r/mildlyinteresting 2d ago

City administration of my town opened the door next to the place people like to have a drink

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302 comments sorted by


u/Zakal74 2d ago

The ratio of people that put the cap back on after is actually really impressive to me.


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

It is in Germany. People doing this xD


u/Organic_Award5534 2d ago

Germans are the most lawful people. I work with many. Abrasive and direct, yes, but lawful.


u/CursorX 2d ago

They seemed to have forgotten a few anti-trash laws.


u/ronan88 2d ago

Vell, technickally, zis is privat property und das Regeln haben kein effekt


u/moewluci 2d ago

I understood that :)


u/halfred_itchcock 2d ago

Maybe because it's mostly English? Proper German would be:

"Nun, genau genommen ist das Privateigentum, also gelten die Regeln nicht."

"Privateigentum" can be replaced with "ein Privatgrundstück", depending on what exactly you're trying to say with privat property.


u/ronan88 2d ago


u/gawzel 2d ago

Abrasive and direct, yes, but also no sense of humour.


u/toe_riffic 2d ago

No one who speaks German wouldn’t have a sense of humor!

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u/moewluci 2d ago

Yes I am an English speaker, that’s why I understood it 😀

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u/Magnarf420 2d ago

Wow we all totally needed this thanks for breaking it down for me.. my tiny brain couldn't comprehend without you.

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u/Luchin212 2d ago

They probably could have gotten a few cents back for recycling their bottle! That was something I loved about Germany, the grocery stores had a machine to take back your used bottles and pay you a little bit back for them. Very two weeks I’d return all of my bottles and get some 2-4 euros then go buy myself some ice cream with that.


u/swilliamson86 2d ago

nah no Pfand on Schnaps sadly :/


u/idk_lets_try_this 2d ago

So that is why it is only these bottles.


u/ahuramazdobbs19 2d ago edited 2d ago

Zoom in on the pic and you can see that those are “nip” bottles (they might have different slang terms in your Otherplacia, but here in the US (edit: apparently just New England) we commonly call em “nips”), which are little bottles that hold a shot’s worth of alcohol.

Those aren’t generally held for deposit in US deposit states, and I imagine Germany is the same.


u/No-Farm-2376 2d ago

Shooters where I’m at in USA


u/giraffeneckedcat 2d ago

but here in the US we commonly call em “nips”

Do we? I've only ever heard that word (in a food/beverage context) for those candies... Maybe it's regional? These are "airplane bottles" here in CA.


u/FesteringNeonDistrac 2d ago edited 2d ago

I worked in a liquor store for years and only ever heard mini or miniature. Maryland.

But airplane bottle works as well. They can count as your liquid for carry on. Fuck paying $10 on the plane.


u/giraffeneckedcat 2d ago

I will never forget the day I learned that you can take a bag filled with those bottles on an airplane and it's fine. Even after the laws surrounding how much liquid you can bring. I genuinely felt like I hit the lottery and discovered some kind of secret hack and then I remembered that they're called airplane bottles for a fucking reason 🤣🤣🤣


u/FesteringNeonDistrac 2d ago

Yeah no way I'm gonna be sober on a 737


u/seamus_mc 2d ago

I live in CA and have heard them called either name. Nips is a pretty common term around the country. South Carolina bars used to only serve out of them until about 15-20 years ago, it was weird to see bartenders opening up handfuls of them to make a round of drinks.


u/giraffeneckedcat 2d ago

Lmfao What a fucking stupid thing. I'm glad that they finally stopped doing that because that is insanity.

And fair enough, I just personally have never heard that in my 39 years living here in California. I take that back 34 years. I spent a year and a half in Utah and about three and change in DC and never heard them called anything other than airplane bottles.


u/ThePrideOfKrakow 2d ago

Called em Shooters in CO/CA.

