r/oddlysatisfying 6d ago

Peeling roasted marshmallows

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u/Enough_Iron3861 6d ago

This is the only answer but the scale is wrong and OP doesn't know how to roast. they just set it closer to the fire, not longer


u/MysticalMummy 6d ago

I noticed that as well. :( I like them to be golden but not burnt, but you gotta let it slow roast near the fire, don't stick it directly in. And rotate it for god sake.


u/RajunCajun48 6d ago

Exactly, i want my marshmallow ROASTED not Flame Broiled!


u/thestl 6d ago

I know yours is the right way to eat them but I’m a degenerate that likes them better just straight up charred. Wish I wasn’t this way


u/godzilla9218 6d ago

It's ok, my brother in crisp. I have a pray the char away camp that you can attend to learn the proper way of roasting a marshmallow.


u/ClimateVast2894 6d ago

Thank you I’ve been trying to get this or get a way to make them like this forever for my mom so thank you! for telling us 🙏


u/1337gut 5d ago

Everything after 4 is a crime!


u/BestPseudonym 6d ago

Yeah it made it very not satisfying for me 😞


u/Gabrielasse 6d ago

I was waiting for the inner part to get smaller and smaller, but nope!


u/SmokeGSU 6d ago

Exactly. You gotta turn that baby 360 like it's a rotisserie chicken on a spit and at a high-enough elevation that it doesn't burn. If you do it right, you get the yummy golden color with a melted center rather than a half-golden color and a mostly solid center.


u/radiosimian 6d ago

Correct! I do mine to 5, but only because I want the whole thing to be warm and mushy. OP just went straight to 'burn'.


u/IWILLBePositive 6d ago

Fuck. Yes. Baby.

I want mine at a 9 or 10! Give me that crunchy, molteny goodness.


u/ravenserein 6d ago

Yes this scale was completely wrong. You could tell by how solid the center was that it wasn’t roasted at all, just set on fire for varying amounts of time and then quickly extinguished.

As the scale progressed the center should have become more gooey not less gooey, which it did.

Not satisfying at all.


u/MaritMonkey 6d ago

I aim for pretty close to desired toastedness level and then back off the heat and continue spinning until the 'mallow no longer rotates with the stick.

Not everyone has the patience for this method, but I refuse to be convinced it is not The Right Way to make s'mores.


u/charlypoods 6d ago edited 5d ago

hey some of us like number 8 and then i can eat the shell and roast it again :))


u/360WakaWaka 6d ago

Right? 8 is totally better than 6 but I draw my line after 5


u/andricathere 6d ago

Yeah. Stop at 4 but take longer so it's all melted.


u/deprecatedcoder 5d ago

Came in here for exactly this comment.

Darker isn't necessarily more cooked.


u/RosaRosalia 6d ago

THANK YOU. This video made me yell at my phone.


u/ThyBeardedOne 6d ago

“tHiS iS tHe OnLy AnSwEr” An opinion isn’t an answer.


u/Enough_Iron3861 6d ago

It's fine if you wish to be an inferior marshmallow roaster.


u/Beautiful_Welcome_33 6d ago

She uses the left hand, that's why

Left is best


u/VialofEmpty 6d ago

Interesting observation! Maybe there is some subliminal thing going on...