r/politics 23d ago

Appeals Court says Kari Lake isn't entitled to rerun of election she lost Paywall


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u/orcinyadders 23d ago

People who knowingly lie about our elections should face the harshest punishments. I hope she ends up in prison for her America hating shit.


u/Brokentoaster40 23d ago

I wish it were worse than voter fraud of the individual voting twice or voting when not legally able to vote.  Too bad it’s not.


u/mawmaw99 22d ago

100% To cast doubt on our institutions or elections without evidence should be a serious crime. I don’t understand why it’s not. What fundamental principle does this violate?


u/CleanWholesomePhun 22d ago

She's a woman, so I have to believe her.


u/GOP_Neoconfederacy 23d ago

There's going to be a lot of appeals court decisions coming soon that upset our domestic fascists, this being one 


u/NoTourist5 22d ago

The GOP is spiraling down. Maybe they should try shifting left a little to be more moderate.


u/Broken-Digital-Clock 22d ago

But that could help the working class and slightly disadvantage the capitalist class.

Can't have that.


u/HardcoreSects 22d ago

These yachts aren't going to buy themselves!


u/bierfma 22d ago

They will. In my opinion, but I'm not very smart, we're seeing the last desperate attempt for the GOP to just try to take power vs earn it. The Uber rich see this threat and the evangelicals see it, just from different perspectives.

They would rather get rid of democracy than shift ideals, but that plants the seeds for a real revolution, not this Y'all Queda crap. If they try to set up a new form of government based on religious and oligarch rules, they are asking for a bad time. There is a reason Custer lost.


u/Dr_Insano_MD 22d ago

Or, now hear me out. Or they could triple down on their hateful rhetoric.


u/the_tanooki 22d ago

Why triple when you can quadruple?


u/Dr_Insano_MD 22d ago

Yeah, they're not really multiplying their hatefulness. They're increasing exponents. If they knew how to use knuth's arrow notation, they'd be using that.


u/downtofinance 22d ago

multiplying their hatefulness.

Math isn't their strong suit.


u/Dr_Insano_MD 22d ago

Math uses Arabic numbers. And you know what else is Arab? Woke. So the more number the more woke.


u/Ikarian 22d ago

Before the 60s, the Republicans had a legitimate liberal wing, and Democrats were more conservative. Dems realigned around the Voting/Civil Righs Act to appeal to minority voters, while Reps deployed the Southern Strategy to ...not.

I'm not a political analyst, but if I were in charge of a party that was flailing wildly and flirting with relegation, I'd at least consider looking at the 60s as a what-if. What if, in order to appeal to actual human beings that aren't Idiocracy characters, they realigned into a more progressive platform. If not liberal, at least human. While developing actual policies around fiscal conservatism, not just 'government bad, let's sabotage it so people think it doesn't work'.

You have millions of entrenched voters that will vote for anyone with an R next to their name. If you actually developed a policy that was not "whatever the other guy likes is bad", you might actually start winning over new voting demographics.

But I'm just a lowly computer nerd. I'll go back to moving around all these ones and zeroes.


u/Dr_Zorkles 22d ago

The GOP has been trying to infiltrate the judiciary to strip it of legitimacy by making it political and not bound to rules and regulations


u/CleanWholesomePhun 22d ago

Maybe not. They approved a ton of judges from 2016-2020.  

Maybe Eileen Canon gets the case 


u/Rock-n-roll-Kevin 23d ago

Serial Loser Kari Lake LOSES Again.

Arizona Court of Appeals REJECTS Kari Lake's appeal of her 2022 Election Contest, unanimously affirming the lower court's decisions that she lost the election.


u/moreobviousthings 22d ago

I am stunned that this loser is still in the news for losing.


u/count023 22d ago

she's a VP candidate who hasn't shot a dog yet or accepted a conviction to jail. She's going ot be in the news right up until Mango Unchained makes his decision, and possibly longer after that.


u/panmetronariston 23d ago

This halfwit needs to leave us all alone. She is as tiresome as her convicted felon mentor.


u/YourFinestPotions 22d ago

Even though she’s a hardcore, right-wing fascist bent on overthrowing the government I just can’t take her seriously enough. She’s just a plain nuisance.


u/IXMCMXCII United Kingdom 23d ago

And in one case, they noted, Lake did have the evidence at the time of the trial, which she claimed would show misconduct in the handling of the election — but she didn't present it because her expert didn't have time to study it.

"The rule does not provide relief for one who possesses documents at the time of an election contest, but does not have the time, for whatever reason, to analyze them,'' wrote appellate Judge Sean Brearcliffe.

LOL this is such a childlike outburst from Lake. AZ is better off with Hobbs representing them imo.


u/SMWW66 22d ago

Of course they’re better off with Hobbs, she’s competent and Lake is deranged.


u/IXMCMXCII United Kingdom 22d ago



u/GimpsterMcgee I voted 22d ago

This is some real “yeah I have a girlfriend. She uh… goes to another school! In Canada!” Energy 


u/ayychh 22d ago

For fuck sakes. YOU LOST. Get the fuck over it.


u/kingkowkkb1 22d ago

Her only way to stay 'relevant' Is to continue this bs. She will be doing it forever. She will lose every case/appeal and carry on spouting BS as usual. She can't won elections and quit her day job (burning those bridges with her behavior)


u/ayychh 22d ago

Sometimes I wonder if she’s doing all this to position herself as “the strongest election denier” in Trumps eyes so he picks her as his VP…


u/Wise-Calligrapher123 22d ago

Wait until she loses the Senate race: more years of grifting!


u/SekhWork Virginia 22d ago

Arizona better not disappoint on that one...


u/postsshortcomments 22d ago

It's seems to be a conservative personality issue thing. They won't stop until everything is scorched and they're encompassed with "they won! yippee!" or until they're stopped.


u/AlkalineSublime 22d ago

I just want to ask her, in the words of Sebastian Maniscalco, “aren’t you embarrassed?”

