r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/nbd789 Jul 25 '22

Texas (that I know of) also has climbing snakes and I just don’t understand WHY y’all do this to yourselves


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

Most rat snakes are excellent climbers. They are widely distributed east of the Mississippi and very common. They’re also harmless, beneficial pest control, and usually quite docile.


u/nbd789 Jul 25 '22

Yep! My sister had one fall onto the sidewalk of the (exterior) front entryway to her house. Do you think it scored a big meal and somewhat unintentionally fell, or did it not find any food and just took a shortcut down?


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

Tough to say! I’ve had them fall from the rafters of barns near me while giving a rat a firm hug. He could have lost his hold trying to strike something. :)


u/nbd789 Jul 25 '22

For some reason when she mentioned it I was picturing something like when a human rolls off the top bunk in their sleep, but your ideas make a whole lot more sense


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

They usually rest in holes and under things, so my guess would be that he was actively hunting or looking for a mate when he fell. They’re kind of known for getting themselves into predicaments while they’re out and about. :)


u/ourladyofsituations Sep 04 '22

No thanks from me nope nope nope