r/mildlyinteresting 4d ago

I found an enclosed, gated, personal reserved parking spot in this parking garage.

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u/DiligerentJewl 4d ago

Only thing I can think of is that this structure must block the pedestrian egress route and the AHJ requires it…but then there’s no security for the enclosure?… unless it can be locked during “off hours” or something like that.


u/carlbandit 4d ago

Someone could get to the car, but as long as there's no manual override for the gate and the owner has the key/fob with them a thief couldn't get the car out the enclosure.


u/LaUNCHandSmASH 3d ago

And the enclosure still prevents accidental damage which is probably the intention like those inflatable ones. Plus expensive cars have expensive security systems that you’d still need to contend with so this does most things including preventing the blocking of a throughway in an already laid out parking structure


u/FyrebreakZero 4d ago

This guy Fire Codes. The panic hardware is weird. Never seen it like that before. Curious as to the actual story behind how this whole thing got built.

AHJ caught my attention. I spent 2 hours dealing with fallout at work because I used ‘AHJ’ in an email. I’m Fire Training Division… and it was another Chief Officer who didn’t understand the term AHJ… on a casual courtesy email, not even important. I was both infuriated and amused by the stupidity of the whole thing.


u/brwarrior 4d ago

Hard to tell if there is even a sprinkler in there as well. Looks like one just on the outside.


u/CocktailPerson 3d ago

Sorry, I know this is totally off-topic, but since you're knowledgeable: does a motorcycle count as a motor vehicle for the purposes of parking garage fire codes? For example, if I wanted to park my motorcycle behind my car, but the building manager said that they only allow one vehicle per spot because of fire codes, does that make sense?


u/FrenchFryCattaneo 3d ago

But what kind of code wouldn't also require a push bar on the inside of both doors?


u/DiligerentJewl 2d ago

The occupancy load of a parking space wouldn’t require any crash bar and certainly not two. Regular lever and one door would be enough to get someone out of that small of a space. So the best explanation I can think of is greater than 50 people needing to pass through it, all heading in the one direction of the exit in one side and out the other.