r/politics May 09 '24

Oil Industry Licks Its Chops for Potential Trump Win as Climate Experts Sound Alarm | Fossil fuel industry lawyers and lobbyists have reportedly drafted ready-made executive orders to roll back Biden’s energy regulations Paywall


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u/jimmygee2 May 09 '24

This lunatic is literally campaigning on ‘fuck the environment’


u/Turuial May 09 '24

Drill, baby, drill!

--Republicans (circa 2008).


u/neuroid99 May 09 '24

Yeah it's not like this is new or unique to Trump. This is explicitly what people are voting for when they vote Republican. Well, that and bigotry, dictatorship, and child marriage.


u/ceddya May 09 '24


Reminder for anyone harboring the delusion that Trump has a plan to tackle inflation and price gouging, let alone climate change.


u/Aggressive-Will-4500 May 09 '24

Trump has still been using the "Drill, baby, drill!" The asshat is a walking right-wing meme-spewing diaper-shitting troglodyte.

“Remember this: Gasoline, fuel, oil, natural gas went up to a level that it was impossible. … That’s what caused inflation, and we’re going to bring it down because we’re going to go drill, baby, drill.”


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio May 10 '24

And, of course drill baby drill (energy is too expensive) came right before the GOP gets down on its knees to gargle the Saudis and their price fixing.


u/sorenthestoryteller May 09 '24

These people are literally enemies of humanity and civilization.


u/Squirrel_Inner May 09 '24

We really need to throw these people in jail. They have reached comic book levels of evil villain.


u/SchrodingersTIKTOK May 09 '24

Yes, so he can expand his golf courses too. I’m sure he is getting kickbacks.


u/hoffman4 May 09 '24

Money over humanity and their children’s future ability to survive. Pure evil


u/Larry-fine-wine May 09 '24

Everyone got so used to seeing complex antiheroes on TV that they forgot to watch out for the Saturday morning cartoon villains.


u/FlyingDiscsandJams May 09 '24

They already are pumping record numbers and making record profit, so fucking insane that it isn't good enough for them.


u/CompleteApartment839 May 09 '24

A vote for the GOP is a vote for death.


u/Hwy39 May 09 '24

Lobbying is just another word for bribery


u/Kindly-Counter-6783 May 09 '24

This is such craven behavior and surly vets the intent of big oil over every living creature. They have lied for decades but since the truth is out they just double down preemptively so they can buy more politicians and judges that will take women’s rights away. Such is the state of affairs he world. So sad!


u/_ZaphJuice_ May 09 '24

I truly want to understand the thinking of big oil decision makers and anti-Climate change policy makers . Do they honestly not believe in climate change? Do they expect some technological solution that will fix the problem? Do they NOT see a problem? Or do they see the predicted problems as “not a big deal?” Not talking run-of-the-mill CC deniers - who’s denialism is likely related to political or religious affiliation (my opinion) - but of those who have access to industry info and who have hands on the levers.


u/JkstrHmstr May 09 '24

They don't live in the same world as us. They have enough money to avoid the worst aspects of the oncoming disasters. This is just one of seemingly innumerable fronts of the ongoing class war that we've all been born into. In their minds, it's their profit, our problem. They'll all be watching us drop like flies while laughing from their châteaux in the alps.


u/desubot1 May 10 '24

i dont even understand how and where they would go and whom they would reproduce with in high enough numbers to keep their "legacy" going. i could understand that plan if they were to say fund the shit out of nasa to get off this rock but that aint happening ether.

so sure they can hide in their bunker for a few hundred years and a few generations of inbred weirdos that never worked a day in their lives

but then what.

they come out and boom they are rich again? with what workers.

i dont think they though this evil villain plan through.


u/officer897177 May 09 '24

They just don’t care. They think that somebody is going to get rich off of oil, so it might as well be them. If they gave up everything and took a vow of poverty they would just be replaced by the next money hungry sociopath, so why bother.

Same attitude as people who make cigarettes.


u/SafeMycologist9041 May 09 '24

Biden administration has broken records for record high oil production. Isn't that also sad?


u/kmelby33 May 09 '24

Nope. We still need to meet current demand while simultaneously making the transition to cleaner energy sources. Did you want Biden to create an unnecessary energy crisis?


u/luctual64 May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

It's okay when Biden does it! /s

After Willow and MVP approval this sub prattled on about eNeRgY iNdEpEnDeNcE" or other related crap.


u/ceddya May 09 '24

It's okay when Biden does it! /s

Except Biden isn't only doing just that, is he? Biden's investments to tackle climate change puts the US nearly on track to hit 2030 targets.


