlock. Texas is a backwards shithole and I can’t wait to leave

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u/zyphilz Jan 21 '24

only legal in the U.S.


Red is illegal, blue is legal. Yellow is decriminalized and pink is illegal yet unenforced.


u/ScienceWasLove Jan 21 '24

I was being sarcastic. Responding to the guy who was acting like the US is the only country that criminalizes MJ because of some half-baked conspiracy.

When obviously others have done the same.

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u/CaptParadox Jan 27 '24

Speak for yourself I'm smoking legally in NY.

There are quite a few legal states now actually. I really feel like a lot of the people commenting here have no knowledge of cannabis.

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u/saggywitchtits Jan 21 '24

He only injected one marijuana bong.

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u/yrulaughing Jan 21 '24

That definitely wasn't the weed then. Surely the cop knew that.

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u/Lumos405 Jan 21 '24

Right. I remember DARE telling me it was going to killing you but they didn't tell you how like they did with tobacco. 10 year old me is like but "how does it kill someone." They didn't answer my question.


u/jaydimes10 Jan 21 '24

but when I smoke I get more motivated to learn new things, so it's complete bullshit

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u/E-money420 Jan 22 '24

Hey, you can't blame the cops. They just sometimes mix up marijuana with PCP. It's a pretty common mistake and so easy to confuse the two 🤷‍♂️😁


u/megaben20 Jan 21 '24

As much as I hate tegridy it disproves his whole point in this episode the man smoked pot when he was a kid he was in a boyband, a geologist, a weed farmer saved the the town and Colorado a couple times.


u/marvin69420 Jan 21 '24

This was from a earlier (2002 season 6) so I don’t think tegridy was a thought in the creators heads yet

Edit: I guess in the end he ended up disproving it


u/rabidmidget8804 Jan 21 '24

Don't forget how he microwaved his testicles to get cancer to get a medical marijuana license.


u/Vegetable_Log_3837 Jan 21 '24

Don’t worry Stan just trying to get a little cancer.


u/DerpisMalerpis Jan 21 '24


u/Vegetable_Log_3837 Jan 21 '24

Testicular cancer is fast and aggressive. Ohh this is good!


u/DiffuseWizard76 Jan 21 '24

But he did that before he could buy the weed. His perfect sober mind was still firing on all cylinders.


u/NomadCourier Jan 21 '24

"Make love to me Randy please!"


u/gdjfjusbshdrshdhdt Jan 21 '24

I think it sort of proves their point, that weed really isn’t that damaging and is only a problem when overused which is also supported by the tegridy farms arc

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u/Shelbysgirl Jan 21 '24

I don’t know what y’all are talking about. I bleed green and I’m absurdly productive and have lots of exciting things going on. I don’t think I’m special in this either. I hate this stereotype


u/Helpful-Antelope-678 Jan 21 '24

I know tons of people who don’t have any hobbies/interests besides smoking weed and consuming media. I think it’s definitely true for a lot of people


u/REC_updated Jan 21 '24

Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this was true for me and true for many


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

But it is also not true for many. Different strokes for different folks.


u/Jet_Jirohai Jan 21 '24

Not everyone that regularly drinks becomes a dependent alcoholic, but that doesn't mean there isn't a good reason for the stereotype


u/REC_updated Jan 21 '24

Yeah exactly, but original commenter is saying he doesn’t see it that way. That in his opinion those people who waste their lives smoking weed don’t exist and that it’s an inaccurate stereotype


u/Business-Drag52 Jan 21 '24

I mean I do smoke a lot and consume a lot of media. But I also have a full time job, I’m remodeling a 124 year old house, I cut and split my own wood for heat and for my smoker. I play several video games, magic the gathering and Catan with my friends. I go to the nearby theme park a dozen or more times a year. I play board games with my son. Plenty of people have very productive lives while smoking weed


u/CSCyrilatom Jan 21 '24

Sounds like you my friend, are a normal person/parent. Not to say youre a rarity but people tend to forget when you use something like weed, just make sure the world around you is straightened out first before you wanna just get lit and chill


u/DonCreech Jan 21 '24

So you're just a normal, productive person living life. Feel good about that.


u/SonOfEragon Jan 21 '24

I know people who don’t use drugs or alcohol and still do nothing productive

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u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

100% bud! I smoke daily and I'm extremely productive. Consistently learning new cooking recipes, learning to play a musical instrument, full time job, work our every day, and I even managed to get a physics degree.

