r/politics ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

I'm Janet Garrett, candidate for US Congress in OH-4. My opponent is Jim Jordan. His Freedom Caucus broke Washington and now he wants to be hired as Speaker of the House to fix it. Ask Me Anything! AMA-Finished

[edit] Thank you everyone, I’ve had a great time answering your questions! There are many more that I’d love to answer but I’ve got to get on the road. I'll check this out again when I get home tonight and try to answer some more! -- Janet


I'm Janet Garrett, candidate for US Congress in OH-4. I am a proud, lifelong Ohioan. I grew up here, raised a family, taught public school for 35 years and led my local union. I have a deep love and respect for this state and the people in it – and I know, after a lifetime of facing the same challenges as the people of this district, that I am ready to represent Ohio in Congress.

My opponent Jim Jordan and his Freedom Caucus broke Washington... and now he wants us to hire him to fix it. For someone who has difficulty compromising even within his own party, it's hard to imagine him leading the whole Congress and getting anything done. I've been at the negotiating table more times than I can count, and I am prepared to reach across the aisle to compromise and solve problems for the people of Ohio. Ask me anything!

Click here to read more about the race!

Click here to watch our new ad!

Click here to head to my campaign website!

Proof: https://twitter.com/Janet4OH/status/1022891995809894401


567 comments sorted by


u/katieames Jul 27 '18

With regards to Mr. Jordan's alleged complicity in the wrestling scandal, do you plan to directly confront him about it during any debates? Why/why not?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

I've been running against Jim Jordan for almost a year now. I take issue with many of his policy stances and much of his rhetoric. That was true for before the accusations came out and that holds true now. The people of this district want a substantive debate on the issues, and that is a debate I can win. OSU has a responsibility to investigate, this is very serious and can have long term detrimental effect on the victims. And Jim Jordan has a responsibility to cooperate with that investigation. But this is not why I am running against him.


u/supersirj Jul 27 '18

I applaud your principles of sticking to the issues, but this is why liberals lose. You're campaigning against a republican in a safe republican district, and republicans wouldn't hesitate to use this kind of allegation against a Democrat.


u/surfinfan21 Tennessee Jul 27 '18

Yup. She’s going to lose. I fight with my fellow Dems on this sub about this often. I was making fun of Gulliani today for marrying his cousin and somebody said this is why the republicans hate liberals.

No this is why liberals lose. Republicans are not bickering with each other over whether their rhetoric will offend anybody ESPECIALLY not whether it will offend democrats. It’s time we stop worrying about offending people too.

Gym Jordan covered up a fucking molestation scheme while assistant coach and is now lying about it. Ring him fucking dry with it and than keep ringing.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

I live a few miles from the 4th and I can say for certain Jim Jordan's participation in the perpetuation of sexual abuse is getting a shit ton of coverage. The apparent strategy is for outside groups to do the mud slinging while candidates keep to the issues. He's still getting hammered.

Stuff like this. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1725390/Video-Group-taunts-Jim-Jordan-air-banner-sex-abuse-scandal.html


u/zebrahippos Jul 28 '18

Oh hey the daily mail is an Ohio based paper now everyone!!!


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u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

Preduction: Jordon will be so involved in the Ohio State investigation and all the other Hoopla going in on Capitol Hill that he will distance himself from the concerns of the 4th district. New voters and independents keep this in mind, and consider Janet. Listen to both and compare instead of voting blindly for the R (being Jim Jordon, frankly Jordon reminds me of a spastic child).


u/supersirj Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18

Exactly! If I were running, I'd be trying to find out what kind porn my opponent watches or uncover their infidelity, etc. People don't really care about the issues as much as Democrats like to think.


u/surfinfan21 Tennessee Jul 27 '18

Damn straight. The real policy folks are voting democrat no matter what. We have to sway the people who politics doesn’t hold their attention. And you get those people by highlighting that the opponent perpetuates molestation. Too bad too because Gym Jordan is a huge piece of shit. I really was hoping he’d be facing a real challenger.


u/Tim_Brady12 Jul 28 '18

The stakes are too high to take the moral high ground because it makes us all feel better being POSITIVE.

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u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

Re: comments that 'this is why democrats lose' —

I appreciate the thoughts, but let me tell you why I disagree. The Democratic Party, in my lifetime, has always been the party of the working class. However, when they started taking money from Wall Street and started throwing political grenades that didn’t look all that different from what the other side was doing, they lost the confidence of the working class. Then on top of that, when they started to lose the working class, they consolidated resources into places we could win (Safe D districts and the coasts). And yes, they took for granted the working class in the midwest. I don’t believe that our hurdle this year is to embrace the politics of division and beat people like my opponent at their own game, it’s to reclaim our legitimacy as the party of the people — the party that will put people over politics. We can only do that if we have the right message (I think I do) and if we have the resources to get that message out (I'm well on my way).


u/shadoxalon Jul 28 '18

Being a better person just allows those worse than you to use underhanded means to get ahead. Instead of playing the subversive, secretive, lie-filled GOP scandal card, they've literally given Democrat Candidates actual evidence of evil. Not using it is akin to not taking a gun to a fist fight (knowing the other side will bring a gun regardless), and then saying "By my virtue in this battle I shall prevail against the firearm!"

It doesn't have to be a major part of your message, but to ignore it is to essentially lend credence to those that downplay/obfuscate it.


u/lds7zf Jul 28 '18

If this is what you think reclaiming our legitimacy is then the Democratic Party is doomed. This is so out of touch it’s painful. The game is rigged, your opponent is cheating, and you’re still talking about “people over politics.”

You don’t have to do one or the other, you can say two things at once, like: “We are the party of the working class, and also my opponent is a scumbag who doesn’t care about sexual assault victims.” We need people with the stomach to tell the truth. Any Democrat is better than that worthless piece of garbage, but if you don’t think that bringing up your opponent’s egregious failure of moral leadership, where he knowingly allowed his players to be molested, is relevant to the job of congressman then you need to quit politics. We are tired of hearing this crap while Republicans play by different rules, win, and ruin the country.


u/throwaway_circus Jul 28 '18

These problems won't be solved by politicians grandstanding and griping. Some politicians, like Adam Schiff have real seniority on critical committees. When he speaks out to the people and the press, it's because he has serious information to share and is directly involved.

