r/politics 4d ago

Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform Paywall


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u/urk_the_red 4d ago

We’re not at war with any of those nations, so they don’t meet the necessary criteria to be enemies. It’s not treason. It’s criminal as all hell, it’s an immediate danger to national security, it’s a slam dunk of a criminal case with any judge who isn’t complicit, but it’s not treason.

The founding fathers gave the definition of treason a narrow and specific scope for good reasons.


u/espinaustin 3d ago

What makes you think we need to be “at war” with a foreign country for it to be considered our “enemy?” Are you just assuming that, or do you have a source? And do you mean there must be a congressional declaration of war? So in that case Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, etc. were not “enemy” nations and no one could be convicted of treason for aiding them? I think you misunderstand the legal meaning of “enemy.” I’m not sure Russia meets that definition, but I’m not sure it doesn’t.


u/noctar 4d ago

We're involved in Yemen and Somalia to this day. I somehow doubt that nothing in those papers involved any of those theaters.


u/urk_the_red 4d ago

That doesn’t meet the definition of treason.