r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/Independent-Bug-9352 4d ago

Don't worry. I'm sure when they lose in November they'll just blame young voters or something.


u/CarcosaBound Illinois 4d ago

Also this gem from the article:

“One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night.”



u/Zebrasoma 4d ago

Okay NOW I wanna see that damn laptop.


u/NeedleworkerIll2871 2d ago

It's pretty clear having pops in office was his literal get out of jail card.

Things are starting to make sense and I REALLY don't like it.


u/Independent-Bug-9352 4d ago

Yep. I really don't want to see a second Trump term, but I'd bet large piles of money that we do if we stay the course we're on.


u/CarcosaBound Illinois 4d ago



u/Independent-Bug-9352 4d ago

Here's something I didn't think of (unlikely to happen): Can Biden appoint a new Vice President and have Harris step down?


u/theucm Georgia 4d ago

Legally no. The vice president is actually a totally separate office per the constitution and is technically elected and confirmed separately. The president can change the vp if both houses of congress agree.


u/macnfleas 4d ago

But he can choose a different running mate, so that either way Harris is done at the end of her term.


u/YoMomsFavoriteFriend 4d ago

That would hurt the campaign even more. Getting rid of the first female VP? Imagine the headlines.


u/macnfleas 4d ago

I'm not suggesting it, I'm just clarifying that those who are suggesting it are talking about choosing a different running mate, not replacing the VP immediately.


u/Roger_Cockfoster 4d ago

Sort of. The President can replace the VP as long as they are willing to step down. If there's a vacancy he nominates a new VP and they get confirmed by Congress, the same as any cabinet official. It's a simple majority vote to confirm.


u/theucm Georgia 4d ago

Right, sorry, I was assuming it was more of a "firing" rather than their resignation.


u/Smearwashere Minnesota 4d ago

Do we make that bet just in case? Then at least we have some money lol


u/Independent-Bug-9352 4d ago

I haven't looked in a while but I thought it was illegal to bet on Presidential races? I honestly don't know as I don't normally gamble, but the odds are compelling...


u/Smearwashere Minnesota 4d ago

I don’t have a clue either but I assume with how prevalent gambling is these days there probably is some site that does it


u/CarcosaBound Illinois 4d ago

Paddypower used to have them (not sure anymore) but you’d need a buddy in the EU to make a bet


u/northern-new-jersey 4d ago

It's completely legal and their are a number of companies that will let you bet on elections. 



u/Stillwater215 4d ago

I DO want to see that version of Biden. Yet in his most public moment of the campaign we got Old Man Biden instead.


u/CarcosaBound Illinois 4d ago

We all want that. But after the debate, I don’t think people are gonna be able to get past that. You can’t unring a bell, and if another display like that happens in the next 18 weeks, Trump may win the popular vote.

I don’t wanna chance that and there’s still time to make a change


u/Stillwater215 4d ago

If I was on Biden’s campaign team, I would want him to be doing interviews all weekend long. I would want to put him on every channel with both friendly and unfriendly pundits to show that the debate performance was a complete fluke, and that Biden was still sharp as ever. The fact that he has been doing closed donor events and just the one rally don’t make up for his debate showing. To me, this says that his team doesn’t trust that he can handle doing damage control, which is problematic.


u/CarcosaBound Illinois 4d ago edited 3d ago

They’ve been hiding him for 2 years. Hardly any press conferences and when he does speak at overseas events (in the group of 7 summit, he took 5 questions from preselect journalist; when he does give access, it’s brief. Almost historically low amount of press interactions.


You’re absolutely right his team doesn’t trust him with a full campaign schedule.


u/Dirsay 4d ago

Brother there are--and I am being generous--thousands of pictures of Hunter Biden smoking crack while having sex with hookers, and even he thinks Biden's image looks bad.


u/TheCwazyWabbit 4d ago

Man, and to think I defended Hunter.


u/CarcosaBound Illinois 4d ago

It was a bit of a witch-hunt and you can both be right in defending him then and criticizing him now. But yeah man, it’s frustrating that someone who clearly doesn’t make the best decisions is one of the few people on the planet who Joe actually listens to


u/TheCwazyWabbit 4d ago

It's also frustrating that the DNC is run by idiots.


u/nazbot 3d ago

It’s already happening. They’re saying that democrats are weak and bed wetting.


u/Justdoingthebestican 4d ago

As a young person, part of the blame is on us. We can’t show up and vote at 30% while also complaining. We have to actually show up