r/pics 7d ago

After the presidential debate, Joe Biden greeted by his wife Jill Biden while Trump walks off stage Politics

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u/Outrageous_Break_426 7d ago

Doesn't matter  He could be wheelchair bound and would still be a better choice than orange


u/why_u_mad_brah 7d ago

Then why Reddit doesn't want to admit that he is in obvious cognitive decline?

Why does it always have to be prefaced with "But Trump...". Just call it how you see it.


u/Petersaber 6d ago

Because as opposed to Trump, he's delegating great many tasks to other, competent and mentally functional people.


u/FrogInAShoe 6d ago

Can we vote for of those people instead?


u/Petersaber 6d ago

We do, through the main guy.


u/Jagacin 6d ago

Nobody knows who those people are for the most part until after the main guy gets elected. That's not exactly picking who those helpers will be.


u/Upbeat_Bed_7449 6d ago

But those other people are not elected...


u/DespaPitfast 6d ago

"Delegating?" that's the exact opposite of what's been happening.

They literally have to give him instructions and a script when he attends meetings.

He's got all the agency and willpower of a marionette.


u/Petersaber 6d ago

I'll take multiple competent people marionetting a president over an incompetent, insane dictator with an entire government of yes-men.


u/DespaPitfast 6d ago

You do know that "dictator" has an actual meaning and isn't just a pejorative to describe someone you politically disagree with, right?

Nah, I'm just kidding.

Anyone who literally says they support a puppet in office doesn't give a shit what words actually mean.


u/KidBeene 6d ago

You earned a beer. Hell, two for this shutdown.


u/Hydra57 6d ago

But a single man has to single-handedly run the entire country /s


u/Slapbox 6d ago

It seems like people are doing exactly what you're asking of them, but you're unhappy because they're not neglecting to mention the other guy is a dangerous psychopath.


u/why_u_mad_brah 6d ago

Some of the people are admitting to it, but most of people in this thread are talking about his stutter, like it has anything to do with this.

Just imagine this, if Trump stumbled around like Biden did with his "We beat Medicaid" bit, it would be plastered on r/all for the next three days at least. You can't find one thread with the clips from the debate on Reddit front page. You don't find that just a tiny bit weird?


u/ThatEdward 7d ago

They're both terrible choices and I agree with senior dem calls to replace him


u/RedditZamak 6d ago

Joe Biden is just as sharp as he has ever been. Do not replace him. He won the DNC nomination fair and square. If Democrats replace him now, it would be an attack on our Democracy. Anyone suggesting otherwise is literally calling for an insurrection.


u/MoistPete 6d ago

“every single solitary person was eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID—excuse me, with, dealing with everything we had to do with, look… we finally beat Medicare.”


u/Defiant-Unit4148 6d ago

“beat it to death” - accurate or not that one did make me laugh 😂😂


u/goober36 6d ago

You must be a bot. If you actually believe any of what you said you need to go out and talk to people.


u/99silveradoz71 6d ago

He’s as sharp as he’s ever been? Are you a literal drone? No way you’re saying that with a straight face. Go watch a video of him at the 2020 debate and contrast that with today. There’s legitimately no way you’re serious.


u/Thelastsaburai 6d ago

Found the bot


u/neilcmf 6d ago

You cannot be serious. Watch his -08 or -12 VP debates; Trump v. Biden aside, anybody can see that he obviously isn't as sharp as he used to be and he has fallen off dramatically.


u/Decent-Clerk-5221 6d ago edited 6d ago

Ok but people do care. One of these men is going to be the face of the country for the next 4 years, that is not something you can replace with a good administration (of which I think Biden has).

The democrats made an active choice not to replace him with a more effective speaker. They have failed to justify their choice. Also, Kamala Harris is deeply unpopular. This is one of the few times there’s legitimate risk of a president dying from age related causes…. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why Trump hasn’t unveiled his VP


u/Outrageous_Break_426 6d ago

Lots of down votes, but even bright 70 year old have bad knees