Same with someone like Avenatti. Yes, he's a bulldog, but you hear from him because he can have a real impact, and is directly involved in legal issues. He wasn't tweeting at Trump every day until he was involved.

This candidate is saying in this AMA she will go to Congress and vote for the integrity of elections (a high priority), to protect a woman's right to choose, health care for all, funding to address the opiod crisis in her state, getting dark money out of politics, infrastructure funding....

And y'all are disappointed that she's not going to be mudslinging on Twitter instead??

Get serious. You want her to join the GOP on the front lawn, screaming at 2 a.m., and she's saying 'no way, I've got to get up in the morning, divorce his ass and get to work for my constituents.'


u/lds7zf Jul 28 '18

Actually the original question was if she would confront him directly in a debate. And she said no. So yea, I am disappointed she is another punching bag for the republicans and won’t fight back.

No one gives a shit how good her intentions are if she doesn’t win. And not bringing up his history of sweeping sexual assaults under the rug while in a leadership position is a guaranteed way to lose. She can’t do all of those things she wants to in Congress if she doesn’t win.

This isn’t even mud slinging, ffs, these allegations are all being corroborated. Stop being such a pansy

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u/African_Beast Jul 28 '18

Your plan is very honourable and I admire it but to be honest, we need you to be ruthless. Be ruthless not for yourself but the country. The stakes are too high. If it was any other election year, I would have applauded you but this year is different


u/wigletbill Jul 28 '18

Sorry Janet, you have one chance to win and that’s to call him out for being a scumbag.

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u/[deleted] Jul 29 '18


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u/OnlyOne_X_Chromosome Jul 28 '18

I live in the 4th district and couldn't not agree with this more. The chairman of the Seneca County Democratic Party is the caricature of a liberal snowflake. His Facebook is routinely full of rants about how a local noise ordinance is not enforced. Seriously, he is running Janet's campaign, and in the middle of a campaign against Jim Jordan, he is ranting about his neighbors and the loud motorcycles that drive by his house. Before this scandal broke I was embarrassed to be represented by Jordan because he is an intolerant, corrupt Trump boot licker. Now I get to be embarrassed because my hometown is about to re-elect the guy even after it was revealed that he enabled sexual abuse for decades.

Look on the bright side though, maybe the chairman of the Seneca County Democrats will finally get his neighbors to turn the music down. You know, the real issues.


u/IShouldLiveInPepper Jul 28 '18

Yep. Doug Jones is only an Alabama Senator today because Roy Moore was accused sexual stuff and Democrats went after him for it hard.


u/Old_and_moldy Jul 27 '18

Agreed. These midterms are a momentous fight and this is not the time to pull punches.


u/jherico Jul 27 '18

It's a fallacy to think that if Dems appropriated every dirty GOP tactic in the book that it would somehow even the playing field. If you normalize that behavior, the GOP will just keep one step ahead of you with something new and worse. They're the Kaiser Soze of political parties. "You just have to be willing to do what the other guy won't"


u/supersirj Jul 27 '18

It's an even bigger fallacy to think that Dems can win in safe republican districts by taking the high road.


u/quietpheasants Jul 27 '18

Unfortunately, that behavior has already been normalized. If Dems don't fling mud when given the opportunity those apolitical, low-info voters think they're chumps.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

Republicans would make it up! Dems won't even use the truth.

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u/thedabking123 Canada Jul 28 '18

I'm a foreigner so take my words with a grain of salt. It seems like Mrs. Garrett is in a tough spot with multiple conflicting moral, ethical, practical, and political directives

  1. She should avoid it because we need to be better than slinging mud

  2. She should because it reflects his moral character and it wins points

  3. Its an allegation and not absolute proof

  4. There are multiple witnesses/ victims, so less likely to be a hoax

  5. It sends a signal to Republicans to properly vet candidates if she calls him out

  6. Calling him out can backfire because she's probably being branded as a "leftist" woman according to conservatives, and conservative men could see this as an attack on one of their own

etc., etc.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18 edited Jul 28 '18

As a marketing communications professional and a former elected common councilman, I do not think Ms. Garrett should personally get involved in discussions over Mr. Jordan's alleged complicity in the wrestling scandal. It would be better for another political action group, the media and her volunteers to do it for her. I suspect Mr. Jordan is suddenly promoting himself as Speaker of the House in order to improve his chances of getting re-elected considering his troubles over the complicity issue. And his seeking the Speaker position can be used against him considering Jordan's disastrous and highly publicized attack on FBI agent Peter Strzok and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


u/datterberg Jul 29 '18

You are exactly right. Leave it to a foreigner to get American politics better than Americans. Then again, when has the stereotype ever been that Americans were a bunch of dumb fucking morons?

Politicians aren't making decisions in a vacuum. There are diverse pros and cons of everything they do. There are no simple answers, despite what the vast majority of Redditors and Americans believe.

Take this hypothetical which isn't really that hypothetical. A republican who personally believes climate change is real, serious, and needs to be addressed. But he's from a true red district/state. He can't say that would making himself really vulnerable to being primaried. And then who wins? Not the people. Because if he's primaried by someone willing to deny climate change as reality in a true red district/state, that's another climate change denier in Congress.

Oops. That did no one any good.

It's easy to rationalize it as being overall better to play the game, pander to your dumbfuck, inbred, redneck, hick, mostly white male constituency and say climate change is a Chinese hoax, get elected, and make small progress where you can, instead of losing to a true believer who's going to scream "drill baby drill" 24/7.

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

I respect your response and rationale but if the situation were reversed, Jim would weaponize the allegations and win. We need tough as nails to defeat an idiot like Jim.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

Please do. Tell him he's ignoring the attacks on our democracy in the same way he ignored the attacks of those students, and Ohio needs someone that can stand up and protect those getting victimized.

