r/news 4d ago

Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal


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u/LegitimateSituation4 3d ago

He could, but he won't. The GOP is VERY good at shooting first, then asking questions. They'll shove whatever they can through, decorum be damned. The Dems keep acting like they're playing a fair game and playing by the rules. It's how we ended up with RvW gone and having the Bible taught in public schools.


u/Severance_Pay 3d ago

this is 100% the problem. Moral high ground doesnt matter even in history books since morons are rewriting them for the GOP


u/ReadyThor 3d ago

Dems have no other option. If they disregard fairness most of their base will desert them because 'the ends does not justify the means.' The GOP suffers from no such issues.


u/awe778 3d ago edited 3d ago

If they disregard fairness most of their base will desert them because 'the ends does not justify the means.'

Not if they commit to their acts. Given the superior might of the US military eliminating the issue of "would but couldn't", once Dems truly commit to such act of aggression (e.g. as simple as truly enforce the law to GOP base/politicians), and assuming that sufficiently large amount of the military goes along with the plan, their base will have no choice to back them.

Why? Because as Dem voting block generally do not train their own militias, not backing them would have them share the fate of GOP: disintegration (lawful or not, doesn't matter, standing up to enforce the law to the GOP will be bloody).

Big assumption, I know.


u/ReadyThor 3d ago

I tried to understand what you're saying but perhaps I lack enough brain to do so.


u/BringBackBoomer 3d ago

Okay, glad I'm not the only one who thought that it was just a word salad.


u/BabyNapsDaddyGames 3d ago

Aye most of their paragraph is a single run-on sentence.


u/Dorkmaster79 3d ago

I’m betting that SCOTUS will say that the president can’t be indicted for official acts, but everything else is still fair game. Killing your rival will be excluded because it’s not an official act. As it is, presidents can’t be sued in a civil court for official acts, I think this decision will just add the criminal part to it.


u/montex66 2d ago

Don't forget the Dems have an army of "tone police" to make sure every democratic politician does not offend anyone with the words they may use in a raised voice.