r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/cryptogram 3d ago

Yea but that’s also a Joe Biden with a teleprompter,  not required to think on his own or on his feet, and with no pressure. 


u/sharp11flat13 Canada 3d ago

True. But even recently I’ve seen him speak clearly and rationally on the issues extemporaneously and he was fine. In fact his answers reflected a cool head and years of experience in administrative affairs.

I’m not saying there’s nothing to be concerned about here, only that since last night is not the norm, how anomalous is it and how might things progress, if they do?

I also think this

But I’d still support a potted plant over Trump.