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u/sbFRESH Jul 28 '18

I appreciate your sticking to the issues. I hope you appreciate that the other side will not be doing the same.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

To quote a fellow redditor:

Gym Jordan covered up a fcking molestation scheme while assistant coach and is now lying about it. Ring him fcking dry with it and than keep ringing.

Seriously. This is not the time to play nice.


u/alexunderwater America Jul 28 '18

On top of that, OSU fandom is essentially a religion in OH-4.

This scandal is nearly the worst thing that could happen to Jordan in terms of popularity with his electorate, and she’s acting like it doesn’t exist.

Janet, be the great teacher we know you are and tell your district (myself included) that Jim’s negligence of those OSU students was unforgivable. And shows that he has no place in Congress.

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u/FireNexus Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18

You’re going to lose. The high road doesn’t work, and if you get a joule of momentum he’ll come down on you like a hammer. Get mean. You probably don’t beat a multi-term incumbent in a gerrymandered district, but the way you would is to air ads 24/7 with the victim telling detailed stories of Jim Jordan laughing them off, intercut with pictures of Jordan looking evil or stupid. Do you even politics, friend?


u/prim3y California Jul 27 '18

gerrymander (one word, no hyphen) or gerrymandered for the past tense.


u/FireNexus Jul 27 '18

That was a typo/autocorrect fail. I’m annoyed I didn’t catch it. Fixed.

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u/beckoning_cat Maryland Jul 27 '18

Gym Jordan, unable to protect children for 40 years and counting.


u/JohnDoses Kentucky Jul 28 '18

Holy Shit I'm probably late on the 'Gym Jordan', that is golden. Stolen!


u/alexunderwater America Jul 28 '18 edited Jul 29 '18

Please do. You are a long time teacher and advocate for students. You need to make that distinction between you and Jim well known in a district where students athletes and OSU in general are very very important to the electorate.

Your constituents don’t want to vote for someone who let OSU students continue to get molested. If you feel the same way, let your voters know that. Show OH-4 that you can stand up, be tough, and take shots at GOP when they are deserved (in the same vein as Rep Ted Lieu).


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

This is why you will lose. You need to attack these despicable human beings for their vile acts. Rs don’t care about issues besides guns and abortion.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

Janet.... you literally avoided the question of whether you will confront Jordan about his role enabling sex abuse. And this is why people don't like you politicians. Cannot a single one of you be open and honest?

You could just say "no." Or you could question the man about these atrocities he let slide.


u/dismayhurta California Jul 28 '18

Be smart and try to win. Stop losing like all Dems because it should “be about the issues.” It’s not. Americans need sound clips and easy to digest reasons to not vote for him.

Just stop with the “high ground” bullshit and win.


u/i3ritt Jul 27 '18

Hi Janet and voters, Please get rid of this guy. He is a doorknob. Thanks


u/katieames Jul 27 '18

Thank you for the reply, and best of luck on your campaign!


u/SeaMenCaptain America Jul 27 '18

Damn well said.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Feb 21 '19


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u/Contradiction11 Jul 28 '18

Not dirty enough. 2018 is gonna eat you up. Bring on the mud.

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u/DMM4140 Jul 28 '18

Ask him directly

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

Very curious to hear the answer on this one. On one hand, I understand the desire to keep the messaging positive, but on the other hand, fuck Gym Jordan.


u/katieames Jul 27 '18

I'm kind of torn on the issue. On the one hand, it could inadvertently politicize the victims and cause them further harm (like the sustained, atrocious attacks on Roy Moore's victims.) On the other, any role in such a scandal is absolutely relevant if someone is running for a leadership position.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

Completely agree.


u/morpheousmarty Jul 27 '18

Bring it up without bringing it up: We need leaders who will not lie to the American people and cover up sexual abuse.


u/NAmember81 Jul 27 '18

Or say stuff like “I’m not going to bring up Jordan’s alleged complicity in child abuse scandals..” and then continue talking about policy, small businesses, community strength etc.


u/morpheousmarty Jul 29 '18

Their shameless dishonesty cannot be treated like it's not part of their policy. I definitely feel less inclined to support someone who can't call it out.

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u/Physiology94 Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18

Hello, Janet!

I live in Amherst and am a constituent of OH-4. How do you plan on addressing the opioid epidemic plaguing the district? What is your strategy for winning the election in a district so heavily gerrymandered to favor the GOP?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

For the entirety of my campaign, I have been traveling through the Fourth District, meeting with people involved in fighting the opioid epidemic. What I have learned is that there are good solutions that are yielding some positive results, but frankly there is not enough funding to address this problem and scale it up to make significant progress. My mission is to go to Washington and bring back enough funding to help us address this crisis fully. It's a real crisis and it's not being treated as one. 14 people a day are dying in Ohio, and Congress allocated only $6 billion for the entire nation. Experts estimate we need tens of billions to make a difference.

The cost of inaction is too high. A recent study from OSU estimated that Ohio's economy is losing more money (because of the epidemic) than we are spending statewide on education!

Strategy: compete! everywhere. We're going to knock doors in every county. I think I have a message that will resonate with voters from both sides of the aisle.

See you soon in Amherst!


u/korismon Jul 28 '18

Fund research into psychadelic assisted psychotherapy it has shown to have groundbreaking success in the treatment of many mental disorders including addiction and PTSD. One step that cpuld make a significant impact in the growing opioda epidemic

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u/najing_ftw Jul 27 '18

What is your position on single-payer health care?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18

We have a responsibility to the citizens to get this right. Health care costs are rising. More and more people are getting taken off of their health care. The good news is that we have several options available to us: one of the options is Medicare for all, which would provide not only hospitalization but also vision, hearing, dental, rehabilitation, addiction treatment, etc.

I will support any health care program that will give good, quality health care to all of our people. It could be Medicare for all, it could be single payer — any program that will get to the end goal I will support.


u/abpsimple Jul 27 '18

"Rehabilitation, addiction treatment" refreshing to hear someone who actually cares about the data about drug abuse and wants to take a practical approach to repair our citizens.

