r/news 4d ago

Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal


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u/urania3 4d ago

Sure, but let's count which four months he'd be out of commission: July, August, September, October. Prime campaign months, for which he won't be able to podcast or otherwise whip up the base.


u/DoctFaustus 4d ago

The irony being he could have been out by now if he hadn't spent so much time on baseless appeals.


u/TheDunadan29 3d ago

Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.


u/Prysorra2 3d ago

That’s a hilarious perspective


u/Rizzpooch 3d ago

Or just gone to Congress when subpoenaed and hidden behind the fifth amendment the whole time. Could’ve been a few hours instead of four months, but he’s an asshole


u/Nazi_Punks_Fuck__Off 3d ago

Mac Dre rapped an entire album through a prison telephone using a metronome to keep beat. Surely bannon could do his little podcast from prison, imagine the persecution and martyrdom aspect of it.


u/pmjm 3d ago

Without a lot of access to information, like the daily political machinations, party spins, research, etc, it would be extremely hard for him to remain topical.

Then again his listeners are zealots who would probably not even care that his topics are out of date.


u/TeamHope4 3d ago

He will have access to email in prison. No doubt he will get the information he needs to be a danger to democracy.


u/JonBoy82 3d ago

Pretty sure that was X-rated but you could be right.


u/Captcha_Imagination 3d ago

July, August, September, October.

Or as White Nationalists call it: "White Boy Summer"


u/SanDiegoDude 3d ago

hes already lined up all his maga surrogates. This won't slow down the poison he spreads, just changes the mouth the shit spews out of.


u/DemsruleGQPdrool 3d ago

He's still going to be out by September.


u/marcbranski 3d ago

lol no. Four months beginning in July means he's out of commission through October.


u/Plastic-Gold4386 4d ago

You don’t possibly think Biden can win after last night. It’s over 


u/DMSassyPants 4d ago

I think Biden could literally be on fire and he still has what so many Americans want from a president. Namely, he's not Trump.


u/Swaqqmasta 4d ago

The alternative is a deranged felon


u/CliplessWingtips 4d ago

Old guy vs. rapist convicted felon fascist narcissist vengeful blatant liar old guy.

Hmm, a real toss up here, you are right it is over! /s


u/BixterBaxter 4d ago

Whatever you say, comrade


u/marcbranski 3d ago

lol, absolute hopium. Far too many people will refuse to vote for any Republican for president, for the simple fact that more people than not think the Supreme Court is already too far right leaning. Add in fears about a woman's right to choose and there is no chance of a Trump victory in November.