Some people can't handle the green. Others can. We know what side of the coin we are on.


u/TemperatureTop246 Jan 21 '24

I can’t be productive while smoking. I get anxious and paranoid, and end up hiding in my bed and eating ice cream. I don’t do it anymore, but I’m not going to assume It does this to everyone


u/xChaaanx Jan 21 '24

You're being dishonest, or just plain ignorant, if you don't think this is a common enough occurrence to be stereotyped. You've never smoked and forgot something? You've never smoked and fell asleep an hour later? You've never spent money on weed that could have been used to clear debts or invest? There are stereotypes for a reason


u/Shelbysgirl Jan 21 '24

I’m not being either. The stereotype of the lazy stoner is frustrating to someone like me. I have many friends that do not fit this vision and I’m over people thinking this is the only way. I don’t need weed to be forgetful. I’m forgetful enough.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24


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u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

I wouldn't say that I am doing phenomenal, but I have majorly improved since going green! I have complex PTSD and I'm 3 years in recovery from an eating disorder. Marijuana helps me regulate my eating (I'm finally almost a healthy weight), and it has significantly decreased certain issues that come with PTSD.

By no stretch do I think marijuana is a cure, and I can sort of agree with this Randy-ism.. When I am in a depressed state, I think about this a lot. I think it really boils down to how responsible of a person you are anyway. If you're someone who already has traits of a lazy person, you will probably be a lazy person with or without the weed.


u/__zombie Jan 21 '24

It’s a good excuse. Like how people say quoting cigarettes are like the hardest thing, just an excuse to be less accountable for our own actions.


u/Mister_Rogers69 Jan 21 '24

Quitting smoking is so easy I’ve done it 4 times!

Seriously though, it’s not that hard to quit. It’s just a mental thing. Same is true with weed


u/SupaGasDrawls Jan 23 '24

I'm on day 10 no nicotine vape. Its been tough but i did it


u/vikingArchitect Jan 21 '24

I smoke daily and am a higly successful product designer, Father, husband, home owner, all which is running smoothly and progressing as it should. People need to quit blaming marijuana for peoples aversion to having intiative to participate in life. Its no different than having a beer. Its all up to the person individually to have self control

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u/AKBigHorn Jan 21 '24

No you kinda are. I have a few friends that are productive stoners, but I’ve known a lot more people that think they’re productive more than actually being productive. Advancing in video games isn’t being productive btw 😂 like other stereotypes, they’re there for a reason, even though exceptions are quite common.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24


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u/TheOvieShow Jan 21 '24

If by bleed green you mean smoke a lot, then you most definitely are special in this.

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u/Time-to-Dine Jan 21 '24

I think the point is that weed makes lazy untalented people, even more lazy and untalented.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

This is my viewpoint as a weed smoker myself. Weed doesn't make people lazy and untalented, but it definitely attracts lazy and untalented people, which lends to the stereotype.


u/Aroxis Jan 21 '24

“Hey guys my organization seems to attract racists but we actually not racist. It just leads to a stereotype since a certain racist demographic likes our organization”

  • KKK probably.


u/Time-to-Dine Jan 21 '24 edited Jan 21 '24

That’s pretty accurate. There was a news story where the KKK condemned Westboro Baptist Church for reinforcing negative stereotypes of white people. This has to be a very specific chapter of the KKK because they also said something like “We are not racists, we just want to assure the well being of white people” or something like that.


u/pileofcrustycumsocs Jan 21 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

There was a thing in the 60s and the 70s where the main branch of the KKK was trying to become a more official organization instead of just a bunch of white dudes burning lower case Ts for intolerance and murdering blacks. they started to rebrand in that direction of not being about hating blacks but wanting to make whites better, even going as far to ban any acts of violence and publicly said they would kick members who ignored that(they didn’t do that btw) but obviously because the KKK was just a bunch of white dudes burning crosses and murdering blacks the organization then split into several different sub groups because their members didn’t actually give a shit about being upstanding citizens or making the white race better. They just wanted to murder black peoples and spread hate.