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u/surfinfan21 Tennessee Jul 27 '18

I’ve read through a lot of your responses. I’m a democrat from Massachusetts so not in your district but I would strongly recommend being more confident with your positions. Halfway through your response you mentioned you would be for Medicare for all then retracted that at the end by saying you’d be open to exploring options.

We need Democrats who are completely behind progressive ideas like Medicare for all and proud to support it.

Just my two cents.


u/jon_k Jul 29 '18

Yeah. She's like "I'd support it if a vote came around, but I'm sure as hell not sponsoring a bill like this myself. What would billionaires giving me SuperPAC money think???????????????????"

Ok Janet, sure.


u/LDKCP Jul 27 '18

Basically she would support it if it ever came to it, but she's not gonna make it her position. I hope she wins, she can't be worse than the incumbent but I do hate it when they stay on the fence with important issues like this.


u/shiftingbaseline Jul 28 '18

You are over reading it. By restating the purpose of medicare for all - as she did: to give everyone medical care for free - you sell it to those who could be talked out of getting it by buzzwords like Medicare For All - as if only one policy achieves it.

There are many ways to give everyone medical care for free, many countries have variously achieved it. She said she supports that. That's good.


u/LDKCP Jul 28 '18

That last paragraph left it open to non universal health care or something similar to the affordable care act which is not the same.

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u/najing_ftw Jul 27 '18

Thank you for your answer. I couldn’t have written it better myself.


u/traunks Jul 27 '18


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u/anothermanslaughter Jul 27 '18

Hi Janet,

I really hope you win, because Jim Jordan is one of the biggest embarrassments to the American people. His conduct has been utterly disgraceful, from how he treated Agent Stzrok to the laughable articles of impeachment he filed against Rod Rosenstein.

My question for you is, why do you think Jim never wears his suit jacket?



u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

I don't know the answer to that, but there's certainly lots of speculation!


u/anothermanslaughter Jul 27 '18

If this turns out to be your own secret Twitter account, that'd be the greatest plot twist in any political campaign.


u/Velvetrose-2 Georgia Jul 27 '18

but there's certainly lots of speculation

Politicians need a sense of humor...=)


u/HyruleTrigger Jul 27 '18

This is the perfect reply.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

If you win and are voted in, what measures will you take to actively fight propaganda and election hacking?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

Protecting our elections needs to be a top priority for Congress. We need to adequately fund prevention efforts. This isn't a partisan issue — both sides of the aisle need to come together on this. When I am in Congress, I'll support any reasonable measure to increase funding that makes our elections more secure.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

This isn't a partisan issue

It has entirely become a partisan issue and you need to hammer Jordan on it. Members of the Treason Caucus will not lift a finger to protect this country since they know the Russians are helping them. In fact they recently voted AGAINST funding protecting our elections. HAMMER them with this.


u/justdrop Pennsylvania Jul 27 '18

The fact that this needs to be stated means that Democratic candidates still don't understand: if they weren't planning on voting for you when you played nice, you should stop playing nice and be honest.


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 28 '18

It’s not a partisan issue because it affects Republicans and Democrats together -- the integrity of our democracy, partisan issues aside, is at stake here and we have to come together to fight for the future of our country. Like I said, this will be a priority for me in Congress.


u/Dandry420 Jul 27 '18

What they mean is , unless it’s a blue wave your Red colleagues are not going to get off their elephant asses to work on bi partisan efforts to make more elections secure. Especially if they are already not supporting current legislation that is presented.


u/justdrop Pennsylvania Jul 27 '18

Why would Republicans come together and work with you when it actively helps them win? I get that in a world where everyone is just, it would work out. Unfortunately we don't live there.


u/U-N-C-L-E Jul 27 '18

Naive answer IMO. The integrity of our democracy was already a joke with active voter suppression initiatives by Republicans all over the country. The idea that they'll suddenly take that issue seriously and abandon something that clearly benefits them is ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Feb 21 '19


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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Sep 12 '20



u/ApollosCrow Jul 29 '18

Guys... jeez.

In the present situation, it’s a partisan issue, yes. It should not be treated like one. That entrenched tribalist win-at-any-cost mentality in our politics needs to be backed away from, and that begins by rising above it and sticking to the issues. Just because Reddit is all very Left progressives who are ready to excise anyone with an R next to their name doesn’t mean that’s the temperature of a diverse Midwest state like Ohio.

Garrett is smart to maintain a tone of pragmatism. Hell, she might privately believe that the whole republican party needs to go. But that’s not going to get you far with a lot of suburban, centrist voters.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

Would you support legislation that would criminalize election fraud and hacking? How would you encourage voter turnout?


u/Jouhou New Hampshire Jul 28 '18

Replying to address the all other commenters, the ISSUE isn't partisan. The fact that these members of the Republican party are circling their wagons to defend the indefensible is a separate issue altogether. All members of Congress should be putting country before party, and anyone who puts party before country doesn't deserve a seat in congress.

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u/surfinfan21 Tennessee Jul 27 '18

From reading her responses to a lot of these questions she just doesn’t get it. Gym Jordan’s going to wipe the wrestling map with her.

The dudes a fucking partisan hack who covered up and is now lying about a molestation scandal and she’s acting like she’s going to politely ask the GOP to please help us stop the Russians.

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u/Shor7Fuz3 Jul 27 '18

Fight propaganda by getting money out of politics. When people buy their way into power nothing else matters.


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18


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u/beckoning_cat Maryland Jul 27 '18

It was the Cons that removed anti-propaganda legislation to begin with and how we came into this mess. The Dems need to start being way more aggressive and stop trying to pretend that bipartisanship is achievable. These are just political buzzwords that no one is buying anymore. Increasing funding won't change anything. Legislation will and the Conservatives will be against it. Dems need to stop playing paddy-cake and start playing hardball.


u/bolshe-viks-vaporub Jul 27 '18

Other countries mandate that critical thinking be taught as a skill in elementary/primary school. Are you in favor of that approach? How would you fund it?


u/Intolight Jul 28 '18

I do feel like these are the kind of responses that keeps Democrats back. The constituents are furious that dem leaders keep trying to play nice and get punched in the face repeatedly.