Why don't you link what Trump's policies would do?


Oh... so not the same at all.


u/Spara-Extreme California May 09 '24

It’s not and they are being totally ridiculous.

Like Trump is contemplating banning EVs and LED lights.


u/luctual64 May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24


“The decline of power sector emissions is now inevitable. 2023 was likely the pivot point – a major turning point in the history of energy,” Dave Jones, Ember’s insights director, said in an emailed statement. “But the pace ... depends on how fast the renewables revolution continues.”

It’s a transition that could be happening much faster if not for the US, which is already the world’s biggest gas producer, using record amounts of gas last year. Without the US, Ember finds, electricity generation from gas would have fallen globally in 2023. Global economies excluding the US managed to generate 62 terawatt hours less gas-powered electricity last year compared to the year prior. But the US ramped up its electricity generation from gas by nearly twice that amount in the same timeframe, an additional 115TWh from gas in 2023.


Federal regulators are underplaying the dangers of the liquefied natural gas buildout along the Gulf Coast on climate change and on surrounding communities, including on the people of color already overburdened by pollution, a new report charges.

“By accelerating climate change, the LNG boom gambles away our nation’s future security and our planet’s ability to sustain modern societies,” the report’s authors write. “LNG buildout liquidates the well-being of coastal communities and future generations for short-term profits.”


u/ceddya May 09 '24

It’s a transition that could be happening much faster if not for the US

Why is that?

  • President Joe Biden set a goal of reaching 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and signed into law the nation’s largest investment in clean energy and climate to date with the Inflation Reduction Act. But the administration’s ability to mandate a transition to cleaner energy is limited after the Supreme Court decided in 2022 that the Environmental Protection Agency shouldn’t be allowed to determine how the US generates its electricity. Since then, the EPA’s long-awaited rules for greenhouse gas emissions from power plants have leaned on getting energy companies to capture carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Maybe try to be honest and link the context explained by your article. Why would any of this be a bad look for Biden? Why would it not be a worse look for Trump who opposes such investments and would make it impossible for the US to reach any of the needed climate goals?

No climate expert endorses Trump. They're all speaking out about the dangers to the climate if Trump wins. Go figure on why you're trying to push a clearly false equivalence.


u/kmelby33 May 09 '24

The pillow project was approved under Trump, and Biden had little chance to overturn that via the courts. They conceded on it.

Biden has made substantial investments in green energy, but you won't see the results immediately, so the online left just assumes nothing has happened.


u/luctual64 May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

Not true. The court rejected trump's approval, and in that ruling decreed that Conoco did not have an unfettered right to drilling all sites. This administration could have rejected it outright, or reduced the number of drilling sites to one or two effectively killing it.

Instead they caved to the AK delegation who wanted the drilling to move forward.

And if "substantial investment" is defined as $400 billion over ten years, then I guess condescending centrists will fall for anything.


u/DrQuestDFA America May 09 '24

It is incumbent upon us to remember that there isn't just one issue on the ballot in November. Left leaning folks might not like everything Biden has done (and some actors, good faith and bad faith alike, have tried to down play his administration's accomplishments), but only one of the two major candidates has made any effort to decarbonize our energy system. If you think Joe hasn't done enough I can assure you that a Trump regime would work to undo everything "not good enough" we've seen in the past four years and then make things even worse.

And that isn't good for any human on the planet.


u/wesleyweir May 09 '24

Exactly. This needs to be a call to action to put other issues aside and vote for the future of our entire planet!


u/RiverGodRed May 09 '24

We may have to physically fight these industries in order to save the biosphere if trump gets back in the White House.


u/CrieDeCoeur May 09 '24

Because of course they have.

I can’t help but feel the next election - no matter what country you live in - is going to be pivotal and will seal our fate for good or bad.


u/bakeacake45 May 09 '24

We really are fighting for our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren…vote and be responsible for ensuring two other people you know vote. Hold each other accountable it’s either that or get a gun safe and fill it. You will certainly need it.


u/Key_Conversation5277 Europe May 10 '24

Can we all just kill these fuckers?


u/bakeacake45 May 10 '24

Dems in general don’t kill the way Republicans do, we don’t fawn over preachers who rape kids, we don’t throw away our kids over gender issues, we don’t look at the civil war with anything but disgust and horror and we are not going to start now to lower ourselves to the level of these Republican animals.