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u/xmasberry 2d ago

Mini Bottles in UT. Also never heard them called Nips. 


u/giraffeneckedcat 2d ago

Oh, yes, I've heard that too! I lived in West Jordan from 2002-2003 and forgot all about that haha


u/murrtrip 2d ago

Well they were a huge part of the strange liquor law battles before 2002. When the Olympics came, they tightened the grip on things like mini-bottles and seeing liquor in the bar while eating at a restaurant. Things are much better now.


u/RudeEar5 2d ago

Was a bartender in Utah in early to mid-90s when they outlawed mini bottles and put the counter spouts on liquor bottles to pour exactly an ounce in a cocktail. No more free pour and no more buying minis at the liquor store.


u/giraffeneckedcat 2d ago

Oh, I remember the Olympics lmfao. We moved there in January of 2002 so like MOMENTS before they started.

That being said, are things better in Utah regarding alcohol? Because I know you guys still have watered down beer, still have weird laws about buying it on Sunday. And crazy laws about drinking in restaurants versus bars and how you can only have one drink at a time and you can't carry it yourself from the bar to your table and all kinds of stuff. Granted I am speaking exclusively from the knowledge I have gained from friends and family that still live there and social media so I'm happy to be corrected LOL

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u/OnionAnne 2d ago

nips is a New England term


u/ahuramazdobbs19 2d ago

Huh. Well that tracks, as I am from New England.

Guess I’ll go get a grinder on the way to the tag sale then.


u/OnionAnne 2d ago

wicked cool, hit the packy on your way by and snag a couple nips for the both of us


u/TieNo6744 2d ago

but here in the US we commonly call em “nips”

On the west Coast they're either mini bottles or one shots


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

In Germany we call them spark plugs

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u/LerimAnon 2d ago

We also have can and bottle redemption here in Iowa but especially since the pandemic the amount of places that will actually handle redemption has become almost non-existent in some municipalities due to operating costs. And they have machines at a handful of places sometimes... Which limit your total returns and usually aren't working.


u/FiveDozenWhales 2d ago

At least in the US, it is impossible to recycle these small bottles.


u/sarcastic__fox 2d ago

Yea, they put the caps on their drink before they litter.....very impressive


u/_Aardvark 2d ago

Lawful Neutral?


u/jimmy_ray7 2d ago

Lawfully unlawful

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u/FapDonkey 2d ago

Not even laws, just rules or social norms in general.

On vacation with my sister in Vienna we were touring one of the major museums there (Palace of the Hapsburg dynasty of the Austro-Hungarian empire). Like many such museums they have a little "route" mapped out through all the various maze-like rooms and halls and such that leads you through all the exhibits to the exit. At one point we came to a large hall filled wiht all the royal ballgowns and tiaras and shoes and such of one of the Austrian princesses; she was quite a celebrity in her day and si still revered today (think kind of like Princess Diana?. I had zero interest in looking at that stuff while my sister was entranced, so I elft her behind and continued on through the museum. I got to the end, waited a few minutes for her, and got bored so decided to make my way back through to find her. At EVERY SINGLE doorway/intersetion whrere tehy had a security guard or museum guide sationed to assist people, the person stopped me to politely and kindly point out that I was going "backwards" through the exhibits. I would acknowledge this and explain that i was going back to find my sister, and ask iof that was OK, if it was not allowed to go backwards? They would just be absolutely puzzled. No upset at me or anything, but just completely flummoxed by the question. They'd point to the arrow stickers on the floor and kinda of sputter

"no.... it... it is allowed. you may do this... but, you are supposed to go the other direction? see there are arrows? that is the way you are supposed to go."

Right, but my sister is back in another room and I need to go meet her.

"Well... yes... but you see there are arrows there? That shows you the direction you should be walking."

I don't want to cause a problem, if it is against the rules?

"Oh NO, there is no problem, it is OK. But... you see there are arrows and they show which way you should be walking so...."

Like it was just such a foreign concept they had trouble grasping, that if there was a "correct" way to do something, that someone would consider not doing it.


u/BarefootUnicorn 2d ago

They follow all the government orders with lock-step precision!


u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 2d ago

They keep the trains running on time!

