r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/rjorsin 4d ago

They matter when one of the candidates does so poorly people wonder if he'll even make it to the election.


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u/TheRealMangokill 4d ago

It wouldn't. 


u/woodenblinds 4d ago

my thought


u/fffan9391 South Carolina 4d ago

Biden is way more likely to drop dead. He won’t make it to 2028, president or not.


u/searing7 4d ago

Likely neither of them will.

One is still worse than the other in every possible way as a human being and from a policy standpoint. And he still sucks. Sad that is the best the country has to offer.


u/ChimneySwiftGold 4d ago

Even the great ones were so great in their own time.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

would be a shame

Depends on who his running mate is, cause that guy probably beats Biden too.


u/_DapperDanMan- 4d ago

Are you talking about the convicted felon who lied and made shit up for two hours, or the guy with a phenomenonal record over the past three years, who also had a cold?


u/elsalila 4d ago

It blows my mind that anyone could vote for a rapist. This should be so easy to win. How does nobody care that he raped and probably more then once. That sick fuck should be in prison.


u/SublimeApathy 4d ago

It blows my mind that he's still eligible to fucking RUN. I remember when the Dean Scream was enough to torpedo your campaign. Unbelievable where we are.


u/Massivefrontstick 4d ago

Which one are you talking about?


u/basil_angel 4d ago

Joe Biden has credible sexual assault allegations against him as well.

People on both sides choose to ignore or dismiss the crimes of their chosen candidate. That's how it's always been.


u/Aggravating_Heat_310 4d ago

You’re doing what a lot of people are doing. You’re arguing from a point of reason. The average voter has no interest in reason and votes on who they feel like voting for.


u/No_Drawing_7800 3d ago

The avg voter might care about felonies but vast majority vote with their check book. They are hurting and 10s of millions living paycheck to paycheck. Seeing your president look like he did at the debate doesn't instill confidence that things are going to get better. People still remember life was ok in 2019 under trump.


u/darito0123 4d ago

Is that an accurate description of Biden last night though? "Also had a cold"?


u/FirstNameIsDistance 4d ago

That’s what the campaign leaked to the Times after the debate.


u/darito0123 4d ago

Does that explain him freezing up and everything else we saw?


u/FirstNameIsDistance 4d ago

I’m not agreeing with it man, I’m just telling you where it came from.


u/GNOSTRICH92 4d ago

The "Biden had a cold" thing is so convenient and so dumb that, even if it is real, it still seems fake. Also, saying he becomes functionally identical to senile whenever he gets the sniffles isn't confidence inspiring 


u/FirstNameIsDistance 4d ago

Ya when I saw that report this morning I instantly started laughing. Like, has he had a cold for the last 2 years???


u/telejedi 4d ago

No chance. It might be the official line, but it's probably far from the truth.


u/Magjee Canada 4d ago

I mean you get cold enough, freezing will occur



u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

He sure sounded to me like he had a cold. That was the first thing that spring to mind when he started speaking. 


u/darito0123 4d ago

Does that explain him freezing up and looking like a deer in the headlights the whole time?


u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

I guess you never had a bad cold then?


u/LargePopsicles 4d ago
  • This is Biden in a debate in 2012.
  • This is Biden in yesterday's debate.

You telling me that the difference between Biden in these two videos is merely a cold? Does a cold cause brain damage? Come on man...


u/Telzen Georgia 4d ago

No one said "just" a cold. He is obviously much older now. Just saying that yesterday isn't how he will be everyday.


u/kgabny 4d ago

He sounded like my grandmother even when she's healthy.


u/KindPlagiarist 4d ago

Yeah I think my grandfather had that cold. It lasted about ten years and by the fourth year he thought I was my cousin and my brother was our late father.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

You can play this game all you want. Last night was a disaster for Biden.


u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

Because his voice was soft while Trump was loud?  Trump didn’t actually say anything of substance nor did he attempt to answer a single question. 


u/rjorsin 4d ago

And yet the narrative today is "Holy shit Biden couldn't even finish a sentence".

Go ahead and ignore your lying eyes, I genuinely hope that works out for you, but if it doesn't I'm sure you'll be reasonable and realize that we probably should've pulled Biden about now, right?


u/No_Drawing_7800 3d ago

Oh stop with the cold bullshit. What a convenient excuse for a piss poor performance. Where was his cold in north Carolina the next day? Gone already?


u/Adventurous-Ad9215 4d ago

The guy who hasn’t been able to put an un scripted sentence together in several years and walks like he is a Roomba vacuum.


u/ReMeDyIII 4d ago

Biden's phenomenal record? In what? Getting us mixed up with Ukraine? Inflation? (Drive to your local grocery store and check the prices, assuming you're not a kid without a license).


u/Draker-X 4d ago

You mean the obese 78-year-old man continuously hopped up on drugs, who eats fast food every day and never exercises?

I'd be really curious to have a group of actuaries give their opinion on who is more likely to die first: Biden or Trump.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

You can look up actuarial tables for that.


u/Draker-X 4d ago

Not really. I can look up "mortality rate of 81 year old vs. 78 year old", but I don't have the skill to make adjustments or account for lifestyle.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

Well if you're this far into the weeds, idk, maybe withhold support unless the Dems put a new candidate in.


u/blueclawsoftware 4d ago

I mean Fetterman is speaking from experience here. Did you see his debate with Oz after his stroke. It was way worse than Biden last night. It got less coverage because it was a senate race instead of president but there was a lot of the same doom posting about needing to replace him and how he wasn't fit to run, and he still went on to win.


u/rjorsin 4d ago

People get better from strokes, not from aging.