You can see some of this in the film “the black klansmen” which is a movie based on a true story about a black cop who infiltrated the klan.


u/Independent-Panic994 Jan 21 '24

Woke kkk isnt real. It cant hurt you. Woke kkk isnt real. It cant hurt you. Woke kkk isnt real. It cant-



u/Leucopaxillus Jan 21 '24

Or you get high and dial in on what you want to do


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

This was great. I hate it when people act like pot is a cure-all for everything. For so many ailments, other things should be tried first. I also hate it when people aren't truthful with others about it, especially kids. You smoke pot while you're a kid and it can affect your brain development, lowering your IQ potential.


u/Theutates Jan 21 '24

Really should wait till you’re 25 to try weed. So far that’s the age where brain development doesn’t seem to be affected by weed usage.

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u/FlameyFlame Jan 21 '24

You can be good at things again but there’s a huge adjustment period.

When I started smoking weed every day I was 17 and probably did not become productive in a way that I could be proud of again till I was like 24.

I still smoke weed every day and I still love it but yeah the skillset I had as a kid faded away and I kinda did nothing for a long time, then had to carve out a new version of who I was later.


u/Iglorimok Jan 21 '24

Holy shit bro are we living the same life?


u/kaizabxll Jan 23 '24

Hey at least u have a higher appreciation for ur abilities


u/Sprizys Jan 21 '24

I don’t smoke pot and still know I’m not good at anything.


u/Steveseriesofnumbers Jan 21 '24

The problem, of course, is that you might still grow up to find that out even without the weed.


u/jfkbutfromclonehigh Southpark Fan Jan 21 '24

Very rich coming from you Dad


u/Ken2k31 Jan 21 '24

And that is where Randy is a hypocrite where he started a weed farm.


u/jaranda82 Jan 21 '24

Don't forget he gave himself cancer for medicinal use before tegridy


u/pileofcrustycumsocs Jan 21 '24

Randy was a geologist, he pretty much proves this isn’t the case lmao


u/thehighestdetective Jan 21 '24

You can do all of those things and smoke as much weed as you want.


u/Whatever7322 Jan 21 '24

Came here to say this. Weed can spark creativity


u/thehighestdetective Jan 21 '24

Not can more like will. Not to mention empathy.


u/Whatever7322 Jan 21 '24

Depends for me. Some days it makes me go YES LETS DO ART!!!! And other days it makes me eat 10 handfuls of Cheetos before I pass out on the couch

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u/catbom Jan 21 '24

I know alot of people want to act like weed doesn't create unproductive people but just because it didn't affect you that way doesn't mean it doesn't affect others and I've seen the effects of children who grew up smoking and friends who were quick and witty become unproductive and stay at homes when they started smoking pot regularly


u/vapemonster91 Jan 21 '24

Man I quit weed over a year ago and I feel so much better, never going back to that crap. Made me feel terrible.


u/Anonymuscle_90 Jan 21 '24

This hits home, especially after stopping 4 days ago due to the realisation I’m spending money to enjoy being bored when instead I could be spending money to enjoy not being bored lol


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

Hmmmm is that strictly true though? A lot of creative and talented persons partake, have done for years and have done alright for themselves.


u/Editthefunout Jan 21 '24

Most people you’d never be able to tell. Go to a busy dispensary and you’ll see every type of person there. Gen z is being brainwashed with refer madness again. And I bet they’ll be another hurdle we’ll have to get past in order to legalize it.


u/marvin69420 Jan 21 '24

No not really everyone is different I knew a hedge fund manager that owned Porsches houses etc. and could only perform his job high on heroin. It made him open up

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u/thjth Jan 21 '24

I feel seen but not in a positive way. Especially shitty when you no longer smoke but this could apply 🥲😅


u/OhDamnItsRickyBobby Southpark Fan Jan 21 '24

Listen if I got a huge paper to write and I need to focus.. a blunt will do


u/Iglorimok Jan 21 '24

Ur built different


u/OhDamnItsRickyBobby Southpark Fan Jan 21 '24

Weed does wonderful things for people with ADHD. Like if I want to clean and I mean really clean, smoke a blunt lmao, if my kids are stressing me out and im losing patience, blunt brings serenity and calmness and patience.Weed is just great for a lot of things and just needs to be legalized everywhere. Way better than drinking a fifth everyday and I was there when my mom passed unexpectedly. I can completely function and get shit done as a stoner. As an alcoholic I could not.