It's time to stop pandering to both sides and fight like the future depends on it, because it does.


u/PraiseBeToScience Jul 27 '18

Does this include voting rights and the abolishment of common voter suppression schemes?

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u/Ansiroth I voted Jul 27 '18

Nothing matters more than this answer imo

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18



u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

This district was drawn with a scalpel to make it a safe district for a Republican, which allowed them to have a far-right wing representative, which wouldn’t have happened otherwise. Competitive districts result in better representation. We need need better representation, and therefore need fairly drawn districts.

We just passed a referendum in Ohio to allow the districts to be drawn more fairly. Unfortunately that won’t come into effect until 2022.


u/MaryAV Jul 29 '18

It won't come into effect until 2022 AND for the next 4 years, GOP will do everything they can to fight it. They are relentless. Dems can't assume that this will actually happen in 2022 just b/c that's the current status.

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u/iamtoe Jul 27 '18

Holy shit. I've never really looked up our districts before now, and it is just ridiculous. How on earth did they justify splitting Cincinnati up between two mostly rural districts. You can literally see where the most left leaning neighborhoods have been given to the district that only has about one large town.

Columbus also looks pretty fucking weird.


u/MrJoyless Ohio Jul 27 '18

My district 12 is ludicrously gerrymanderd. It crosses 7 counties and dips into liberal sections of Columbus before sprawling a full third of the state (73 minute drive away) into Muskigum County, and almost a full third if a state north into Richland County (another 73 minute drive). It's complete bull that one would assume someone living in some of the least dense parts of Ohio would have the same voting interests as someone living in downtown Columbus.


u/HyruleTrigger Jul 27 '18

The district kinda looks like a happy goose. It's a gerrymandered merry gander.


u/queen_slug-4-a-butt Jul 27 '18

This is a stunning pun. And a spoonerism to boot.


u/HyruleTrigger Jul 27 '18

I worked really hard on it (it's my original joke but feel free to use it). Also, go look at the district map... it really does look like a goose or a duck!


u/crashvoncrash Texas Jul 27 '18

Damn dude. I thought I would need to squint or crane my neck to see it. Nope. Straight duck.

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u/VineStGuy I voted Jul 27 '18

Dear Janet, As a fellow Ohioan, I've been appalled with what Governor Kasich and the republicans have done to women's right across the State. Passing a 20 week ban and most importantly, forced the closing of majority of women's clinics that provide abortion services in the State. What is your solutions to right their wrongs in regard to Ohio women.


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

I would like to start by saying that I am pro-life, but I do not believe that politicians have any place in making women's health care decisions. There are many reasons why a woman might choose to terminate a pregnancy including the possibility that she might die. There’s no one-size-fits all answer to this question, it’s very complex.

I agree with the statement that was made when Roe v. Wade was decided: “Abortions should be safe, legal and rare.” We should be focused on helping women prevent unwanted pregnancies as much as possible and leaving women's health care decisions in the hands of women rather than politicians.

Part of that is ensuring we have funding and other support for these necessary clinics that provide everything from abortions to breast cancer screenings to contraceptives. I will protect a woman’s right to choose and a woman’s right to basic health care.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

If you do not believe that politicians have any place in making women's health care decisions, you are pro-choice. That is what pro-choice means. It has nothing to do with whether you personally believe that abortion is immoral or not, or whether you personally would ever get an abortion or not.

From a fellow Ohioan, I support you and very best of luck!


u/Research_Gaslighting Jul 28 '18

We always ask our politicians to not enforce their beliefs on us. Maybe, she individually is probably Pro-Life, while also understanding that her belief isn't necessarily her constituents belief. I personally don't see the problem with her answer. She can personally believe whatever she wants as long as she represents her constituents beliefs, which may or may not be different from hers.


u/iheartanalingus Jul 28 '18

I'm personally pro life. Personally. When it is my seed. What you guys do is your own fucking choice.

However, if I get a girl pregnant, I will ask her to keep the baby. I feel it is my responsibility to do so no matter how inconvenient it seems. If she disagrees, then she gets the abortion and hopefully ive done everything in my power to persuade her. If she were raped, i'd support her wanting to keep the baby or abort. If she is going to die and has no other complications, I'd want her to abort.

It's not a black and white issue.

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u/alexunderwater America Jul 28 '18

In OH-4 it’s either pro life, or pro-life*

There’s no other option for a platform.


u/carrythefire Jul 28 '18

Yeah the “pro-life” line seems like some grade A pandering.

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 29 '18



u/yeti77 Ohio Jul 27 '18

Shhhh. She's gotta win a seat here.


u/redemption2021 Illinois Jul 27 '18

More like not anti-choice

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u/pdskc Jul 28 '18

The terms pro-life and pro-choice are meaningless dog whistles. What is “pro-life” about anti-abortion laws condemning a woman to risk her life in desperation to end a pregnancy, and leaving children she struggled to provide for orphaned? And where is the “choice” when a woman is that desperate? No law ever prevented those abortions - but women were dying. This is why Roe v Wade was decided, and correctly so.


u/whatyousayissuspect Jul 27 '18

This answer probably plays well in your district but falls flat on Reddit fyi.


u/yeti77 Ohio Jul 27 '18

Do you think she can just give two different messages based on who she's talking to? She's not a Republican.

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u/SerPoopybutthole Jul 27 '18

You're checking all my boxes, Janet. Too bad I don't live in Ohio.

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u/BettawithBretta Jul 27 '18

Your answer here is entirely disappointing. I realize you're trying to win in a pretty conservative state, but you shouldn't say you're pro-life then follow up immediately with how you're actually pro-choice (government shouldn't be involved in decisions about abortion). Take a stand for what you actually believe in. I'm pretty fucking tired of political doublespeak. Say what you mean and don't be ashamed of it. You're coming across as Republican-lite.


u/MonumentalMike Jul 27 '18

I wouldn't get so hung up on the made up political terms so much. She's basically saying she doesn't agree with abortion in her personal life, however does not believe she should have the right to impose those beliefs on others.

