r/politics 4d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/DoctorDilettante 4d ago

Did you watch the debate? No one who watched can possibly say otherwise without being ridiculed unfortunately…


u/wirefox1 4d ago

I haven't heard a single person say Biden did a great job. We saw what we saw and there's no sense in pretending otherwise. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I will vote, and I will vote against trump, and in favor of our democracy, like most of us. I do want us to stand up for him though, because he stands up for us.


u/DoctorDilettante 4d ago

We simply cannot vote for Biden in this state, we need to speak up now and loudly so the DNC can put a plan in place. It’s completely unethical to have this man as our primary.


u/ValoisSign 4d ago

Me and my gf (not American nor living there but we do follow the elections) were actually musing aloud as to whether democrat higher ups actually want Trump in power, like some big fascist conspiracy that's reached both halls of power. That's how shocking it was to see. My heart sank for you guys tbh, I have never seen such a blatantly bad choice of candidate or at least not since the smuggest guy I ever saw ran in my country (Biden at least didn't come off like a bad guy, just like a nice but confused grandpa a month after dying).


u/wirefox1 4d ago

We absolutely can.


u/DoctorDilettante 4d ago

Enjoy losing then.


u/SuchRoad 4d ago

It’s completely unethical to have this man as our primary.

Unfortunately for you, this is a democracy.


u/DoctorDilettante 4d ago

You’re right and when Trump wins because we failed to prop up a competent candidate then hopefully this will be the winds of change blowing in for our governance.


u/wirefox1 4d ago

Who exactly is "we"? I don't think you can include yourself in this category.


u/SuchRoad 4d ago

we failed to prop up a competent candidate

He's already been the most productive president we have had in our lifetime, the record speaks for itself: /r/WhatBidenHasDone , and of course you can compare these accomplishments to the shitty things conservatives are doing to harm our country at: r/Keep_Track/


u/DoctorDilettante 4d ago

Oh Christ we are truly fucked if you actually believe that.