u/Iglorimok Jan 21 '24

I know some people like that. Me personally i can only start smoking after i did all my obligations for that day, because when im stoned that shit just doesnt get done. I dont wanna face anyone either when im high because i know i look like a zombie


u/OhDamnItsRickyBobby Southpark Fan Jan 21 '24

For me to get stoned where I can’t do anything I would have to smoke 4-5 blunts or goto Colorado or Missouri and get like those weed infused drinks and some edibles. Me and the wife went to Branson for a vacation without our kiddos for once and I got so stoned that I couldn’t walk straight, I think we smoked some flower with 35% thc and split a chocolate bar that was 500mg and then we both had one of those drinks and we were feeling pretty damn good for the rest of the day lmfao

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u/DaemonDrayke Jan 21 '24

I feel like this is a more impactful statement about why young people should not use marijuana or other recreational drugs than Mcgruff the crime dog or the half dozen half-baked anti drug ads.


u/Anonymuscle_90 Jan 21 '24

Weed will amplify a persons personality… if you’re generally lazy or unmotivated then weed will inevitably amplify those qualities… same goes for creative go getters. That’s why there’s so much discrepancy between pros/cons of weed.


u/HeySlimIJustDrankA5 Jan 22 '24

What if you’re an asshole?

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u/Editthefunout Jan 21 '24

Why is gen z so against people enjoying themselves?


u/NotAllBooksSmell Jan 21 '24

Its a safe drug, but it's still a drug, and I hate when people try to downplay that. Yes it's incredibly helpful in many ways, but it's also something that can be abused. We all know that people can smoke and be productive, many of us do it, but we also all know a burnout or two who turned it into their personality and just never matured into what they could have been


u/wagymaniac Jan 21 '24

The quote that exactly summarised why I wanted to quit.


u/waterbed87 Jan 21 '24

It's all about moderation.


u/Traditional-Aerie616 Jan 21 '24

To be fair I didn’t smoke until I was 23 and I smoked because I knew I wasn’t good at anything


u/The_Chiliboss Jan 21 '24

That’s why you should only smoke Tegridy.


u/Independent-Panic994 Jan 21 '24

Why is this thread so existential? I was expecting memes about tegridy and randy not taking his own advice. Not existential dread about how shotty the world is and how we're all left coping to get though the neverending pain of it all


u/hikerchick29 Jan 21 '24


I mean, I get really, really high, constantly, and I built this thing in 6 months. I guess what I’m trying to say is Eat Shit, Randy


u/cmnorthauthor Jan 21 '24

Imagine how quickly you could have built it without getting high!

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u/captain_trips91 Jan 24 '24

This definitely can be true. I can't relate however, weed is the only thing that actually helps me calm my mind down and focus(I have ADHD). I even smoke 20 to thirty minutes before I do my HIIT workouts or Yoga and don't ask me to intelligently explain it but weed's really helped with my mind/muscle connection and breathing. And don't get me started on smoking weed and playing guitar. I will admit that you have to master the technical ability before you can get stoned and actually sound good but once you do, man, you can really go some places. Different strokes for different folks is all I'm saying, you also have to have a healthy relationship with any substance you use regularly and some folks just can't have that with weed and I understand that.


u/AbsoluteScenes5 Jan 25 '24

Honestly I found alcohol was way worse for this than weed.