I hate the the doublespeak as much as anyone, but I don't think this is that case.

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u/djryce Texas Jul 28 '18

This doesn't seem like a fair assessment. It's nuance, not double speak. Although they're a dying breed, not long ago there were a lot of Catholic Democrats that adopted this position. Joe Biden and Tim Kaine come to mind. As a woman, I have confidence that both of these men would vote and act to protect the right to choose. This is different from somebody like Mike Pence.

Historically, the Catholic vote has been very important to the Democratic party. I have no problem with politicians representing the diversity of their constituents. I actually think it's great -- someone like Biden has been very forthcoming about how his own views have shifted and evolve over time, and I think that it provided good perspective to other Catholic folk who were struggling with it.

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u/Fulker01 Jul 27 '18

Your desire for compromise is admirable but to the GOP that means coming well to the right of center. Their recalcitrance (to be polite) seems like a large mountain to climb if you want to earnestly maintain your leftist principles. What similar challenges have you faced in regards to bad faith negotiations or unwilling parties?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

I worked for a time at Oberlin College and became a trainer at the mediation center. I learned from experience that you have to first look for where the common ground is. I know from touring all around this district that there is a lot of common ground and a lot more that unites us than divides us. It’s not just in Ohio that people want change, but all across the country. I think that there will be a referendum this year on people that refuse to negotiate.

Anyways, I’ve been at the negotiating table more times than I can count. My motto is “You go in with what you want, but you leave with what you can live with.”

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

I am a person who is really hoping for you to win. What will you do to win your campaign, that you were not able to do the last two times that you ran?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

This campaign is completely different on every level. We are running a professional campaign. The mood of the country is completely different and we are getting support from all over the country — there’s national interest in this race. We are reaching out to every single county in the district and we are finding support and grassroots volunteers everywhere we go. We know that so much of what happens in politics is all about timing, and this is our year!


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

I sure hope that you win! good luck!

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u/OkapiMyCopy Jul 27 '18

Janet, long-time voter (for you). One of my big concerns is getting corporate and dark money out of politics as I think that has to happen before true change can take place. Do you have any plans or ideas about how to do that?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

Money + Politics = Corruption. We’ve got to take every step to get money out of politics. I would support publicly financed campaigns. When you have to spend millions of dollars to run a campaign, only select people can run and only select people are elected to represent us. Publicly financed campaigns would even the playing field and ensure that government is more representative of the people they serve.

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u/Natha-n Jul 27 '18

Thanks for taking the time to do an AMA. Would you support an article 5 convention with the goal of ratifying a constitutional amendment addressing campaign financing issues?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

Yes! I recently signed the candidate pledge for American Promise to support a constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United. Check it out.

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u/Strawberry_Eve Jul 27 '18

Good Afternoon!

My biggest question is what would be the way you would want someone from outside your district to contribute to your campaign if money is tight and donations aren't a realistic option.

Good luck from the 3rd district!


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

Thank you for the support! Spread the word about the campaign - talk to your friends and colleagues. We have volunteers writing post cards and making calls from all over! We'd love to have the extra help when you have time. r/http://janetgarrett.com/get-involved

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u/macrowive Jul 27 '18

What will you do to fight voter suppression and expand voting rights?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

I will support every measure that will increase access to the ballot box. The government should be making it easier to vote, NOT harder.


u/objectivedesigning Jul 27 '18
  1. Are you actively engaging with constituents who are members of the GOP?

  2. What are you doing to burst the propaganda bubble that has been created by Fox News and the GOP?


u/OkapiMyCopy Jul 27 '18

My Republican husband went to her engagement at a coffee house in Sidney last Saturday and he was not the lone Republican there. They are voting for Janet. They understand Jim Jordan has done nothing to help our district.


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

Thank him for coming out! And thank YOU for coming out. I hope to see you again soon. Remind me that we talked on Reddit!


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

Absolutely. I'm reaching out to every constituent. I plan to represent every person in the district - every Republican, Democrat, and Independent. Only way to do that is if I talk to them now and keep that conversation going when I'm in Congress. You'd be surprised by how many Republicans come to meet with me. I seriously mean it when I say that there is more that unites than divides us. That isn't some talking point — this is something I see every single day.


u/objectivedesigning Jul 28 '18

Great! So many people decide to vote based on who cares enough to show up their door. Reaching out matters.


u/NotheBrain Jul 27 '18

As someone that grew up in Fostoria in the 70's and 80's and has since witnessed the long and sad decline in the area, what is your plan for sustainable long term economic stabilization and then growth?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

Hello from Tiffin! We have got to create infrastructure jobs because we need good paying construction jobs and we desperately need better infrastructure. Once we get that started, it will stimulate the economy over all.

I was just in Bucyrus last week and met with their chamber of commerce. I learned that they're doing a lot of innovative things to break down the silos and bring people back to the area. A big problem for the community is that all of the kids move away for college and never come back. I think we could replicate what Bucyrus is doing in places like Fostoria.


u/NotheBrain Jul 27 '18

What type of infrastructure?

Are you suggesting a WPA type program, like the one that built/help build much of the current public infrastructure that is degrading in NW Ohio?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

I'd support reopening the national infrastructure bank, which would allow us to fund many of the infrastructure needs of our communities without adding to the national debt.

When talking about infrastructure, I don't just mean filling potholes and building new bridges, I also mean expanding rural access to high speed internet. It holds back our rural economy. In 2018, we shouldn't have internet dead zones in the United States.

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u/sadlycantpressbutton Jul 27 '18

How often do people accidentally call you Jarret Garret? Janet Ganet?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

not as often as you'd think! :)

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u/southernfriedbrains Jul 27 '18

Do you have the support of the DCCC? If not what can we do to help you win this race?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 28 '18

There are plenty of ways to get involved! Even from outside of the district — http://www.janetgarrett.com/get-involved/


u/ThickAsianAccent Jul 27 '18

Please fucking win. Please for the love of god help us rid Washington of this sickness. We need more real people that understand what it's like to just try and make it in America. Donated.

Oh, my question is, what other race(s) do you view as most pivotal this election season?

