r/oddlysatisfying 3d ago

Avatar, the Last Bartender

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u/oddlysatisfying-ModTeam 2d ago

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u/jigga19 3d ago

I worked at a fancy bar and we did all this (sans throwing fire around, although I made a mean Blue Blazer). It was super fun. And I’ll agree a lot of this is wasteful, particularly the dry ice, although it really is about showmanship. Say what you will, but it’s better than juggling a bunch of empty bottles.


u/Maaniker 3d ago

Wasteful in the same way fireworks are wasteful. If you were entertained during the process then why is this any different?


u/fruitpunchsamuraiD 2d ago

Same logic for people who say, "Why do you waste your time playing games?"


u/BeagleBaggins 2d ago

lol, agreed. I’ve been told that by people who do nothing but watch TV..


u/PapaSock 2d ago

It's always the people watching TV on their phones talking shit to me for playing games and making friends with strangers


u/CornBin-42 2d ago

This, and at least playing games engages all the nerves in my brain (don’t know if that’s true or not but hey), meanwhile they’re just mindlessly watching tv, only moving to bring their beer up to their mouth


u/Initial-Breakfast-90 2d ago

I'm excited to die and become a statistic for the gaming generations and Alzheimers. Gaming does or can be a cognitive stimulant and that kind of stimulation is supposed to ward off Alzheimers and cognitive decline in general.


u/Miserable-Admins 2d ago edited 2d ago

That's actually very interesting.

But please don't forget to power wash your swamp-ass. 😭


u/Shawarma_llama467 2d ago

Thanks for the reminder


u/rustlingpotato 2d ago

Or do forget, if you're into that...


u/KnightLBerg 2d ago

If i never stand up the smell never gets out.

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u/Miserable-Admins 2d ago

This is your mother, dear. No need to sexualize it.

Unless you're into that.

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u/imdefinitelywong 2d ago

And then, blame all the violence and depravity in the world on videogames.


u/viperfangs92 2d ago

🤣 I've had this discussion with people that used to give me shit for playing a MMORPG, but then they will go binge-watch Housewives of "Insert location."


u/Specialist_Brain841 2d ago

ahem, consuming eletronic media entertainment


u/Striking-water-ant 2d ago

I realized I spend inordinate amounts of time on reddit+YouTube so I have learned to stop judging the gamers I know


u/RedManMatt11 2d ago

Ah so you’ve met my wife


u/Freakychee 2d ago

Lol maybe we should start replying to those people with "why do you waste time being a busy body about how others spend their time?"


u/messagerespond 2d ago

So much adderall in his methods though.


u/Freakychee 2d ago

What does addwrall actually do I wonder? Not just what it is used for but what it does to the body chemically. Should Google that.

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u/TheFormless_0ne_ 2d ago

That'll be 800 dollars plus an expected 300 tip


u/Reversi8 2d ago

This is BAR CENTIFOLIA, cant see any official drink prices but its apparently 1000 JPY for cover and about 4000 JPY ($25) per drink (though certainly the high end whisky are more). Prices may have increased a bit in past year though. And Japan so no tip. Apparently really hard to get a reservation though.


u/GlowShroomy 2d ago

Wasting time and polluting the air for fun are not the same kind of waste though.


u/Various-Ducks 2d ago

That not real fire


u/Envoie-moi_ton_minou 2d ago

What makes you say that?


u/-Deivijs- 2d ago

Gamers are truly the most persecuted minority


u/joserrez 2d ago

I know right. It’s literally called a “pastime.”

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u/dat_oracle 2d ago

Both wasteful, tho a bit different. Fireworks are polluting the environment and our streets are fucking flooded with firework remains. Also a lot of animals are horrified by the noise.

Aside this, I believe we should think a lot more about wasting resources for pure entertainment. It's a huge topic, involving freedom and art, two very sensitive things to discuss.


u/Numerous_Teachers 2d ago

Commercial firework shows shut down water bottling plants because of soil contamination.

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u/ByeByeGirl01 2d ago

This is the attitude that led to 300,000,000 cars in America lol

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u/zephood75 3d ago

That last drink was lovely looking.


u/englishmuse 2d ago

Unfortunately, drink prices include the cost of a new jacket.