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u/dustsprites 2d ago

Out of curiosity, can you get pfand for this?


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

Nope. Pfand you most likely only have for things with CO2 in it. But there are some expections. Imagine 25c Pfand for one bottle the next months of booze is safe😱


u/dustsprites 2d ago

I know right!! That’d be too good to miss


u/Redditor28371 2d ago

Just like a german to neatly put the cap back on, even if they're just going to litter.


u/je386 2d ago

Uh I wanted to say that this would not happen in germany because of the Pfand (deposit) system, but I was wrong and these are bottles without Pfand.


u/defiancy 2d ago

"We may litter but we put the cap back on like proper Germans!" - these Germans probably

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u/iagainsti1111 2d ago

It's probably the same person to and from work. Keep the cap and the bottle together so you don't go to work with a cap still in your pocket.


u/eye_can_do_that 2d ago

Given it is the same bottle, this is likely from an alcoholics daily routine.


u/Aquamarine_Androgyny 2d ago

That's what I was thinking, haha. If it was a bunch of different people, there'd probably be different kinds of bottles


u/Moppo_ 2d ago

Where else are you going to put the cap?


u/Analysis-Klutzy 2d ago

On the ground since you are littering anyway


u/benedictfuckyourass 2d ago

It's not litter if people can't see it! /s


u/AholeBrock 2d ago

In the US most bottle caps aren't resealable. Especially beer bottles. Usually people throw away the cap as they open the beer. Bartending I open the bottle next to the trash and send the cap flying in the bin, serve it without a cap.

Apparently this is bitters though. Bitters does have a screw cap cos you are just supposed to use it as a mixer.

But people dont usually drink bitters. I drink it mixed with ginger ale and a splash of cran. Call it bar soda. Tastes like red bull without the energy part.

I wanna know who is just drinking bitters


u/Vuza 2d ago

It's bitter schnapps, not bitters like Angostura bitters


u/AholeBrock 2d ago

This makes all the sense and changes everything


u/Kind-Fan420 2d ago

I wanna know who is just drinking bitters

Mad bad alcoholics bro. I've met people who drink hand sani and nail polish. Addiction is a horrible disease.

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u/Jacktheforkie 2d ago

The pop tops off a beer bottle can be put back on, it won’t seal reliably but it’ll pop on


u/TimTebowMLB 2d ago

This isn’t like Angostura Bitters


u/AholeBrock 2d ago edited 2d ago

Yeah, someone else pointed that out. It's the twist top for me that made me assume it was. I dont think I have had bitter scnapps before. I dont know if it is available in my country.

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u/Fun_Intention9846 2d ago

4/€1 as per OP that company clearly understands their niche.


u/byebybuy 2d ago

Ever gotten shooters in the US? That would be the equivalent to this, not beer bottles.


u/SOULJAR 2d ago

These is completely wrong lol

“Generally, European breweries prefer the use of the pry-off cap, in the North American market, particularly in the United States, small craft breweries opt for the use of a pry-off crown cap, following the European trend, while medium and large breweries usually choose the twist-off version”


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u/AnnaNass 2d ago

And that's why everybody in Germany is angry about these new caps that are fastened to the bottles. We already do this, thanks. Even on milk cartons. What am I gonna do? Pour a glass of milk and throw the cap away? WTF!

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u/SuperSiriusBlack 2d ago

Based on it being mostly the same type of booze, I'd assume this was mostly the place one alcoholic stashed his empties. So it makes sense they were all closed the same way, if that theory isn't nonsense lol.


u/CuriousRisk 2d ago

in which country people don't put the cap back?


u/hayf28 2d ago

If you recycle some places tell you not to put the cap on since they are different plastics and so they don't pop when they get crushed

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u/Black_Moon_White 2d ago

Its alwais the same guys


u/ruairidhmacdhaibhidh 2d ago

I am a bore.

My friend is a bore.

