r/mildlyinteresting 4d ago

The Only Difference I Can Find Between These Cans is That One Uses Monkey Labor Removed - Rule 6

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u/BaggyHairyNips 4d ago

I didn't know that monkey labor was something I needed to worry about.


u/whistleridge 4d ago


u/GrowlitheGrowl 3d ago

PETA is not a reliable source.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

I don’t disagree. But NYTimes and the Guardian are. PETA makes shit up, but they do due diligence. So there was something there.


u/ZeePirate 3d ago

The guardian is pretty trash too


u/whistleridge 3d ago

Your political biases notwithstanding…no, it is not. It is a global newspaper of record, whether you choose to believe that or not. Reality being an objective thing and all.


u/RoyalMagpie 3d ago

I'm Thai, and the monkeys seem the vids are usually kept as pets/for shows. 99.9% the coconuts are harvested by machines. Y'all see 1 monkey and assume the whole industry uses armies of monkeys.


u/Illum503 3d ago

I'm Thai


What has the internet done to the world


u/RoyalMagpie 3d ago

A reminder that I once lived in Tennessee. Thankfully, I no longer speak with a southern drawl.


u/whistleridge 3d ago

Nah. I see PETA and assume most of it is lies, then I see NYTimes and think well, ok, probably one farm somewhere did something shitty and they’re trying to keep a possible thing from growing.

Relying on monkeys for labor does not strike me as a plausible long term business model. They’re about as reliable as squirrels.


u/RoyalMagpie 3d ago

Yeah, and people keep downvoting me instead of using their last brain cell for once. How can using monkeys (imagine controlling hundred and thousands of them) even support the industry?


u/whistleridge 3d ago

Unlike them, you and I have actually been around monkeys, I’m guessing? lol the first time you see them you’re like “ooh monkey” but after maaaaaaybe a week you’re like “ugh, fucking monkeys gtfo”. And you can’t even train most of them to reliably not shit just wherever - how tf are you going to train them to do hours of labor every day?


u/RoyalMagpie 3d ago

Yup. Been around them enough to know even looking at them wrong, they can bite your finger clean off. But it's Reddit. I doubt those people touch grass, let alone see monkeys.


u/Plastic_Ad_2043 3d ago edited 3d ago

I first heard about it a few years ago when a supermarket I went to was being protested for carrying items harvested through monkey labor.

I remember laughing about it and thinking, "How could watching cool monkeys throw fruit out of trees be abuse?"

But they're for sure abusing the monkeys and it's a legit issue.


u/JoeCartersLeap 3d ago

"Vegan coconut milk"


u/skylla05 4d ago

You don't always need a cause. Relax.


u/peeping___tom 3d ago

everything is made up—let people care about ethical primate labor


u/illstate 3d ago

You're the one who seems to not be relaxed.