r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/Dirsay 4d ago edited 4d ago

President Biden just hit his lowest approval rating ever on 538 at 37.7%.

edit: His aggregate approval rating is now lower than Trump's was when the latter left office, per 538.

edit2: Biden briefly hit 37.4% in March of this year, so he hasn't bottomed out yet. I'd be surprised if he doesn't dip below 37% by the end of the week.


u/alexamerling100 4d ago

Problem is our other possibilities poll worse than Biden and they wouldn't really have the name recognition


u/dscotts 4d ago

If only there was a huge event, say in August, that dominates the news cycle that would allow a candidate with little name ID to get their story out to the American people… and if only there was some sort of way you could get information out to people by some sort of exchange of money for, I don’t know I’m just spitballing here, a bit of their time when they are watching their favorite TV shows or sports.


u/VexTheStampede 4d ago

If only we had some sort of large convention that was backed by a hyper funded organization who’s sole purpose is to select, campaign and lead candidates to victories.


u/AntoniaFauci 3d ago edited 3d ago

Here’s what the swing state voters have been screaming for:

  • young
  • non-Washington
  • business pedigree
  • known but not too much
  • great commmunicator
  • looks the part
  • has a penis
  • can marshall hundreds of millions overnight
  • is liked by Fox News
  • is liked by people across the political spectrum
  • can destroy Trump with ease
  • hard to tell if they’re democrat or republican at first glance

Gavin Newsom fits perfectly.

And for the 80% of Americans who are somewhere on “double hater” continuum, they’d see one party is finally, actually listening to them.


u/LoudestHoward Australia 4d ago

Do they poll worse because of the 2nd point, which would disappear almost instantly once they were the candidate?


u/Dirsay 4d ago

I guess I see it differently. None of them have been put in serious contention with full DNC backing. We can't know for sure how they'd poll until it's tried.

But if you're Trump, you want Biden. I feel like that's reason enough to replace him. Tbh tho, I think this election is blown regardless. That's how damaging that debate was.


u/alexamerling100 4d ago

It wasn't looking good before it tbh


u/Snowbold 4d ago

Nope. Trump was winning but only by margins. He could lose but argue funny business. Now, nobody will believe that guy won.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/CalifaDaze California 3d ago

What I'm really worried about is down ballot. If Biden loses because people stay home we will lose the house and senate and now there's no way to stop Project 2025.


u/VexTheStampede 4d ago

It’s 2024 not 1904. You can get a name out fast now a days. And by having Biden step down the media would go nuts with who’s coming in. And polls have shown the other ppl who’s names aren’t even being talked about are real close in numbers as Biden who’s a sitting president…..


u/gatsby712 4d ago

Hell make the new candidate do a Tik Tok and quote Kendrick Lamar diss tracks and they’ll have a 70% approval in a week.


u/stickied 4d ago

I see dead people

Wait, nevermind, that's just Biden at the debate podium.


u/johnnybagels 4d ago

Big gretch


u/Vaperius America 4d ago

Ultimately, when it comes down to it, it'll be because once again, establishment democrats clung to power to the bitter end rather than prepare a way for a younger, idealistic voices to take power.

Like they've been doing for the last 30+ years.


u/CaveRanger 4d ago

The average American, especially the 'undecided' voter, has an attention span of about five minutes. If they changed candidates now most people who's votes are going to decide the election won't even remember Biden was running when the election rolls around.


u/cornflakegrl Canada 4d ago

Only because it’s super hypothetical at this point. If the country is currently almost being sold on a decrepit old man, imagine if you put some likeable, young politicians out there against Trump.


u/JonEngelePhotography 4d ago

Would love to see those polls. The only one I’ve seen has literally anyone else doing significantly better than Biden. Do you have a link?


u/johnnybagels 4d ago

Big Gretch


u/sir_mrej Washington 4d ago edited 3d ago

You still read 538? LOL

EDIT: The site has changed since I was there last!



What's wrong with 538? Isnt it just a poll of polls?


u/sir_mrej Washington 3d ago

Well lookit that, I'm dumb. The site changed since I was last there. I have edited my comment!