But we will be prepared and defend ourselves if the time comes.


u/-staticvoidmain- May 09 '24

I'll see you all during the water wars


u/GaTechThomas May 09 '24

Lock them all up.


u/declinedgarrett May 09 '24

We have Oil companies drafting presidential executive orders. We have Corporations dictating US law by literally writing the orders themselves. Absolutely ludicrous and terrifying.


u/MagictheCollecting May 09 '24

Oh, supervillains


u/dexatrosin May 10 '24

Pure corruption.


u/SafeMycologist9041 May 09 '24

Oil production is at an all time high in the United States under Joe Biden.


u/kmelby33 May 09 '24

Investments into clean energy are also at all-time highs.


u/Schwarzes__Loch May 09 '24

It was necessary to replenish the American petroleum reserves after they were tapped to bring some relief to soaring gas prices back in 2022. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was the cause.


u/HoightyToighty May 09 '24

...and would ramp up even further under Trump.


u/SafeMycologist9041 May 09 '24

Joe Biden increased production after the Trump administration.


u/eugene20 May 09 '24

This must be real confusing for MAGA loons, they want more oil, they want unhindered pollution, they don't believe in climate change, but now they're trying to paint Biden as bad for increasing oil production.

He had to for a while to reduce dependence on foreign oil because of Putin starting a war invading Ukraine.


u/kmelby33 May 09 '24

You do realize Biden had invested more into clean energy than other president by far, right??


u/graneflatsis May 09 '24

Might have had something to do with reducing dependence on foreign supplies including those laundered from Russia.

It should be noted that he also passed a ton of climate (historic climate bills actually) and environmental policies, including a tremendous effort into solar (including US manufacturing). r/WhatBidenHasDone.


u/luctual64 May 09 '24

This is bullshit. The explosive growth in planned and approved LNG plants on the Gulf Coast is proof much of the fossil fuel production is used for export. If "reducing dependence on foreign supplies" is the goal, simply ban exports. (In the summer of 2022 after a fire at a TX LNG plant the price of nat gas cratered.)


u/SafeMycologist9041 May 09 '24

And yet despite it all, oil production increases under the Biden administration


u/graneflatsis May 09 '24

Might have had something to do with reducing dependence on foreign supplies including those laundered from Russia.

Another round?


u/SafeMycologist9041 May 09 '24

Soooo, same could be said under the potentially upcoming Trump administration or no?


u/kmelby33 May 09 '24

Are you seriously ignoring all the climate legislation passed under Biden?? Do you even know about it??


u/graneflatsis May 09 '24

Maybe! But you'd also get a reversal of all climate regulations, elimination of all funding for global efforts, withdrawal from the Paris accords, shuttering of the NOAA and all climate research, widespread expansion of drilling (including opening up of protected areas) and deregulation of the Gas and Oil industries. And that's just the stuff I know offhand.

Sometimes one single data point does not tell the whole story.


u/Spara-Extreme California May 09 '24

No he didn’t. Joe Biden doesn’t have a “increase oil production” button on his desk.


u/Deadaghram May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

He's opened up more areas in Alaska and the Gulf, as well 70000 other acres for oil drilling. The companies didn't want to buy them, for reasons, so Biden wound up closing them and turning one into a park.


u/Spara-Extreme California May 09 '24

That doesn’t matter. Those areas will need at least 5 years to be productive. The production gains now are a product of past presidents.


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u/Phantom-jin May 09 '24

Read a theory years ago about JFK ( Kennedy ) possibly being assassinated for the gall of thinking to have the oil industry taxed more .

JFK was noticing their millions of dollars in profits and was aware of how little taxes they paid .

We’ll never truly know . However the oil industry is massive , has mad money and doesn’t like the thought of being less relevant .


u/BGizzle7070 May 09 '24

That and he decided to pick a fight with the mafia


u/Phantom-jin May 09 '24

Yikes …. drastic outcome .


u/Lord_Vesuvius2020 New York May 09 '24

Think about some legal history here. Remember the huge tobacco and opioid settlements and the billions those industries had to pay out to the states? These provided an important source of funding while penalizing those companies. I am starting to see the same thing coming down the road with big oil. Once they are liable for climate damages all the states will dog pile on for their piece of the pie!