If I get stoned in the evening I am no good at anything for that evening and then feel absolutely fine the next day. If I get drunk I am no good at anything that evening and most of the next day in my hungover state too. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 days before I am back up to full energy after a heavy night of alcohol. Even once the hangover has lapsed I am just tired and generally mentally slower for a few days after getting drunk.


u/Versipellis_Anon Jan 21 '24

I wasn’t good at anything before and after weed


u/orphansarentfood Jan 21 '24

Lol my knowledge about marijuana is literally my livelyhood. I make a living selling marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia, fuck this stupid Boomer shit. The future is ours

And I assure you that if you're a lazy bum, it is not the marijuana's fault.


u/Kobayashi_Maru186 They mostly come at night… Mostly. Jan 21 '24

I’m not good at anything, but I’m great at doing nothing. So I’m cool with it. ;)


u/jkooc137 Jan 21 '24

I have a variety of skills but nobody wants to pay me to do any of them soooo... I'm gonna go load a bowl


u/blackmanta02 Jan 21 '24

Honestly depends on the person some people can be crazy productive while high and then other people weed makes them lazy af


u/batbobby82 Jan 21 '24

Hands down the most accurate "drug talk" on television.


u/RZA_Razorsharp Jan 21 '24

Well said Randy. Weed kills your dreams.


u/rurounick Jan 21 '24

Carl Sagan takes a hit

'The fuck is he talking about?'


u/10below8 Jan 21 '24

Reading this on 1 week clean from smoking is kinda fun


u/Drkknightcecil Jan 21 '24

I got great at guitar and gaming by using it to stay patient. Thats about all it helps.


u/Jeremy24Fan Jan 21 '24

Same thing could be said about addictive social media use


u/Remarkable-Tones Jan 21 '24

*If you smoke pot and your parents boot you to the streets

Nobody cares if you're homeless.


u/TheDarkAngel_2010 Jan 21 '24

Pretty sure Matt and Trey smoked Pot.


u/CarcosaDreams Jan 21 '24

Weed makes me creative. I feel more like myself.


u/EveatHORIZON Jan 21 '24

I smoke and I stuck to doing the same things over and over and turns out that's how you get good at things. That and cause I have tegrity...


u/Sstoop Jan 21 '24

i’m a producer and i’ve made some of my best music ever while stoned out of my mind but sometimes it makes me not wanna do anything and just sit down. it depends who you are and it depends what weed you’re smoking. unlike a lot of other drugs weed has different strains that effect you in different ways.


u/KHaskins77 Jan 21 '24

How many seasons has Randy been farming pot now?


u/TT_NaRa0 Jan 21 '24

It’s what you do with yourself after that matter


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

Meh, I smoke pot and I'm good at some stuff, and not good at others.


u/jerseygunz Jan 21 '24

Literally the only good anti-pot argument ever


u/TotallyRedditLeftist Jan 21 '24

Meanwhile, I can't continue writing my doctoral thesis on the impossibility of time travel without some THC lighting up my mind.


u/External-Client-4295 Jan 21 '24

Yup, this one and Satan's dopamine talk are spot on. Plus Abe Lincoln's speech about thinking you're hot and the shit and assuming people will just give you shit for your whole life. All good sociological/psychological insights that Matt and Trey have given us.


u/Psych-Blast Jan 21 '24

I've eaten it



Yeh this one hit a little too close to home for me


u/Festamus Jan 21 '24

I do more art when I smoke. Quality is the same, just more Gets done.


u/massivelyincompetent Jan 21 '24

I started smoking pot because I wasn’t good at anything


u/GamerJ47 Jan 21 '24

He said that when he had no tegridy


u/SharkMilk44 Jan 21 '24

Smoking pot and playing music is fuckin' great, though.


u/TheOne-Piece-is-Real Jan 21 '24

It’s 100% true. That’s why I want to stop smoking so much weed. Turns out, it’s pretty hard to stop. Ngl.


u/bloodvow333 Jan 21 '24

Weed has its place and that’s making sure people avoid getting on opioids. The rest is mostly just high school kids with nothing better to do.


u/New-Number-7810 Jan 21 '24

Back before Randy had Tegrity.


u/Anxious_Football6501 Jan 21 '24

It’s ironic because Randy starts a weed farm later on.


u/Melodic_Inflation_69 Jan 21 '24

Nahh just depends on the person. I only started smoking last year and haven’t been good at anything my whole life


u/awkwardjoe99 Jan 21 '24

leftist meme moment


u/Dolphins_bulls Jan 21 '24

I really wish he just would've said that in the first place


u/Haunting-Fix-9327 Jan 21 '24

Obama and Clinton smoked pot and they became awesome presidents. Carl Sagan smoked pot and he was one of the greatest scientific minds of the last century.


