r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/Jorge_Santos69 4d ago

That was the stupidest thing about yesterday, everything was a goddamn lie that came out of Trumps mouth, but morons like Chris Wallace on CNN were literally saying

“That’s to be expected, so he came off looking good!”


u/USS_Frontier Oregon 4d ago

Because CNN is not news. It's entertainment.


u/GoodPiexox 4d ago

dont forget about home shopping too, on their news website they parade marketing pitches now as stories as well


u/Jorge_Santos69 4d ago

Even still they’ve got from entertainment with some factual reporting to whatever clown shit was on display last night.


u/ridauthoritarianism 3d ago

unfortunately, I have noticed that many news stations are not calling Trump out for his lies and not giving Biden as much press time. I think it's because they are being bought out by conservative billionaires to skew the news to their ideas. This is how you take over America. buy the news, buy the judges and buy the congress. Then you can do whatever evil plan you may have to undu the constitution and perpetrate your fascist ideas on the public. Ane they are doing it by calling Democrats fascists and destroyers of democracy. If they say it enough people start to believe it.


u/Temporary-Cake2458 3d ago

Fox News isn’t news.. it’s entertainment. CNN is entertainment- just like Fox.


u/RedGreenPepper2599 3d ago

Chris Wallace is a fox plant


u/Atlein_069 3d ago

Biden lied a lot, too. Which makes his performance the much worse. His only job was to get out there and give out truth - poke holes in the big idiot’s arguments.