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u/Oldrocket Jul 27 '18

Do you love The Pretenders?


u/JanetGarrett ✔ Janet Garrett Jul 27 '18

Yes! Brass in pocket is my favorite.


u/Oldrocket Jul 27 '18

I knew it! I have always loved that band myself. I love "don't get me wrong". Thank you for responding 🤓


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18


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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18



u/cbs5090 Jul 28 '18

No answer after 23 hours. Interesting. If still vote for a rock over JJ, but it's odd she missed this one.

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u/HeavySweetness Florida Jul 27 '18

You mention the "breaking" of Washington... one of the hallmarks of the Trump era has been the violation of previously "sacred" political norms that weren't laws per se (a candidate releases their tax returns during the campaign, a candidate doesn't attack individual citizens via twitter, etc.)

Are there any norms of American politics you believe should be codified into law?


u/Lyin-Don New York Jul 27 '18

Have you ever looked the other way - repeatedly - when presented with accusations of sexual abuse?


Great! Lets hope your constituents open their eyes and you win in the landslide you should


u/areyouseriousdotard Ohio Jul 27 '18

No question. Just a good luck from a former resident of Bucyrus and current Mansfield resident. Sorry, I can't vote for you, but I will be voting for Danny O'Conner. BTW, good work on Twitter, doing well on there.


u/applyapplyapply Illinois Jul 27 '18

From your work on the ground, do people seem to care that your opponent may have done nothing about sexual assault?

Also say hello to my good friend Adam R. !


u/dottyoldGRACEist Jul 27 '18

Hello! Fellow Ohioan and Dem here in Marcia Fudge’s district. I’m a Planned Parenthood employee and the loss of Title X will take an enormous hit on PP patients across the country and will be detrimental to each affiliate’s ability to facilitate evidence based, comprehensive sex education. How do you plan on protecting access to reproductive health care - especially in your district where there are pockets of health provider deserts - in Ohio, knowing our federal government is incredibly hostile to Planned Parenthood?


u/theemprah Jul 27 '18

I donated to your race after the Helsinki summit. It is clear we need individuals in office who not only protect Citizens of America and the country, but Amerca's allies, her interests, and in general Human rights across the globe. What is your stance on Net neutrality? will you, if elected, sponsor and vote for a bill re-instating and protecting net neutrality?


u/justpickaname Jul 27 '18

Good luck - we need him out! How uphill is the fight in that district? What needs to happen for you to beat him?


u/sammykleege Jul 27 '18

What's the plan if the elections are compromised? If republicans keep the house and senate even after election interference, is there anything you can do?

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u/maurosmane Washington Jul 27 '18

There have been very valid questions surrounding Jordan's character and decision making after all of the allegations about his silence about sexual abuse and assault.

My question is how do you balance the need to talk about something like this without politicizing the victims or seeming to only doing so to score points?


u/Free_These_Fries Jul 27 '18

Expect a lot of hate coming to this AMA, the Republican swamp is starting to boil over.

Just know there's a majority of Americans who support you and the platform you're running on! Jim Jordan needs to be unseated and you're the person to do it!


u/bluerockgreenrock Jul 27 '18

Good wishes from Ohio 15 (another wildly gerrymandered district being held hostage by the Republicans). The first time Jordan came on to my radar was the day he tongue-lashed Cecile Richards when she went to the Hill to give testimony on Planned Parenthood funding. I was shocked at how rude and disrespectful he was, so unprofessional. I was thoroughly embarassed that he was an Ohio Congressman. Since then he has become increasingly emboldened and has raised his profile as demonstrated a couple of weeks ago during the Rod Rosenstein testimony. He continues to be, well, a combative jerk. IMHO he is the embodiment of an emotionally insecure racist. I don’t understand any voter who knowingly chooses a bully.

I notice that you appear to be distancing yourself from the “D” word (Democrat). I find that a little sad. I understand you’re running in a district that was intentionally created to favor Republicans, so maybe you’re trying to downplay that you’re not a Republican. Perhaps you do not whole-heartedly subscribe to the DNC/DCCC’s tenets, if that is the case then perhaps you should/are running as an independent. If you are running as a Democrat then my advice is to own it, even if you’re a “Blue” Democrat. The advantage Jordan has over you is that the people who vote for him know exactly what he stands for because he has clearly defined himself (obnoxious). If you present yourself as fluid or maleable, then voters will turn away from you. Nobody wants wishy-washy in an elected official. A clear example of this lack of definition is your “pro-life” stance. It is, in reality, a pro-choice stance. If you are personally opposed to abortion, say so. If, like other successful Dems, you can support and defend other womens’ rights to make their own healthcare choices, then say that too. Declare who, exactly, you are. Then own it. Be it. Be convincing. One last thought: don’t dress like an unprofessional jackass like your opponent. Will you be coordinating/campaigning with Richard Cordray?


u/LittleHoss Jul 27 '18

Please ask him how he thinks he can speak for the House when he can't even speak up about his colleagues' sexual misconduct.

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u/muskieguy13 Jul 27 '18

Your district is... Oddly shaped... To say the least. Will you advocate for gerrymandering reforms to help redraw Ohio?


u/HyruleTrigger Jul 27 '18

Ohio recently passed a law that is a significant step towards fixing the gerrymander issue. Unfortunately, it doesn't take effect until 2022.

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u/no-more-mr-niceguy Jul 27 '18

Ms. Garrett doesn’t have to get down into the muck. There are proxys, dirty tricksters & Superpacs for that. Bush 1 had his Lee Atwater, Nixon & Trump had/have Roger Stone & now that $ is speech (and corporations people), anonymous donor PACs can do the nasty work. Not every candidate is cut out for blood sport, and shouldn’t have to be. Ms. Garrett can stay above the fray, I say!