It has to be humiliating carrying on like that, loss after loss, and telling the world “no! YOU’RE crazy!”


u/Gariona-Atrinon 22d ago

She needs to save her money to file suit when she loses that Senate primary.


u/Walkingstardust Florida 22d ago

She's shacked up at MaraLardo, saving all the rent money.


u/smurfsundermybed California 22d ago

You think they're letting her crash there for free?


u/Walkingstardust Florida 22d ago

I shudder to think about the price


u/SchrodingersTIKTOK 22d ago

Stomps feet - “ Give me and my draconian racist policies the win” Does she realize how fucked up her policies are? Does anyone say it to her?


u/Dr_Zorkles 22d ago

You're making the mistake in thinking she has emotions and cares about anybody or anything except herself.  She is a lizard person - literally has no compassion/empathy.


u/Leather-Map-8138 22d ago

The sex tape has to be coming soon, while there’s still time for her to get the VP role on the ticket.


u/JubalHarshaw23 22d ago

It's way past time for judges to start sanctioning the shit out of Lake and her corrupt attorneys for filing these frivolous suits.


u/Gariona-Atrinon 22d ago

They have. Her lawyers, anyway.


u/pkrevbro 22d ago

Now completely sanction and obliterate every lawyer working for her. Make lying in court something that gives every lawyer pause.


u/Skynn3tt 22d ago

OOTL here, seems has she been running for office non stop for like 4 years now, what’s going on with her?


u/cturtl808 22d ago

She’s got a grift going for donations towards legal fees to overturn her losing governor as she’s currently running for Senate. She believes the election was rigged and she wants a new election where she’s confident she will win the second time. She’s the scourge of the Earth. She’s batshit crazy.


u/LordParsec29 23d ago

Looking like old gum in that pic.


u/CuthbertJTwillie 22d ago

Republicans are like that one kid everybody knew playing pickup baseball. He'd never admit the throw beat him and it was always "Tie goes to the runner! do-over!"


u/Quasigriz_ Colorado 22d ago

There is literally zero deterrent for this type of shit. Committing fraud to steal an election only has ramifications if you lose. And, as our current legal system has highlighted with a laser-effing-spotlights, the penalties, if any, for that fraud are laughable. Sow distrust in the election system and spawn millions of dollars worth of frivolous lawsuits and there is no repercussions. We are in far more danger than people think. That our sacred institutions rely primarily on tradition is a huge goddam problem.


u/ciopobbi 22d ago

Is she trying to get Trump’s attention by keeping up with his losing?


u/nesp12 22d ago

I hope she has to pay the costs of this crazy appeal.


u/oldfrancis 22d ago

Knowingly lying about election functionality or election results should be a crime punishable by time in prison.


u/destijl-atmospheres 22d ago

Did they also acknowledge the wetness of water?


u/StrangeContest4 22d ago

This Lake is dry as a mirage.


u/walrus_friends 22d ago

Kari about to drop her memoir Box Wine and Botox: A Life Lived Poorly


u/TheTench 22d ago

Does anyone else mentally translate her name to Scary Snake every time, or is that just me?


u/Mr_Conductor_USA 22d ago

What a pathetic loser.


u/_DapperDanMan- 22d ago

What a surprise. Anyway.


u/These_Purple_5507 22d ago

I don't know what it is about her but she's my favorite maga-dipshit to hear news about.

I'm sure she will still cling to relevancy after the inevitable loss. She'll probably run in another state and lose more


u/MusicGeekOR 22d ago

So long lines at polling places should invalidate elections:

‘Her attorney Kurt Olsen argued those lines led many voters, more likely than not to be Republicans, to leave without voting.’

Ummm … Ohio 2004 … anybody remember that?


u/BillLaswell404 22d ago

What a fuggin loser


u/thatirishguyyyyy 22d ago

Still loosing 


u/FortyYearOldVirgin 22d ago

She’s still hung up on that?


u/FrogsAreSwooble 22d ago

She is entitled, just not to that.


u/Optimal-Raisin-730 22d ago

Talk about entitlement and sore losers


u/skeptolojist 22d ago

Spend more of that gop money on failed legal challenges please


u/every1duck 22d ago

Even if she were to be given a "do-over", she would still lose, and this time by a wider margin.


u/ColorIsNotReal 22d ago

holy shit we are still talking about this irrelevant woman?


u/angrybox1842 22d ago

This is like how we spent a few months with Trump losing over and over and over again.


u/dingleberry_dog 22d ago

Duh. She’s one of the nastiest people to ever get into AZ politics. And that’s a high bar.


u/bpeden99 22d ago

Do trump next


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