We had a lengthy discussion this Tuesday about putting the cap back on.

The conclusion: Everyone we know puts the cap back on.

Do you know different?


u/Lulawut 2d ago

Not sure how this hasn't been said yet, but the caps in Europe are connected to the bottles when you open it. Many of them say things like "recycle together". It takes a whole lot more effort to take the cap off completely.

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u/Trollercoaster101 2d ago

The weird part is that all that red reminds me of an open pomegranate.


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

It is bitter herbs schnaps , like Ramazzotti but way worse. Taste is not that great. But 4 shots for 1€ 💪


u/fraze2000 2d ago

I thought they were bottle of soy sauce.


u/Cool_Cartographer_39 2d ago

Looked like Night Train to me... all aboard!

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u/Fun_Intention9846 2d ago

Sounds like that would be an improvement.


u/masterpigg 2d ago

...we all have our own vices, but that's a new one.

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u/Mr_uhlus 2d ago

i see some Jägermeister and somr Eristoff bottles in there, i dont know what the green bottles with the red labels are


u/Rob_Haggis 2d ago

Possibly Underberg - another awful tasting herbal alcoholic drink. Tastes like cloves and cough syrup had a baby neither of them wanted.


u/Larkfin 2d ago

I totally understand it's an acquired taste but I freaking love it. I buy it by the case. I collect the caps and have redeemed them for the baseball cap and the belt already.

That said, I don't see Underberg in this picture.


u/mkymooooo 2d ago

Me and my partner have an Underberg after dinner each night when we take our dog out for his walk!

If not that, then it's Appenzeller Alpenbitter 😄

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u/Gromps 2d ago

I drink it at breakfast during festivals to get the day started and nowhere else.


u/Sun-Anvil 2d ago

I always liked an Underberg after dinner when I was in Germany a lot for work. It worked well with my digestion.

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u/CBalsagna 2d ago

4 shots for a dollar? That’s the steal of a deal.


u/byebybuy 2d ago edited 2d ago

Those look way too small to be 4 shots...

Edit: just read elsewhere that you get four of these shooters for 1€. That makes way more sense.


u/n3w4cc01_1nt 2d ago

so it's probably only a few peoples squirrel stash


u/Primary-Border8536 2d ago

That's intense

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u/zetmopznkop 2d ago

Oh my god lmaooo. I cannot unsee this


u/Particular-Zone-7321 2d ago

when I was scrolling by I thought it actually was just pomegranate

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u/the_poopsmith1 2d ago

Definitely one guy


u/Beaglegod 2d ago

Yeah, this is from a drunk hiding his habit.

My old boss did this with little vodka bottles. Until they found the stash and fired him.

It looked exactly like this.


u/omgtinano 2d ago

That’s sad. Did they suspect he was an alcoholic before they found the stash? I worked with a client for a few months and couldn’t really tell he was drunk, just thought he was a little eccentric. Until he straight up told me he was three sheets to the wind.


u/Beaglegod 2d ago

I can say that I had no idea and I worked with him for 4 years, between two jobs. He hired me at a second place after we worked together at the first.

I had no clue.

He was a total prick but he always seemed to favor me for some reason, so maybe I just looked past it as I was always getting his approval and others weren’t. I was also pretty young.

I was a computer technician and he was the head of sales at a little white label computer build shop. He was a hell of a salesman.

So I assume the owners maybe were onto him a bit at some point. But nobody else was. And it was shocking to see all the bottles, for sure.


u/FartFromALesserGod 2d ago

Used to work as a mechanic, we had one of those. He'd come in all sunshine and roses, a few hours later he's starting to look like hell, disappears for a break and comes back all chipper again.

