r/pics 7d ago

After the presidential debate, Joe Biden greeted by his wife Jill Biden while Trump walks off stage Politics

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u/MastrSunlight 6d ago

Exactly that - Trump would rather lick Putin's boots than help Ukraine, giving a green light for another big wave of russian attacks who will lead God knows where. On top of that, I sincerely doubt that Trump will be able to handle the situation around Israel well, leading to other conflicts that could have been avoided.

If you think Trump is the one that stops wars, then why didn't he do anything to prevent the current Ukraine invasion when he himself admitted on the debate about knowing about it for a long time from Putin himself? He supposedly learned that info when he was still in office...


u/Fearless-Estimate-41 6d ago

How could he prevent a war that happened when he wasn’t president..? Why not blame the commander in chief for not preventing it..? I know everything’s trumps fault 🙄


u/MastrSunlight 6d ago

Because he had information about Putin's plans while in office? He himself stated he knew about it since their meeting in 2018, which gave him 2 years to do something about it, but we both know that Trump likes Putin's boots and would put Russia over world security.

Putin's plans were already in motion as biden was getting inaugurated and the invasion began a year after his inauguration - tell me who had more time and info to prevent the war. Oh wait, I forgot Trump was too busy stealing national documents and hiding them in his home to do something


u/Fearless-Estimate-41 6d ago

Yeah let’s meddle in other countries affairs some more, cuz we haven’t morally corrupted other countries in the past 🙄


u/MastrSunlight 6d ago

So your defence about Trump stopping the war when he had clear info about it is "but it is morally wrong to do so", yet Biden should have prevented it without that info and a year less? Don't you see the double standard here?

Btw, you cannot "corrupt" Russia any more than it already is, I mean look at them - Putin has total control over everybody and everything. If anything, overthrowing Putin would be a step towards democracy again


u/david_isbored 6d ago

Why do you think these wars started under Biden instead of when Trump was in office? You blamed him for not stopping Russia when that should’ve been Biden’s job.

Relations with Russia and other foreign parties that were historically against the US were increasing. Hell look at whats happening with North Korea just one term after a President walked on their soil.


u/MastrSunlight 6d ago

Because Trump did nothing to prevent it? Biden was inaugurated in January 2021 and the invasion began in February 2022. If you think that Putin started an invasion with just a year of planning, then you are slightly mistaken. Trump knew that Putin would undertake the invasion and gave no signals about it to the US or the NATO allies that border Ukraine/Russia, basically giving Putin a green light to go ahead.

I do not know why you see good relations with dictatorships like North Korea (which has no economy or military) or Russia as a plus - they are an example of what we have to fight against as modern democracies.