r/politics Rolling Stone Jun 02 '24

Trump Denies Ever Saying ‘Lock Her Up.’ He Did… Several Times Soft Paywall


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u/tangerinelion Jun 02 '24

Bingo. Everyone knows the trump conviction is a rigged witch hunt while the Clinton allegations are well founded and she was protected by the corrupt DOJ because she's in charge of the lizard people who control the real government.

/s because jesus christ you can imagine people actually think that.


u/Papplenoose Jun 02 '24

It's really sad that even your "regular" Republicans have now succumbed to completely insane conspiracy theories to explain any/everything. They can't handle the reality that they got bamboozled so they keep making up weirder and weirder lies to tell themselves :/


u/Wolfwoods_Sister Jun 02 '24

I just saw a (former) friend post a meme of Trump in an orange prison jumpsuit with the words “Don’t care — voting for him anyway”.

That’s how MAGA ppl are. It’s a goddamn cult.


u/AAA515 Jun 02 '24

Can I interest you in a documentary called John Carpenter's They Live?