r/kittens 2d ago

Final found kitten update: she’s safe and sound at a rescue!

A few days ago, I made a post asking for advice on what to do with a very young kitten that was abandoned outside for several hours in triple digit weather. That post blew UP. I received a lot of support from you all, and I was offered everything from amazing advice to kind words, and even some funds for veterinary care should I need it. Thanks to you all, she did absolutely amazing for the ~5 days that I cared for her, and in the last few hours she even opened her eyes. Unfortunately, as much as I love her it doesn’t line up with my life right now to have a kitten, so my dad (I think he uses Reddit, so hi if you see this!) found a rescue and took her there early this morning. I had zero experience with any kind of cat or super baby animal for this so you don’t know how grateful I am to all of you. This experience has changed me for the better, and I hope that some day I can have a cat of my own again.

small note: I promise nothing bad is happening in that last photo, she was just quite squirmy! She loved crawling through my hands and pockets.


20 comments sorted by


u/LiminalCreature7 2d ago

Thank goodness! It’s always touch and go with rescues this time of year; they’re often full, with kitten season being in full swing. Thanks for coming back to let us know, and of course, for taking care of her & keeping her safe until the “pros” were able to step in. ❤️


u/BlizzPenguin 1d ago

I was a bit apprehensive when I heard the kitten went to a rescue. If it is anything like a shelter they may not have the resources to take care of a kitten that young and euthanize it. A kitten foster feels like it would have been a better choice.


u/LiminalCreature7 1d ago edited 1d ago

Maybe I’m naive, but I choose to believe they’d wouldn’t go to the effort to take it in just to euthanize it. They most likely have fosters lined up, or they’d have turned you away. Rescues are different than shelters, in most cases.

Edited to add: wasn’t paying attention; didn’t realize I wasn’t replying to OP.


u/BlizzPenguin 1d ago

It is one of those things that I worry about ever since I read Tiny but Mighty by Hannah Shaw.


u/frolicndetour 2d ago

Aw you and your dad did good saving this tiny bean.


u/InevitableTrue7223 2d ago

I’m so happy you found a place for her.


u/kellylikeskittens 2d ago

You and your dad are beautiful people.


u/romanovsinparadise 2d ago

You are a hero.


u/ieBaringa 2d ago

So proud of you for saving a life.

You did right by this little girl.


u/PingouinMalin 2d ago

You offered this very small and weak living being a chance to go on. He'll meet a family that will love him and he will love them in turn. All because of you. This is a blessing.


u/Sunset_Tiger 2d ago

I’m sure that kitten will remember your kindness. Thank you so much for helping them!


u/Eiffel-Tower777 2d ago

Thank you thank you, I hope this girl THRIVES ♥️♥️


u/rpence 2d ago

Thank you and your dad for helping this little one


u/GoldenfeetofSkyclan 2d ago

That first picture 🤣


u/sourcoated 1d ago

such a sweet wittle baby girl!


u/444Ilovecats444 1d ago

I am crying. She is so small😭


u/Coveed919 1d ago

Wow. Not all hero wear a cape


u/HippieChick75 1d ago

Thank you for everything you did for this sweet baby! And your dad too. You did the right thing since a kitty doesn't align w/ your life right now.🥹🙏🏻😁🫶🏻


u/Wolfwoods_Sister 1d ago

A great relief! Thank you for your efforts on her behalf!