r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/winnie_the_slayer 4d ago

"Just chill out bro"

Malignant Normalcy

Toxic Positivity

"Escalation Management"

Why have so many Democrats shoved their heads into the sand? Are they a party of ostriches? They refuse to acknowledge threats and suffering and insist on gaslighting everyone into inaction.

The economy is terrible for a lot of people. Deaths of despair are way up. Guns are not the biggest problem in America.

Democrats need to wake the fuck up, face the very significant dangers the world is facing, and deal with those issues, instead of telling everyone they are just crazy and need to chill out and do nothing. Terrible messaging from Fetterman and the rest of the dems.


u/vikingdiplomat 4d ago

a huge chunk of the democratic base are just a bunch of navel gazing pussies these days, only interested in scoring points and whining "but but but doesn't anyone care that the Rs are hypocrites!?! why didn't we get 'em"?


u/BuckeyeForLife95 4d ago

I saw a tweet once that was like "The Democratic Party right now is just yelling at the ref "but the rulebook says dogs can't play basketball" while a dog dunks on them over and over".


u/vikingdiplomat 4d ago

ruff game


u/SuperSecretSide 4d ago

Guns are far from the biggest problem in America, but it should still definitely be on the agenda. Outside of licensed, HEAVILY restricted ranges, I've seen a gun in the wild once in my entire life, a decade ago and belonging to a police offer who is in the highest echelon of policing in my country, they make up around 0.01% of the country. Outside of that, a few farmers with shotguns and our equivalent of SWAT, guns don't exist. Unsurprisingly, our gun related deaths per capita are much, MUCH lower than the US.


u/Alocasia_Sanderiana 4d ago

While I agree guns could be on the agenda it's essentially political suicide in the US currently. Not only are the Democrats reliant on purple State voters who are more mixed on the topic, but if there's any hope to switch states from red to purple (Texas or Florida) then best not to mention guns at all. We have lots of other issues we can focus on in the meantime that require political will and are more broadly popular.


u/FairPudding40 4d ago

The biggest problem facing this country is that everyone thinks they know more than everyone else. It's a disease.

And yet here we all are, shouting our opinions onto an internet message board.

That said, I'm guessing you will find the republican party more of your liking. They, too, believe the world is burning.

(Fundamentally, this is a difference of opinion. People aren't wrong or ostriches for disagreeing with you. I'm sorry your life sucks, but statistically things *are* better in many important ways and they continue to improve. Children are less likely to be abused now than at any point in history, for instance [though the pandemic did fuck with that a bit because all domestic abuse / violence went up]. Crime is down which is also awesome. We have in our pockets more information than our great great grandparents were exposed to their entire lives -- and it's all just... there for our use. I made about ten grand in the stock market this week doing almost nothing [I'm playing with learning day trading and the market's been volatile -- started with $500 a few weeks ago]. Gay people can get married. There really is more opportunity now than at any point in the last few hundred years for most people. There's still plenty to improve, but the vast majority of us are objectively better off than we would have been had we lived 100 years ago.)