r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/ErikFuhr Canada 6d ago

Do you even read newspapers? This isn’t some silly Redditor talking point. There’s editorials in every newspaper calling for Biden to step aside. The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Atlantic, the list goes on and on… Biden has completely lost the mainstream media.




And that’s just a small sample of the editorials calling for him to stand aside.


u/builttopostthis6 6d ago

Wow, way to lead off with the personal insult. Thanks for that.

To your actual point, I'd ask, "Did Biden have the mainstream media at some point?" Prior to 6/27, I'm pretty sure we can go back and find a handful (or forty) of articles from WaPo, NYT and "newspapers" that call out Joe Biden's age. Hell, for funsies:




Just for the record, I had to scroll through about two dozen pages of Google search results of the publications you cited to find some opinions that weren't published in the last twelve hours. Read into that what you will.

Joe Biden has never "had" the fourth estate. If he did, the accomplishments of his administration would have put him out of reach of polling errors a long time ago. The mainstream media (of which Reddit is certainly a part, as a publicly-traded news aggregator/advertising vehicle) is completely invested in a horse race narrative, and they got an early Christmas present last night, unfortunately, but most definitely.

That said, if you honestly think that a brokered convention is on the table, or that the Democratic candidate will not be Joe Biden, you're kidding yourself.

What that means in the long run for the election, who knows. But let's be real. And a I said, I'll certainly be surprised if it's otherwise (I'll hedge my bets). It's not outside of the realm of possibility. But it is highly, highly (highly) unlikely. There's a better chance there'll be a second debate, or even that you and I end up on the Democratic ticket (and even noticing your Canadian flair, I stand by that prediction). :P