I think he did a better job of hiding it at first, but then after his first winter the snow melted and the hillside exposed a shit ton of empties


u/flashisflamable 2d ago

“What? It’s something I did like 5 times over the years.” -That guy


u/Doogiemon 2d ago

Never thought to go in on a Saturday for a minute because he foegot something and throw them out.


u/Hand_Spanner 2d ago

Definitely one guy squirrel


u/rootbeerfloatgang 2d ago

It would look like a hospital sharps container if that were in my city lmao


u/Misdirected_Colors 2d ago

It looks like my house in Bravil from Oblivion. If use that house for all my potionmaking and drop all the junk I wouldn't use. Eventually would just crash my game when I walked in lol


u/Larkfin 2d ago



u/I_ate_a_milkshake 2d ago

Any major American city?


u/SpareWire 2d ago

Nah most states favor good ol' meth last I checked.

Looks like needles are more of a yankee thing.


u/Spez_Spaz 2d ago

Or Toronto

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u/gmoneyRETVRN 2d ago

Even crazier, this was all from one guy


u/isysopi201 2d ago

Yea, the Post-master.


u/lasagnasmash 2d ago

What are those little bottles with the red label? Never seen that brand before


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

Probably Hubertustropfen xD


u/barbaq24 2d ago

I also see a few bottles of Jägermeister. Is Hubertustropfen similar to Jägermeister?


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

Yes, but it is way worse. You got 4x0,02l bottles for 1€ ( probably bit more expensive now ) some years go🍻


u/Flederschnauz 2d ago

Btw Hubertus ist the patron saint for the hunters and Tropfen means drop. On the label is a big strong buck.

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u/banned-4-using_slurs 2d ago


Please tell me you normally use ml instead. It's like saying you have 0.02 dollars instead of 2 cents.


u/tim_stoye 2d ago

For liquor, it’s usually cl, so this would be 2 cl.


u/Important-Outcome-74 2d ago

Is that similar to ibuprofen?



u/GCU_Problem_Child 2d ago

This is what it's like when I open my mailbox the day after the Alcoholic Pride Parade (KKKarnival) rolls into my little village. We have 15000-25000 people show up every year, in a village that has around 3000 residents, who then literally shit in the street, and deposit vomit and these tiny bottles into every nook and cranny they can find.


u/justanawkwardguy 2d ago

Surely the village doesn’t ok the gathering, right? Why not call police to disperse them then? Allowing that to happen year after year is a really bad look for the village


u/Informal_Truck_1574 2d ago

3000 person villiages rarely have cops, much less a police force able to dissuade 20 thousand people. I imagine they just enjoy the economic boost and grit their teeth


u/justanawkwardguy 2d ago

Is it an economic boost? At least in my area, the type of people to go to one of those “parades” would bring their own food/alcohol, and a lot camp out rather than stay in hotels. Add to that that the village has to pay to clean up after them, and having them come turns away other potential tourists.


u/GCU_Problem_Child 1d ago

It is NOT a boost. No. Only one business benefits from it, and that's the business owned by the guy who owns the large local pub/restaurant/hotel, as well as the bottle shop next door. It COSTS the rest of us to clean up all the shit these cunts throw in our gardens, which is why there was so much pushback this year. We had 4 arrests this year, but according to the cops that was because there were only 2 cops on duty here, and the private security the event host hired don't do anything except break up fights.

They don't care about stopping property damage or anything. It has been tolerated because "ItS TrAdItIOn" according to the handful of fuckwits who live so far out on the edge of the village that it doesn't affect them, but thankfully this years one actually caused property damage to them, so now they are opposing its continuation.

EDIT: You need to be aware that these things take place on a Sunday. While normal parts of the world have Sunday trading, down here in Bavaria there's no such thing. The only place open here on the day of Karnival is the event hosts pub. Nothing more. Hence why he makes so much fucking money.

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u/finicky88 2d ago

This stuff is protected because it's a traditional thing. I personally don't partake in it, but most people do so it stays.

