r/oddlysatisfying 3d ago

This hornworm destroying my tomatoes.

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u/AmbitionAsleep7485 3d ago

Looks yummy! Did you know they get their bright color from what they eat?

EDIT: Since I got a message about "why aren't they red" if they are destroying tomatoes. They eat leaves (green), not tomatoes...


u/BrightnessRen 3d ago

Interestingly, the ones we buy for our lizard are bright blue because they aren’t fed tomato or tobacco leaves (because those are toxic to our pets!)


u/Ready_Competition_66 2d ago

They will gnaw on tomatoes if there's no leaves handy but it's not their first choice.


u/Silent-Resort-3076 3d ago

Yum, yum, yum, yum!! :)

And, eventually, that hornworm should turn into this (with the help of your tomatoes!

Tomato Hornworm Transformation


u/Ginkachuuuuu 3d ago

The fucking nerve to bulldoze whole tomato plants and not even come out pretty.


u/FalconBurcham 3d ago

But have you seen a hawk moth/hummingbird moth move? They’re incredible! They’re just as agile as a hummingbird. The first time I saw one I had to take a triple take.

I let the hornworms have some of my tomato leaves. They haven’t decimated my plants in two years. 🤷‍♀️


u/socklobsterr 3d ago

I'm in this weird camp where most bugs are gross but I love moths. Some have some pretty drab colors but I think they are so cute.

Look at this fuzzy cutie!


u/starrpamph 3d ago

Yeah, what a letdown


u/CabinetVisible1053 3d ago

That then lays more hornworm eggs.


u/manmm 3d ago

Throw that bad boy on a hook and toss him into the nearby watering hole.


u/MaroonTrucker28 3d ago

My dad had a problem with these years ago. We are both avid fishermen. Why didn't we think of this??


u/CabinetVisible1053 3d ago



u/sm340v8 3d ago

Bearded dragons love those munchers


u/MistyLuHu 3d ago

A leaf munching machine! It sucks, but it’s also cool to watch.


u/bobtheredeyejedi 3d ago

I pay my kids a quarter for every one they find and relocate. They will run through so many tomatoes its mind blowing.


u/Hey-Im-Sorry 3d ago

I’d pick that sucker right off the leaf and feed it to my chickens. Or you could just relocate it🙂🤙🏽


u/floznstn 3d ago

I bet yardbirds would love a fat juicy one of these


u/FalconBurcham 3d ago

These become very cool Hummingbird moths. So agile! I love watching them fly. I understand if you don’t have the leaves to spare, but if you do, I’d consider keeping them. Great pollinators. I’ve left them alone in my garden for years without issue.


u/Kevicelives 3d ago

Must be Sunday again. Eating through one nice green leaf.


u/LiquidOcelot41 2d ago

It's a leaf on our cherry tomatoes.


u/garden-wicket-581 3d ago

very destructive buggers .. and they got incredible grip when you're trying to pull them off (without squishing them in your hands as you pull.. )


u/Ginkachuuuuu 3d ago

I use my plant nippers and just decapitate them.


u/burritosandblunts 3d ago

Caterpie noooo


u/MaroonTrucker28 3d ago

No metapod for you!


u/floznstn 3d ago

Solvin’ the problem

[snip] he won’t eat anyone else’s tomatoes either


u/a_complex_one 3d ago

Om nom nom nom nom nom


u/OnlyOneNut 2d ago

I sacrificed my pepper plant to one, was planning on keeping him but I think he ate too much and shat himself to death


u/Bakedfresh420 3d ago

This little dude loves the all edge brownie pieces


u/storm366 3d ago

If he's not supposed to eat them why are they so damn tasty.


u/Mr_Majesty 3d ago

That tree is reserved. If you contain it to just one, that’s it reaches its next level it will pollinate the rest of your garden.


u/BlizzPenguin 3d ago

If you grow delicious plants outside caterpillars are going to notice. From an evolutionary standpoint, tomatoes were probably food for caterpillars before they were food for humans.


u/Kaiyukia 3d ago

How much do they need to eat? I'm wondering if I could just sacrifice suckers to them in a small cage if I ever get them or do they need to eat a ton?


u/LiquidOcelot41 2d ago

We have 6 plants in this planter, and so far have seen 3 worms. They have destroyed every plant. So they eat quite a lot from what I have seen. They are cute though and our kids like them, so we just let them be in this planter.


u/Kaiyukia 2d ago

Take a couple suckers so maybe you'll have some back up plants haha


u/bkwormtricia 3d ago

You will soon get a big beautiful moth! You can move the caterpillar to another plant it likes, such a potato, pepper, Jimsonweed, Nightshade, Horsenettle....


u/Contribution4afriend 3d ago

He knows you like pineapple pizza. He is doing a favor sparing those tomatoes destiny.


u/Retired-para 3d ago

I pull them off with a clothespin so I don’t get stung.


u/Malevolent_Mangoes 3d ago

I wanna put it in a tank and keep it in my room


u/EpicForgetfulness 2d ago

I feel your pain. I got one destroying my brussel sprouts. I thought it might be a rabbit but our cats do a good job of keeping them away.


u/Alternative-Tea-8095 2d ago

Oddly satisfying; Let loose my free range chickens and watch them feast on the hornworm like a pack of feathered pirahna.


u/duhrun 2d ago

He was having a good ole day


u/patmen100 2d ago

then a wasp lays its eggs on it


u/rileyabernethy 2d ago

hehehe he's so cute!


u/Shawarma_llama467 2d ago

Om nom nom nom


u/lllNico 2d ago

he looks hungry, lets him eat 😭


u/DuncanAndFriends 2d ago

I used to catch those for fun when I was a kid, they were cool looking


u/Beginning-One7618 2d ago

Great video. Quite the creature!


u/ToyStoryRex97 1d ago

These guys have been destroying my tomato plants.


u/TomatoKindly8304 1d ago

Makes me want to eat a leaf


u/Visible-Scientist-46 8h ago

Tomato hornworm is the hummingbied moth! They beat their wings very fast and it sounds just like a hummingbird. Almost same size.


u/i_r_faptastic 2d ago

Off with his head!


u/CabinetVisible1053 3d ago

My mom had organic pest control for these pest. It was pick them off the plant and use her nail to pop the head off. Same with grasshoppers. She expected us to do the same. We had a huge vegetable garden. I learned to hate bugs.


u/BaconMeetsCheese 3d ago

Delicious if deep fried them with black pepper and sesame, vegetarian friendly as well…


u/69vuman 3d ago

5% Siven dust.


u/portabuddy2 3d ago

In what world is that a tomato leaf?


u/LiquidOcelot41 2d ago

It's a leaf on our cherry tomatoes.