r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/jesst Jul 25 '22

I went to university in northern Arizona. My partner at the time and I came home one day and as we open the door he goes “go sit in the car and wait”. Never one to do what I’m told I go in the apartment and find a gigantic fucking millipede running across our living room. It looked like a fucking snake. It was massive. I never saw it clearly just this blur of long black thing running. I hightailed it out of there so fast while my ex caught / killed it. We had a few of them in the year we lived there. We used to call our apartment the portal to hell.


u/MetaCardboard Jul 25 '22

My ex was in the shower one time and had this giant ass centipede drop off the curtain onto her naked body. She decided that instead of panic she'll get out of the shower and show me this giant monster crawling around on her naked body. It was then that I knew she was a bug from Men in Black.

Also my younger cat likes to eat their legs off and leave their legless body in front of the toilet.


u/chafe Jul 25 '22

A peace offering to please you no doubt


u/SamRaimisOldsDelta88 Jul 25 '22

Millipedes honestly are not venomous, nor do they bite. They may exude toxins that irritate the skin, but they’re really not something to be afraid of (obviously people don’t want bugs in their house, large or small, actually, yes, I let some spiders stay, anyway…). Centipedes are the ones that have venomous bites and are understandably often confused with millipedes. No, you probably don’t want that crawling into your bed.


u/1re_endacted1 Jul 25 '22

I lived in FLG for 4 years and luckily never saw one. Saw a couple red tarantulas on hikes though.


u/jesst Jul 25 '22

This was in Prescott. I lived in Flag for a bit but never had issues there.