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u/1234567791 2d ago

I’m a bartender and I love simplicity but this kind of stuff is impressive. I get annoyed with people that shit on stuff like this.


u/jigga19 2d ago

“It is an impressively arrogant move to conclude that just because you don't like something, it is empirically not good.”—Tina Fey

Yeah, I try not to let it get under my skin. I’m out of the business now, but I got to learn and do a lot of really cool stuff that most people never will. I wasn’t healing the sick or righting injustice or anything, I was just helping people have a good time, and that’s pretty cool, too.


u/z-tayyy 3d ago

I appreciate showmanship, tons of travelers in hospitality you can show a great time. This dude specifically comes off as a bit of an edge lord/pretentious to me though.


u/jigga19 3d ago

Honestly, I kind of agree that his movements were a bit flamboyant, but I am not nor have I ever been a Japanese bartender, so maybe they just hit different, ya know? Still, particularly with the fire, a lot of those movements require practice and, more importantly, confidence.


u/z-tayyy 3d ago

Definitely could be some culture influence! People get so mad at how impractical a lot of this is and forget this isn’t an after work beer location it’s a special date/anniversary/birthday spurge for some fun and an exciting experience. People whip their phones out at Japanese steakhouses when the chef lights the wok and makes an onion into a train lmao! Those Japanese whiskeys are fantastic though.


u/jigga19 2d ago

Yeah, but a lot of high(er) end dining is all about the impracticality of it. I really like to cook so I try and only order whatever I can’t reasonably make at home.


u/Pixzal 2d ago

my lazy ass just orders deep fried stuff because i hate to do it in my own kitchen. lol


u/Geminel 2d ago

I don't know any more about Japanese culture than the average dude who watches anime, but the amount of attention he seemed to focus on keeping his head and eyes at a particular angle struck me as seeming particularly Japanese.


u/kleenkong 2d ago

I'd say more anime-ish since I've never encountered any Japanese person who moves like this. I have met anime lovers who do though.

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u/vanchica 2d ago

This is fantastic, love it- and he's so controlled throughout!


u/beansoupforthesoul 2d ago

I could watch that man dramaticly slide a bottle all night


u/Ok_Television9820 2d ago

It’s not wasteful, it’s a show. I can open a box of wine at home if I want efficiency.


u/AtomicBlastCandy 2d ago

How much were cocktails?


u/jigga19 2d ago

This was a decade ago, but all were (mostly) $17 and required some element of molecular gastronomy, infusions, or whatever we could pull out of our hat, and bar prep would usually take at least two hours, up to six depending on what we were making at the time (our cocktail menu changed every 4-6 weeks along with the dinner menu). However, those prices could soar up to several hundred dollars if they wanted to use one of our rarer whiskies, some of which were $300/pour. It didn’t happen often, and if someone did ask, usually I’d tell them they’re better off drinking it straight and enjoying the nuances rather than having them distorted or muted with different flavor profiles. I did make a Manhattan that cost $200, although for the life of me I can’t remember which whiskey I used.

On that note, and not my story, was some dickhead that was hitting on my friend at a different bar who wanted a Rusty Nail made with Macallan 50. That was $500 (although now that’d probably be around $1000 or so).


u/FrightinglyPunny 2d ago

Many moons ago I worked at a 5* luxury resort. Almost closing time, no one in the bar and in walks 3 Japanese men, all over 60. They sit down at the bar and ask for 3 Louis XIII and coke. I said "sure, with or without ice?".

They ordered 3 or 4 rounds and left one of the biggest tips I had ever received - yes from Japanese clients! I thanked him he thanked me and said a lot people in the country he was in (not Japan) refuse to serve Louis trey the way he wants. I replied "you obviously know the cognac, I imagine you would drink this at home, I'm here to make you feel like you are at your 2nd home".

I few "purist" barkeeps said what I did was blasphemy. You pay the money, you can have it with Fanta for all I care.

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u/qwertz858 2d ago

That's liquid nitrogen not dry ice.


u/jigga19 2d ago

Yup, my bad.

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u/NickInTheMud 2d ago

What if you’re sitting at a table away from the bar? Does the waitress call you over to watch when the bartender is making your drink?