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u/MrWilsonWalluby 2d ago

a 3000 person village is not gonna turn away 25,000 drunks spending money, they probably make more money during that tourist rush then the rest of the year combined.


u/GCU_Problem_Child 2d ago

The village doesn't make the money. The asshole that organizes the thing does. Everyone ends up at his pub at the end of the day. The rest of us are left to clean up for ourselves. My wife and I have to leave every year now, because I got tired of literally, physically dragging drunk people out of my garden, which they wanted to use as a toilet to shit in. I got assaulted by one a few years ago. So, rather than risk my safety, or run the risk of doing something I might regret, we go away for a few days. With any luck this years was the last, because the old piece of shit organizer is retiring.


u/bleplogist 2d ago

Wait, a single pub is able to host 25.000 people?

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u/LegitosaurusRex 2d ago

All 25,000 of them go to his one pub, lol?

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u/GCU_Problem_Child 2d ago

The guy that organizes it is basically a council elder type thing. Head of the local business council and whatnot. He supposedly pays for the clean-up, but things have been getting so bad that he's likely retiring this year, and there won't be any more nonsense. As for cops, lol. This is rural Bavaria. We see the cops MAYBE once every two days, and that's as they pass through at 80km in their car.

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u/trytorememberthisone 2d ago

I’m having trouble googling this, but I’m interested. Could you drop a link?

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u/LanceFree 2d ago

Those little bottles seem weird to me. When I was still drinking, I bought those one time and I needed two to make a satisfying drink. Certainly a pint or 1/2 pint would be a better deal?


u/GCU_Problem_Child 2d ago

These are bought by teenagers who need to be able to hide them from seemingly the one or two adults who aren't dead set on turning their kids into alcoholics just like them.


u/Flamin_Jesus 2d ago

Many, if not most, of the people buying these are end-stage alcoholics whose livers are so shot they actually get drunk from that amount, and who either can't afford something bigger/better (think homeless people) or who need something they can drink and discard on their way to or from work (because everyone around them is fully aware of their alcoholism and would try to interfere or at least lecture them if they saw them drinking).

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u/AgileArtichokes 2d ago

When you get to the point of using these shooters regularly it isn’t about getting drunk as much as it is about staving off the detox of not having alcohol in your system. 


u/byebybuy 2d ago

In addition to the other two comments, some alcoholics will delude themselves into thinking their habit is under control because they're only buying a couple shots at a time.

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u/abshidfarsi 2d ago

Thats lot of soy sauce.


u/lego_not_legos 2d ago

It's clearly washyoursister sauce and Jaeger.


u/Taniwha_NZ 2d ago

Weirdly, the name 'washyoursister' is actually pronounced 'wooster'. At least half the letters are silent.

English must have the greatest ratio of name-length to actually-pronounced-length in the world.


u/No_Research_3628 2d ago

French would like to have a word

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u/DuncanIdaBro 2d ago

Reminds me of Revachol...


u/graubenn 2d ago

“BRATTAN! Get to digging because at least one of those bottles will have some left!”


u/DuncanIdaBro 2d ago

'OH sweet SWEET NECTAR!!!"


u/BaronVonLazercorn 2d ago

Jesus, who's just chugging bottles of Jäger?


u/byebybuy 2d ago

They're shooters, they're small bottles.

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u/an_agreeing_dothraki 2d ago

respect to the one guy getting plastered on Jaeger in a social setting


u/Extra-Progress-3272 2d ago

Huh, just like teeth in the walls at dentist offices.


u/F-Lambda 2d ago

I'm having difficulty understanding the title, what do you mean "opened the door"?


u/AlbPerNil 2d ago

that's disgusting


u/ReturnToOdessa 2d ago

Its rather tasty actually


u/ashrocklynn 2d ago

"A" drink you say... Yeah, I think this spot has a 3 drinks minimum


u/pedro_zz 2d ago

why those look like bottles of soy sauce


u/Technical_Republic32 2d ago

i thought it was a shit ton of cranberries at first


u/murrtrip 2d ago

$1800 in NY for that space

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u/Traditional-Storm-62 2d ago

what are the odds its all one person doing this habitually for years?


