r/mildlyinteresting Nov 19 '22

Olive Garden gave me a daily sales report instead of a receipt Quality Post

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u/Indocede Nov 19 '22

Isn't it wild how suddenly people will feel intensely wronged a the moments they do not receive a minor, random convenience they neither knew about or were expecting five minutes prior?

"The manager didn't come say HI to us! Now we will sulk here for another 15 minutes until we get our COUPON that might save us $3 and we will be very LOUD and DEMANDING about it."


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely Nov 19 '22

That was honestly the problem. Part of what made restaurants doable for me was that I've always been good at dealing with customers, even problematic ones. But I had zero sympathy for the customers who had nothing to complain about but just wanted to tell me that I owed them a coupon because I didn't come by and say hi when it was because I was incredibly busy in the back.


u/Indocede Nov 19 '22

And the fact is, they really aren't making it out the door having come out ahead with that coupon in hand. Worth a few dollars at most at the cost of their dignity and their time waiting to receive it. I'm sure they know that it's not worth it.

They just demand it out of PRINCIPLE.

The principles of being courteous and understanding of others only apply one way however.


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely Nov 19 '22

Yep. I don't mind rushes, I actually kind of liked them. But there's nothing worse than working through a rush in a restaurant, crushing it, and then getting called out front by four tables who want their coupon because I didn't have time to make them feel special in addition to making their meal correctly and quickly.


u/throwaway876460 Nov 19 '22

So the restaurant’s gimmick: -cost the restaurant money. -added extra needless load on staff. -added previously unknown disappointment on customers.

Wtf. How does this make sense? Like what’s the boardroom meeting talk on this one?


u/Pedantic_Pict Nov 19 '22

The decision makers have never, ever had to wait tables or manage a shift in any kind of restaurant.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '22

The whole principle behind coming by every table to ask “how your meal went “is ridiculous

Would you generally feel that the manager really gave a shit about your meal, when you’re staring at a notice on your table stating that they have to do it to avoid paying you 10% off

It would just feel like they were doing their obligatory check rather than actually asking if you really had a good time


u/The_Holier_Muffin Nov 19 '22

I mean I would ask for the coupon if the manager didn’t come visit. I certainly wouldn’t be rude about it, but I would just politely ask my server for it. I assume you’re complaining about the people who were all obnoxious and rude about it?


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely Nov 19 '22

Nope, people generally weren't rude about it. I quit because I hated the policy and I hated people like you who would take advantage of it.


u/The_Holier_Muffin Nov 19 '22

Lmao… they advertise a policy, it’s a viable offer to ask for then. Why wouldn’t I ask for something they advertised to me that’ll save me money?


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely Nov 19 '22

You're welcome to take advantage of their stupid policy. I'm welcome to hate people who take advantage of their stupid policy and quit.


u/The_Holier_Muffin Nov 20 '22

I’m sure you were simply a delight at tables! I’m sure they miss you dearly there


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely Nov 20 '22

I never took it out on the customers, I quit before I ever allowed that to happen. And my boss was very disappointed when I left, but I knew I just wasn't a good fit for the company. I make twice as much money now than I ever did in restaurants anyway, so I think it was good for everybody that I decided to leave them and their stupid policy behind.


u/The_Holier_Muffin Nov 20 '22

I’m glad you’re doing well for yourself, and are at a job you are happier at


u/DDraike Nov 19 '22

I immediately thought, what an interesting way to get people to come back again.