Needless to say, I find these kinds of places silly.


u/jigga19 2d ago

Gotta sit at the bar to see the show.

And if it’s not your bag, no worries. But people are allowed to like things, too!


u/Navyslut 2d ago

True, it's all about the spectacle and atmosphere, not just the drink itself.


u/mottledmussel 2d ago

Seems to be a lot like hibachi. The food is good but I think most people go for the performance


u/doped_turtle 2d ago

I’m sure there’s plenty of things you like others will find silly

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u/2ndFloosh 3d ago

All I want is a single plum floating in perfume, served in a man's hat.


u/ClubMeSoftly 2d ago

Here ya go


u/Jfjam85 2d ago

Number 8.

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u/Sebbie_Smakinen 2d ago

I like the one where he sets the person ordering further down the bar on fire.


u/Train3rRed88 2d ago

Or when he puts what looks like an already low proof Yamazaki 18 on the biggest block of ice ever


u/Sebbie_Smakinen 2d ago

Leave my watered down ice alone


u/ImWhatsInTheRedBox 2d ago

Biggest block of ice, cut from an even bigger block of ice.

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u/dbthelinguaphile 2d ago

tbf the bigger the block, the slower it'll melt; probably tastes just fine


u/farmch 3d ago

Meh, everyone wants to shit on this and be a dick. But it’s not nothing, it’s using creativity and chemistry to put on a show. I like it. I get that there’s a lot of bullshit out there that we want to poopoo so we can get our cocktail and go on our way, but I don’t think that falls into this category.

A bartender cutting your ice cube in front of you, making a fire and fog show, and creating a display out of the drink making process isn’t the same as Salt Bae putting on some aviators and dropping salt from two feet above the steak.


u/routinemage 3d ago

Finally someone who's said something nice about a post. I swear I check the comments on this sub all the time and most times people are just needling the post with the most superfluous nitpicks. Like, is this wasteful? Yeah definitely, but it looks cool and it has panache and therefore is satisfying.


u/Flimsy6769 2d ago

It’s because the people can’t afford it so they feel the need to shit on stuff like this to make themselves feel better

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u/getoutofthedream 3d ago

I respect and agree with your opinion! I’ve watched lots of bartending videos like this and I find them relaxing. The sounds are calming for some strange reason.

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u/Quiet_dog23 3d ago

Remember, you’re reading the comments from a bunch of anti-social shut ins who would have an anxiety attack if they ventured 500 feet from their basement. Of course they don’t like it.


u/tameoraiste 2d ago

Yup, I dunno if I’m getting older or Reddit’s getting worse but it’s turned into the anti-social network.


u/Alternative-Cod-7630 2d ago

Come to Reddit for the interesting and entertaining links. Stay for the angry vitriol in the comments.


u/tameoraiste 2d ago

“Everyone wants to shit on this and be a dick”

Reddit’s tagline


u/Bartendiesthrowaway 2d ago

It's like the same 3 replies every time there's an artistic cocktail post like this. "That'll be $30" "I just want my drink" or something about tipping. At least this dude is doing something creative with his time rather than recycling old reddit comments. It might not be for everyone but it'd be a cool thing to take a date to.


u/KiKiPAWG 2d ago

It’s a performance with food, reminds me of Arirang and other places like that


u/Turbulent-Pea-8826 2d ago

Yep. If you want someone to just hand you your drink go to the local corner bar.


u/ninetailedoctopus 2d ago

If I was able to post the “Shhh, let people enjoy things” meme, I would.

This is an enjoyable performance that you pay for, and you get a drink out of it too.

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u/domo_roboto 3d ago

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time....


u/JohnnyTeardrop 2d ago

DIRECTOR: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut! Don’t try to fool me. Don’t pretend you don’t understand. Do you even understand what we are trying to do? Suntory is very exclusive. The sound of the words is important. It’s an expensive drink. This is No. 1. Now do it again, and you have to feel that this is exclusive. O.K.? This is not an everyday whiskey you know

INTERPRETER: Could you do it slower and —

DIRECTOR: With more ecstatic emotion.