u/No_Research_3628 2d ago

Most of those bottles are from some extremely cheap alcohol, so might not be just 1 but probably from a few local drunks who hang out at the same spot


u/MeowsAllieCat 2d ago

The meter (or whatever it is on the left) looks like a guy who has seen some shit.


u/LobsterTrue8433 2d ago

A Jager drinker lurks amongst the others.


u/smokesletsgo- 2d ago

Bubbles shed filled with liquor bottles, „Have another drink Ray“


u/Briglin 2d ago

Had the same with a stairwell in a building we were renovation that had remained empty for 20 years. Pigeons had got in at the third floor and the ground floor of the stairwell was knee high in pigeon guano and dead pigeons and crawling with maggots. Close door walk away ....someone else's problem


u/Es-trill 2d ago

It looks like when you find a squirrel's stache of nuts


u/santanamedley 2d ago

Are they drinking soy sauce?


u/mbarr83 2d ago

The Tardis is really getting smaller on the outside.


u/lilelliot 2d ago

I'm not zooming in, but those look like Worcestershire sauce bottles.


u/Ifch317 2d ago

How much do those tiny bottles cost?


u/FredBinston 2d ago

Are these Tabascos


u/Neo_Ex0 2d ago

So viel pfand


u/JoLudvS 2d ago

Reminds me of the movie "Leningrad Cowboys go to America". Just cans instead. (https://youtu.be/kARflvpvzUo?feature=shared)


u/TritiumXSF 2d ago

Oh cool lots of glass for my settlement!


u/snajk138 2d ago

I remember visiting Germany as a teenager and seeing those small Jägermeister bottles like everywhere, in bushes and along the streets. I didn't get it, beer was cheap everywhere and the drinking age way lower than here in Sweden, so why would anyone drink that?


u/Sinbos 2d ago

Jägermeister is medicine beer is alcoholism.

For real? Just a quick shot to stop the tremors when a beer takes to long or you don’t want to be seen with one.


u/MidnightSun77 2d ago

It could also just be one man over a very long period of time


u/draxidrupe2 2d ago

That was a load supporting door!


u/MomsSpagetee 2d ago

Littering and…littering and…


u/Juomari_Juhani 2d ago

Resembles my dorm room back when I was studying in Germany :P


u/Vtmarik 2d ago

That is of course the municipal town hall, not the bar that everyone calls the town hall


u/sritanona 2d ago

This is mildly infuriating


u/CastleRockResident 2d ago

It’s a liquor-lanche


u/PhoKingSuperSaiyan 2d ago

It’s probably one person


u/Sonyapop 1d ago

As someone with Autism, your wording of the title made me irrationally upset

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u/_barbarossa 2d ago

So what kind of alcohol is this? I see some jaggermeister and what looks like English Worcestershire lol


u/Slight_Tea 2d ago

That hydrant says VAG


u/PHATsakk43 2d ago

This level of disorder seems very unGerman.


u/Sasmonite 2d ago

How thoughtful


u/Longshot_45 2d ago

It's like you found a squirrels acorn stash. But instead of acorns it's alcohol bottles.


u/nicki419 2d ago

A blue postbox? Where is this?


u/After_Stretch_2215 2d ago



u/Toonces311 2d ago

I wonder what that picture smells like


u/Unusual_Car215 2d ago

It's like alcoholic squirrels.


u/BettySwoll0cks 2d ago

“It’s a liquor-lanche!”


u/Scaredandalone22 2d ago

All from the same dude.


u/CaptParadox 2d ago

Honestly, this is probably an alleyway to a bar, yeah there are bitters like people point out. But there's also liquor bottles like jagermeister and others in the pile.

This is not from someone walking by and just yeeting it every day over a fence. As someone who has worked in and around bars for years, I've seen worse.

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u/Papageier 2d ago

Germany mentioned ole ole!


u/KenUsimi 2d ago

It’s like squirrels storing nuts in a tree…


u/Zealousideal_Cod6044 2d ago

Not to mention solving the budget issues for the year.