u/jjmandudebro Jan 21 '24

Same with social media use and such


u/GregEveryman Jan 21 '24

I didn’t smoke pot and I still aren’t good at anything… what now?


u/D_ponbsn Jan 21 '24

If you condensed everything I’ve done with my life into one day it would look pretty good- wait wrong show lol


u/Snake-Solid_n313 Jan 21 '24

I still smoke (with increasing moderation, I have come a very long way), and I have to say this is some of the best advice I think I’ve ever heard. I seriously don’t think anyone’s had a more balanced and honest approach to weed. Like it’s nice and all, but you aren’t gonna do much growing if you do it too much.


u/Sonofasonofashepard Jan 21 '24

Facts you really just shouldn’t become a full blown do-nothing pothead until you actually have your shit together in life. And even then you prob shouldn’t


u/MichaelMyersFan1993 Jan 22 '24

Yes that is a true statement doing marijuana is just stupid and very idiotic it’ll get ya into serious big trouble that could get you in trouble with like the police and hell at my school some of the weight training kids like to joke about being pedophiles and they never listen to me they just keep joking about it but hey if they get in trouble with the police not my problem, if they end up in jail for making jokes about serious subjects, not my fault


u/Travellerofinfinity Jan 22 '24

Try coming to terms with realising you aren’t good at anything and you never took pot so it wasn’t even a fun ride to the epiphany.


u/MesozOwen Jan 22 '24

What if I learn to get really good at smoking pot?


u/MossyMix Jan 22 '24

hey im good at smoking pot


u/laggincauseimswaggin Jan 22 '24

Same for drinking really…but I still enjoy it on occasion


u/Bluedemonfox Jan 22 '24

Oh the irony...


u/Free-Lifeguard1064 Jan 22 '24

This is very true, personal experience speaking


u/Ok-Meeting-5470 Jan 22 '24

“Pre-prohibition era” Randy 😂


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '24

ive learned so many life lessons from this show lol


u/Own_Zookeepergame_33 Jan 22 '24

I know plenty of people who smoke and it fuels their creativity. They are pretty well off so this doesn't apply to everyone.


u/TheRealOddityOnion Jan 22 '24

Even as a 14 year old who's gotten in the clouds, I agree


u/metallaholic Jan 22 '24

*takes a hit* Jamie pull up that video of the guy hitting the deer


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '24

Weed is a drug, and it affects people differently, for many reasons. Just for perspective, if you give ADHD meds to someone without the condition, it's a very different outcome to someone with the condition. Same with near all medication. It's not fully understood, but weed seems to affect people with autism in quite a positive way. Something to do with the cannabinoid system being overloaded by novelty in autistic people, and weed can potentially help regulate that. It's one of those things that's anecdotally noted but not fully researched yet. But I can attest to this being the case in my own experience, I'm autistic, I smoke, it helps me, but not all weed helps. Only sativa strains. I can be "couched" by some strains but if that happens, I avoid them. It's about getting the right medication for the issue and the right dosage. Any medication can be abused. If you do nothing and spend all your money on weed, then you have a problem you're hiding from through drug use and that's abusing not medicating. All that being said, I support complete legalisation for recreational use. It's not for the state to police what people put into there bodies. Also I don't really see anything wrong with people watching TV all day on the couch even if they don't smoke weed, let people chill, they don't need your judgement. 


u/D3adR0ses Jan 22 '24

High functioning stoners have entered the chat


u/babieswithrabies63 Jan 23 '24

Gross generalization. Don't take advice from a comedy show


u/sleepmoistly Jan 23 '24

I miss the old randy


u/anonsharksfan Jan 23 '24

I struggle with the expectation I put on myself that I need to be doing something at any given moment and that boredom or inactivity is a failure. Weed helps me enjoy downtime more without feeling like I'm doing something wrong by not doing anything


u/GanjaRelease Jan 23 '24

r/Leaves has entered the chat


u/ProfessorMonopoly Jan 24 '24

Lmao. I've always been referred to my friends as an active stoner lol. When I get backed I try to read to learn so much shit.


u/Tasty_Finance_5024 Jan 25 '24

Pot Heads are the worst. I love finding out they’ve been fired.