r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/No-Entrepreneur-7496 4d ago

YES, precisely this. People are ignorant and blind to the data and general mood of the populace.

Guys, Biden did not run in the midterms nor the special elections. He did so in 2020 when he was supposed to have won by like 5 to 10 points. What we got was just a narrow victory. During COVID, people.

You're acting as if Joe was the only Democrat with a shot to defeat Trump when that's not the case, certainly not after the debate. You either insist on a guy like 70 % of adults view as simply too old and reap the whirlwind of christian nationalism and authoritarianism marked with the rise of Putin, China and Iran or you nominate someone else when there's still time.


u/sir_mrej Washington 4d ago

Wheres your data about a Biden replacement? Cmon


u/No-Entrepreneur-7496 3d ago

Plenty of data confirming that people view Biden as old, pal. The need for a younger candidate is resounding.


u/sir_mrej Washington 3d ago

Cool so why aren't there calls for a Trump replacement?


u/No-Entrepreneur-7496 3d ago

I assume you're not new to the politics? Trump is an egoist, authoritarian hack who would be just amused by such a call. It's a cult. If you're worried about the double standard, welcome to the American politics.

We're in a subreddit which is basically a Democratic hive. If we want Trump to lose, a better pick than Biden is necessary. Voters indeed view Trump as not being principled enough but principles don't matter that much in politics. What matters is economy, safety and perception of reality (not the reality itself). Bear that in mind when Biden loses and you try to figure out why that happened.


u/sir_mrej Washington 3d ago

We are in a Democratic bubble, 100%. EVERYONE in this sub follows politics daily if not every other day.

We're NOT who needs to be won over to vote for Biden. Well I guess it sounds like you might not vote Biden...

Do you really think independents care about any of this? The debate was watched by far less people than the one(s) in 2020. Independents will head to the polls in november and have NO idea who Whitmer is (for example). Your 'generic Dem will win' stance automatically gets downgraded the moment you actually pick a name.


u/No-Entrepreneur-7496 3d ago

I am not an American. But my country is about to be destroyed by Putin in like 5 years if you elect Trump. We're amidst an inflection point in your history. SCOTUS is trying to assume more power and Trump's second term is in fact looming.

Precisely, we're in a Democratic bubble, which is why I am imploring on all of you to be the voice for change. Don't gaslight yourself. Independents do care, they are not blind and Biden is no longer capable in attracting larger swaths of them.

This 'no idea' point is exactly why DNC and Biden need to act ASAP. Four months is enough to sow interest and passion, just not enough for Biden because his condition only seems to deteriorate in time. What would you do if he was in a sudden need of medical care in late October? Trump would steamroll him.

Voters yearn for someone younger and more energetic. They absolutely detest this rematch of 2020. Remove this dichotomy and reap the reward of electoral victory. Name recognition and incumbency does not play into Democratic hands this term. Just convince Michelle Obama to run. She would win easily. Furthermore, there would be no more Hunter baggage. Call the Republican bluff or lose, resorted to deal with a ton of 'Biden is too old' (which he is) articles.

I just want to live, not to fight against ruZian imperialistic ambitions just because you were too stubborn to see what voters rationally long for.


u/sir_mrej Washington 2d ago

Nah voters are fickle and voters are shitty.

Obama was young, articulate, and centrist. People list their fucking MINDS because he was black.

Hillary had baggage but if she was a man she would've won.

LOL Hunter baggage.


u/No-Entrepreneur-7496 1d ago

“Voters are shitty.”

That will for sure win you the election. I mean, you are the prime example of why Democrats lose. Incapacity to care about voters and their issues. Economy, security, healthcare.


u/sir_mrej Washington 1d ago

You're half right. We DO agree.

I want the DNC to tell people to fuck off about security. Hiring more cops won't fix the problem. Building housing and building better mental health facilities will fix the problem. People need to stop being scared of THOSE PEOPLE.

So yep, I do want the DNC and Democrats to care about voters and their issues. And I want them to tell voters they're stupid for wanting more cops.

Healthcare lol Obama gave us Obamacare but sure Republicans are the best at healthcare

Economy yep this is one the Biden team and the DNC have failed at. But again the answer is - we were in a recession and it's getting better. We're fixing shit over here. THAT should be the message.