INTERPRETER: More intensity.


u/elchet 2d ago



u/skoffs 2d ago

*nods and smiles*


u/sheezy520 2d ago

The best of times…


u/WumbologyScholar 2d ago

Bartender: “That’ll be $4000…”

Customer: “Sir, the bar is on fire.”


u/YangGain 2d ago

That’s why it’s $4,000. For the repair.

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u/Shot-Engine-4209 2d ago

That dude better have dried the knife before sheathing it


u/freyport 2d ago

Was looking for this comment. I couldn't pay attention to the rest of the video.


u/TheeVande 3d ago

blah blah blah "$30 dollars per drink" this isn't a place you'd go for a quick drink. It's a cocktail experience. Memories are a large part of experience and this would be memorable!


u/Breaker-of-circles 2d ago

What do you mean this isn't the place to get shitfaced on moonshine some neckbeard engineer brewed in his lab? I thought your bar was named Wrong Turn Tavern?


u/frostedwaffles 2d ago

Y'all got any Wild Turkey?

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u/robicide 2d ago

moonshine some neckbeard engineer brewed in his lab

For the real experience you need moonshine some redneck engineer brewed in his hole in the ground


u/jaguarp80 2d ago

Are you in marketing or do you just talk like it


u/TheeVande 2d ago

I am actually lol But I don't like it and I hate that it was so obvious!


u/jaguarp80 2d ago

Holy shit I was just breaking balls lol

It’s the word “experience” that raised an eyebrow for me. They use that as a buzzword all the time I guess to make something sound like more than just a product


u/TheeVande 2d ago

I should put that I know my marketing buzzwords on my resume lol

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u/freeman687 2d ago

Agree it’s not a quick drink, because how the fuck do you drink that last one?

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u/Audomadic 3d ago

I bet this dude makes the most insane glass of water


u/rants_unnecessarily 2d ago

I'd order it!


u/ocelot08 2d ago

Janitors hate him!


u/Another_Road 3d ago

Whenever abusing like this is posted you always have a line of people eager to say “This Is too expensive and takes too long! Just give me my drink!”

As if the whole point of this video wasn’t to just show off some cool looking effects.

If you go to a bar specifically that focuses on tricks and get made that it takes too long, then you’re obviously at the wrong place.

I hope one of these days Redditors learn that not everything in the world is made specifically for their tastes.


u/doped_turtle 2d ago

I find it so funny. I like to think of what else these people might do. Do they walk into McDonald’s and get mad that there’s only shitty burgers? Do they go to the theater and complain that there’s not enough tackling? “This flat grassy area is great for soccer. Sure it’s a golf course but I wanna play soccer today”


u/Bikini_Investigator 2d ago

Exactly. This is an experience bar. Not just drinks, it’s a show.

You want quick, get you some Applebees.


u/NrdNabSen 2d ago

As they grow they will hopefully learn that cheap and fast doesn't have to be the standard, just becasue their mom's are.


u/deviant_ghost 2d ago

Set the length of the bar on fire just to slide a glass through it


u/metalguy91 3d ago

Neat! Can I please have my 7-Up now? Sir?…


u/JohnnyTeardrop 2d ago

Hey it’s that one joke!


u/metalguy91 2d ago

Hey look it’s that one comment about the joke!

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u/kaori_cicak990 3d ago

Bruh the comment section are so sad... Not even us paying to see this bro. Also for show its quite entertaining


u/gr3atch33s3 2d ago

I like watching it on my phone, I’m not paying for it in person. Respect to the guys craft.

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u/Toolbusker 3d ago

Pretentious as fuck.


u/kiljoy1569 3d ago

Props to these guys though. Like many other business', they have a skill and they can capitalize on it with a certain class of people, so let em cook

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u/Timbukthree 3d ago

I didn't know, I think it looks cool. This is like a magic show and drink in one for people who want to be entertained and have money to burn


u/LearnsWhileBaked 2d ago

Exactly! It's all about the experience, not just the drink.

