r/invinciblegtg 2d ago

Who should my main team be going forward? Help!

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Close to getting a Earth’s Defender and Worlds Beyond character to legendary. Also artifact advice would be appreciated; I have everything except for drone trap, flower, flaxan bracelet and spear.


3 comments sorted by


u/MegaMicah Criminal 2d ago

I believe the most "meta" team still is omni, invincible, Atom, MG and Robot. In terms of skill synergy and rhe 3 2 stat team boost.

But being it's hard to consolidate those with only using 2 out of the 4 factions. People usually swap omni, and MG for a criminal and worlds beyond character. Either combo Titan & BB or Allen & Seismic.

But if you're not worried about the slower progression and being there's no PvP. Just go for whatever man. Play for fun 😁


u/CrazyCountryCowboy 2d ago

True, I’ve been enjoying the grind so far! Everyone says Invincible over Omni bc of the skills but he’s my best character as currently. I’ve been considering swapping Eve for Allen or BB for ease of leveling but it does reduce some of the synergy


u/scoobylover52 Earth's Defender 1d ago

People keep pushing this and while it’s a good team, having 3 characters from the same faction make later game incredibly hard. I only have 2 per faction max on my main team, but that’s just preference i suppose