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

What efforts do you support to fix the relative lack of electoral power urban and minority voters have compared to their rural/white peers? I'm asking specifically about the EC, the unbalanced nature of the Senate and gerrymandering at both the federal and state level.


u/platocplx Jul 27 '18

I believe you should absolutely hammer Home Jim Jordan unable to protect children in his care, how can we trust someone like him to protect the interests of your district and America.


u/OldSport02 Jul 27 '18

I’m not from Ohio, but your website was very well done! Keep campaigning and fighting for the good of all people. These midterms are bigger than ever this year.


u/GGPapoon Jul 28 '18

This clown wouldn't protect young men under his supervision from a child molester. You need to hammer that home. He wouldn't, he refused, to protect young men from a child molester. Say that slowly. He wouldn't protect young men from a child molester. You need to use this because personally I don't want the potential Speaker of the House, who is in line for the Presidency, to be a man who wouldn't protect young men, knowingly, from a child molester.


u/Realinternetpoints Jul 27 '18

Ok so you’re pro-life. Thats... well I won’t go there. BUT. My questions for you are:

What are you doing to help poor and single mothers?

What kind of improvements would you make upon the foster care system?

And how are you planning on helping poorer school districts receive proper funding so they can educate their young, so they can have better opportunities and hopefully lead a life where the need for abortion is less likely?


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18

Thanks for working towards restoring our republic!

What would be one area of the democratic platform that you don't necessarily align with?


u/gordo65 Jul 28 '18

If you become aware that one of your colleagues is guilty of sexual assault, will you report it to the police?

Also, if the FBI finds evidence that a foreign government is trying to undermine our elections, will you support their investigation, rather than doing everything you can to protect the foreign spies?

If the answer to both of those questions is yes, I think that makes the choice very clear.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18

Just wanted to say hi and thank you for running. Cincinnati here, campaigning for Aftab Pureval to unseat Steve Chabot, who voted not to support measures to secure our elections against hackers. What are your ideas on this and how would you improve our election process?

Edit: I see you’ve had a discussion below. Many thanks and very best of luck to you! I hope you kick Jim Jordan’s ass!


u/GoatShapedDestroyer I voted Jul 27 '18

What is the local narrative surrounding the Ohio State wrestling scandal and do you intend on pushing hard with it?

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u/neoArmstrongCannon90 Jul 27 '18

Please please please make sure to enforce stringent software security measures for any and every software you use while campaigning. Hire more security technicians to audit software security and perform security reviews. Please destroy the GOP and their Russian influence. I think a ton of redditors would want to help and advise you on this.


u/bolshe-viks-vaporub Jul 27 '18

How will you fight against corporate influence of our democracy?

Are you prepared to run solely on independent funds, pledging to not take money from the banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and defense contractors that currently invest so heavily in Democratic candidates?


u/NeLaX44 Jul 27 '18

What's your take on our climate situation, and what do you think Americas role should be?


u/JaneJaneofTheJun Jul 27 '18

As a proud American woman, mother of 3, and a teacher of students with special needs, thank you for running. We need more diversity in Congress, and it sounds like you will bring some fresh perspective. I wish you the best of luck in November!


u/Seventytvvo Colorado Jul 27 '18

Use this:

"If Jordan can ignore sexual assault, then he's perfect to ignore corruption in Washington."


u/BehindCheshireEyes Jul 27 '18

I'm not in Ohio, but good luck against Jim Jordan, he needs to go.


u/SpearNmagicHelmet Jul 27 '18

Recreational Marijuana, yea or nay?


u/IAmJacksRagingApathy Jul 27 '18

Ohio tried once, but the legislation created a monopolized group in control of the market. I hope she backs a more practical legalization package, similar in respects to, say, every other recreationally legalized state. Just a thought.


u/Galaedrid Jul 28 '18

Please please please win. This current guy is an absolute traitor to the country. I know this isn't a question like you wanted... its just a hope and a prayer


u/avman2 Jul 27 '18

How do you think you can create jobs and bring back wealth of manufacturing jobs to OH? Regardless, I donated to your campaign.


u/SpotMePods Jul 28 '18

I’m not from Ohio or anything and I’m too young to vote, but what’s your position on gun reform and all the anti gun activism?


u/daprophet1978 Jul 27 '18

What do you plan to do about Jim Jordan’s plan to impeach rod rosenstein? Where do you stand on education as well?


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '18 edited Jul 27 '18

I live in Ohio's 16th district. I have only recently discovered who the Democatic candidate is that is running for congress in my district (Susan Moran Palmer). I have never even seen any media introduction for this candidate. Why? Is there some restriction of when you can get your name and platform out to your voters? (Although I vote blue) An example would be John McCain, who may have done better in 2008 if he had gotten himself out front earlier, while Barack Obama made himself know early which I believe helped him win. *Oh might I add...the new voters will be key. My son just turned voting age and it was difficult to even get him to register. It may be a good strategy to get the young voters and you are in a position to just do that will the Jordan's Ohio State controversy.


u/OB_SH Jul 27 '18

I'm in OH-14.

How can I help?

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u/[deleted] Jul 28 '18

ITT: Self-aggrandizing Reddit armchair political theorists who call Ms. Garrett “cowardly” and “naive” while completely neglecting to acknowledge the political demographics of OH-4 and the simple fact that multiple viewpoints exist. If you’ve got it all figured out, please go run for office yourself and stfu.


u/HalLogan Florida Jul 27 '18

When it comes to abortion, now that our way has delivered proven results in terms of lowering the abortion rate, why aren't you and other Democrats on the offensive here? Just like the national rate, the abortion rate in Ohio hit unprecedented lows by the end of the Obama years. Is there a reason you aren't challenging Rep. Jordan to explain why he voted against the increased access to contraception made possible by the ACA, and therefore its associated decrease in abortions performed? Or is that just too complicated of a concept to survive soundbite-based discourse?


u/Humblegiant2552 Jul 27 '18

My point is this we spend 3.4 trillion dollars a year on Healthcare. You total that up in 10 years we spend 34 to 36 trillion dollars. You would actually save money in the long run with Bernie Sanders proposal. My point is that people tend to not go to the doctors until they're very sick because they can't afford routine check-ups. The best way to save money on health care cost is have preventative measures in place. So things like Universal Health Care which allows people to go in and see a doctor before they are very extremely sick saves money in the long run