r/politics Rolling Stone Jun 02 '24

Trump Denies Ever Saying ‘Lock Her Up.’ He Did… Several Times Soft Paywall


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u/WolferineYT Jun 02 '24

Yeah, I tend to avoid being too vocal about my political beliefs around those sociopaths. It's not surprising they rarely hear differing views.


u/caligaris_cabinet Illinois Jun 02 '24

Not even just living next door to them. I live in a fairly blue area but it’s suburban and five minutes from rural outskirts. All it takes is one idiot to drive by and get triggered for a rock to be thrown through my window.


u/Defiant-Many6099 New Jersey 29d ago

I'm sorry, that is horrible.


u/Recent_Opportunity78 21d ago

I’ve been threatened so many times online ( I hide my identity on Facebook and IG ), no way I am going out of my way to just offer a differing opinion in person. I am not fearful per se, I just don’t want to deal with all the hassle it’s going to throw into my life. These people are seriously deranged. No way I let my neighbor even know my political standings. I just listen to them rant and not really say all that much, most are sociopathic / narcissistic people so they love hearing themselves talk anyway. As I stated a few times, I own a few guns but I am buying more before the next election.