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u/isaidnolettuce 2d ago

It’s performance art, just take it for what it is dude.


u/MajorDonkeyPuncher 3d ago

Watch me make jerky motions to fool morons into thinking I’m doing something that takes skill.


u/metalguy91 3d ago

Who told you my trick to seem busy at work?…


u/Wise-Push-7133 3d ago

Let's not pretend you could make a video as well put together as this. Sure, maybe it's all slight of hand, but let's see your skills?


u/metalguy91 2d ago

I can’t play guitar, but if a guitarist is moving like he’s an anime villain I’m still gonna recognize that as goofy.


u/Dr_Gamephone_MD 2d ago

Yeah the “oh well I bet you couldn’t do better” argument is so strange to me. I don’t have to be able to do it myself to call out what it looks like

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u/Kamikaze_Ninja_ 2d ago

Idk out of all the bartender tricks I’ve seen this one seems the most plausible to pull off as an amateur. At least you don’t have to do any tricky balancing or throwing and catching. The video is carried more by the fire and dry ice than it is sleight of hand.


u/Garchompisbestboi 2d ago

What's up with this dumb fuck take that always gets spammed on reddit? I'm guessing you aren't a professional pilot but that doesn't mean you can't identify a plane crash when you see one.

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u/No-Body8448 2d ago

Not all showmanship requires intense skill tricks. A lot of it comes down to presentation, timing, and acting out your part. His face and posture as he slides the cocktail through the fire is straight out of an anime. It's not as complicated as juggling, but it certainly creates an impression.


u/scottawhit 3d ago

And make them pay more for it.

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u/neecho235 2d ago

It's a show. It's entertaining. Entertainment has value.


u/Matzah_Rella 3d ago

Absolutely. Would still drink.


u/bambinolettuce 2d ago

Yeah, i mean, thats the point?


u/HumanFuture7 2d ago

-redditor who is terrified to step outside

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u/5stringBS 3d ago

This is so stupid


u/Treacle-Snark 3d ago

I worked in the food industry for a long time and at a bunch of very nice bars. Showmanship is cool and all but this feels so ridiculous to me


u/boilons 2d ago

I think he crossed the line beyond showmanship when he tossed the fuel around, but I know it's all for views

I mean it looks very controlled, and I'm sure no one was really there to get in the way, but as a former professional fire performer myself, I would never consider even trying a move like that. There's so many ways it can go wrong, it just goes against the basic rules of using flammable materials


u/ColdPirat 2d ago

Also if you get a chunk of the dry ice in your shoe or something, this will also reslust in some burned skin

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u/ErzherzogT 2d ago

Showmanship is definitely cool but I agree this one's just off. It's like the bartender version of that goofy salt bae chef.

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u/solveij 3d ago



u/FlickerOfBean 3d ago

A pour of Yamazaki 18 will be more than $50. He’s wasting that ice putting it in there too.

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u/neviuz 2d ago



u/Arad0rk 3d ago

Before tip


u/bambinolettuce 2d ago edited 2d ago

All the intellectuals in comments screaming how wastful and dumb it is and that they just want their drink lmfao

Yeah, im guessing you arent the target audience for this.


u/elbanzii 2d ago

Yeah, walmart budlight for them and they're golden lol


u/EndgameYourgame 2d ago

social anxious people

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u/MochiMochiMochi 2d ago

If someone asked this guy for a jager bomb he would disembowel them, then flick their blood across the bar top.


u/Make-TFT-Fun-Again 2d ago

Why are people hating so much? Yeah you pay for the show, it looks cool on video and it’s definitely a fun night out.

This is like looking at a merry-go-round saying: “all this waste of electricity and building materials, just to sit on a horse that doesn’t even take you anywhere”


u/CruncheousPilot 3d ago

Hollow knight bartender


u/MerelyStupid 2d ago

Japanese bartending is all about the show! It's their bar culture

Japanese bartending short documentary


u/GoodMorningMars 2d ago

American here. Wow.


u/No-Body8448 2d ago

PSA to my fellow Redditors: if you watch this beautiful display, and the only thing you can think about is how long it takes to get your drink, you have alcoholism. Please see someone.


u/CardinalDisco 3d ago

What a fucking waste of ice, booze, dry ice and time. Oh, and money cos you know you pay through the nose for it.


u/RendesFicko 2d ago

Waste of ice? Brother it's just water.


u/ErikThe 2d ago

It’s wild that you’re getting downvoted for this meanwhile every bar and restaurant ever is wasting more ice than this on the daily.


u/RendesFicko 2d ago

Again, how do you waste ice? It's water, it's plentyful and available. It melts, goes down the drain, goes back into the water supply.


u/ErikThe 2d ago

I’d argue that using refrigeration to freeze ice just for it to melt in an ice chest is “wasteful” but I wouldn’t ever fuss about it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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u/ParanoidBlueLobster 2d ago

Dry ice isn't water though...


u/RendesFicko 2d ago

That is clearly not dry ice.

