r/mildlyinteresting Dec 18 '22

Every egg in this carton had double yolks Overdone

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u/Pineapple_Spenstar Dec 18 '22

Jumbo size eggs are often double yolk. It's not uncommon for a carton of jumbo eggs to be all double yolk. In my opinion they make for the best omelets; it takes like you used twice as many eggs but threw out half of the whites


u/Abadatha Dec 18 '22

This has not been remotely my experience. Maybe one in every ten cartons of jumbo eggs I buy has a single double yolk egg. It could be a regional thing though. Don't know how regional eggs are if they're like milk or what.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '22



u/Abadatha Dec 18 '22

I definitely think the larger the size of the egg, the more likely the double yolk. They just have never been that common around me.


u/HardwareSoup Dec 19 '22

Same, a few weeks ago.

Maybe a shortage or something and they used eggs destined for another brand or something. Who knows?

Edit: It was the pink Walmart jumbo egg dozen that I bought.


u/ThellraAK Dec 18 '22

I love making scrambled eggs with the extra yolks when I have a recipe that needs egg whites.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '22

I love that you guys actually use up everything. It sounds stupid, but I’ve seen people separate eggs and throw the unfavorable part out. What a waste. Creatures are suffering for that and they don’t value it at all. Throwing a dozen egg yolks in the bin.


u/EternalPhi Dec 18 '22

I mean it's really down to what the recipe calls for.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '22

I’m sure the recipe doesn’t call for throwing half the ingredients in the bin. Like, if you had two chickens, and the recipe calls for 4 wings, you wouldn’t just take the wings and throw the rest of the chickens away. I hope lol. You’d save them for later or make something else with them.

The example is probably not perfect but I hope you get the idea.


u/EternalPhi Dec 19 '22

There are no shortage of recipes which use only the whites or only the yolks. They may not say "you have to throw the parts you don't use out", but I'm not going to keep that dozen egg yolks around if I have no use for them.


u/SconiGrower Dec 19 '22

I presume you're adding the yolks to whole eggs, just scrambled yolks doesn't sound great. What ratio do you use?


u/ThellraAK Dec 19 '22

Yes, just mixing them in with whole eggs.

I'm sure there is an upper limit but I haven't found it.

The yolk is the good part after all.


u/trundlinggrundle Dec 18 '22

Has nothing to do with egg size. It's usually the age of the chicken. Young chickens will often lay double yolks for the first couple months they begin laying. If you got a carton of jumbos and they were all double yolk, that means the farm overhauled a flock with new pullets.


u/TheFirebyrd Dec 19 '22

Yeah, their bodies are still figuring stuff out and do weird things when they start laying. Most of my double yolkers from my chickens have been from pullets newly laying, along with weird stuff like a ping pong ball egg and other stuff like that. Some have also been when they start laying again after their fall break when the light starts getting longer again.


u/GforceDz Dec 18 '22

Yup. Although I haven't come across many double yolks as I used to. I think my supermarkets eggs are getting smaller and the prices are getting higher.

I am convinced my jumbos are just extra large.


u/pk_random Dec 18 '22



u/bajillionth_porn Dec 18 '22

Solid for carbonara too since I’m too lazy to separate the yolk from the white


u/pofshrimp Dec 19 '22

I think my top score was 5 or 6 in a dozen. Felt like a good score since they were priced like a dollar cheaper than the large eggs for whatever reason.


u/bg-j38 Dec 19 '22

I had this happen once and I even posted a photo in this very sub. And it was even tagged as overdone like this one. I’d never bought jumbo eggs before but the entire carton was double yolks. Thought it was weird until I read all the comments.


u/more_beans_mrtaggart Dec 19 '22

Double yolk eggs are what comes out early on in the chicken’s laying cycle. After a week or two it all straightens out to normal eggs.