r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Nukemind Texas 6d ago

Everywhere plunges into a recession.

EU can do so. They already can do so and they would have to step up. But they can. China and Russia are both ticking time bombs population wise anyways. Their economies are beginning to crumble, slowly but surely.

Singapore is just fine for me and one place I’ve lived. Basically Switzerland, great support, nearly free housing for citizens (albeit housing lottery). Trades with every major country. I already have my job offer in fact- just have to graduate.


u/HansElbowman 6d ago

You said you're leaving America because it's too racist. Are you upset about the concept of racism existing here, or are you concerned about actually having to deal with it? Because if your worries come to pass and the world goes to shit then that is usually when people get very, very not ok with immigrants, and you're making yourself an immigrant. How do you square that logic? Why would racism on a generally safe continent be worse than racism on a war torn one?


u/TheySayIAmTheCutest 5d ago

when someone doesn't even know the difference between racism and xenophobia and yet talks like he's the big expert :D