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u/teor 2d ago

Oh no, not the ice.


u/CoreyJK 2d ago

Waste of ice 💀 tragic


u/[deleted] 3d ago


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u/doped_turtle 2d ago

How is it a waste of booze? The booze is still in the cup. You drink it after the showmanship. They don’t just toss it


u/B8conB8conB8con 2d ago

Who does a guy have to blow to get a Bud Light around here?

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u/Heracles222 3d ago

Hope this guy is going to be in elder scrolls VI


u/Skater144 3d ago

This man is a magician


u/TheLawny 2d ago

That is so extra, i love it


u/Consistent-Goat1267 2d ago

Wow! I could watch this guy all day


u/JViz 2d ago

Why does he fillet the bottom of the cube and then immediately cut it off?


u/ArixRaven- 2d ago

It's snowing on Mount Fuji


u/Honeyhammn 2d ago

The Japanese are really something else


u/EselSaft 2d ago

That countertop is the real MVP


u/TheMarkHasBeenMade 2d ago

Princess Mononoke theme FTW


u/Porabi 2d ago

This feels like it would be in subreddit for fun food cause I can totally see myself ordering a drink just to watch this guy do cool shit .

Probably expensive as hell but kinda like how one goes to those restaurants where you see them make the food , you go more so for the experience then the food .


u/Rydock 2d ago

Motherfucker moves like he about to activate a Trap Card on a fool


u/socialaxolotl 2d ago

Congratulations on your $40 ice cube


u/SeaweedNo6351 2d ago

Hi loves himself very much


u/Melodic_Virus2998 2d ago

You mean Avabar?


u/Clouds-Compendium 2d ago edited 2d ago

Ngl when he sheathed that knife I was sort of expecting the glass and ice to separate into two halves.


u/ZealousFlames 2d ago

I fw this vibe heavily


u/King__Cactus__ 2d ago

You may have what is called "the dumb". Might want to get that checked out.

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u/Front_Sand_8990 3d ago

imaging being wasted watching this


u/RightBase5934 3d ago

This is oddlyNotsatisfying ?


u/Sapphic_Honeytrap 3d ago

It’s like watching a Vegas stage magician having to moonlight as a bartender.

Edit: stage magician not state magician. For fuck sake, Sapphic, get it together.

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u/Minute-Degree-3841 3d ago

Hate this salt bae bullshit, 🙃 proper mixology is a skill, this dude is just making a bigger ice cube in to a smaller ice cube.

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u/Chonky_Kong 2d ago

That was so sick. The precision and focus to do that is commendable to say the least

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u/sweat_crustacean 3d ago

Excuse me sir this will be 200$ please


u/GodonX1r 3d ago

You know, I usually hate flair bartending with a passion, but there something about the way this guy zooms in the booze at the end


u/SpiralingDownAndAway 3d ago

Bot ass title?


u/Hot_Necessary2618 3d ago

That ice looked like a cabbage


u/druidhdancer 2d ago

The sound effects when he slides the liquor bottle are my favorite part. Straight out of an anime


u/imheroforlaughs 2d ago

Very impressive.


u/SlushKami 2d ago

With that last drink, he had me in the first half. Thought he was gonna serve them “smoke”.


u/ErWenn 2d ago

Excellent title.


u/laughingwisetulip 2d ago

I counted 36 different times u would have cut my fingers off


u/StrokeOfHail 2d ago

Nonflammable suit? Wicked >:)


u/AardvarkLogical1702 2d ago

This is so cool lol


u/tmhoc 2d ago

Gimme somthin that'll put hair on my wrist


u/Zenn97 2d ago

"How did you cut your fingers?"


u/BugalooShrimp94 2d ago

This song isn’t from ATLA, super dope though