r/invinciblegtg 11d ago

Insane value purchase all Bragging

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15 comments sorted by


u/North-Milk6856 11d ago

When you have max level shop you should always wait for 2 seismic+ gears to grab all.


u/Username011223 10d ago

Idk about that, there’s a 0.04% chance of it happening so you will be waiting a long time lol. And to get 10k gems value like this is even rarer.


u/North-Milk6856 10d ago

oh yeah and it’s a good thing neither me, or this post’s creator are talking about spending gems


u/Username011223 10d ago

As the post creator I can confirm that’s exactly why I made this post lol clown


u/North-Milk6856 10d ago edited 10d ago

At max level shop I get 2 siesmec+ equipment every other day at LEAST lmao.

When you play the game more you’ll see what I mean, and also that the percentage values in this game are almost never accurate.


u/jackdude701 10d ago

That is so cap, been there for like 2 weeks and haven’t see 2 siesmec plus once lol


u/squeakster 10d ago

I've had a max equipment shop for about a month now and I've only had that once.


u/North-Milk6856 10d ago

Yall are cap😭😭none of yall have a max shop then. I damn near get double on a daily basis.


u/Username011223 10d ago

Well u must be very lucky because I’ve been max for weeks now and this is the first time I’ve seen two lol


u/North-Milk6856 10d ago edited 10d ago

Why does your caption say “ insane grab all value” then LMAO. did you even see how many gems you’d have to spend retard? Since apparently you’re talking about gems😭, that isn’t a value grab all, at all buddy. Especially since you’re talking about gems now I guess.

Never ever use gems on the equipment shop like what lmao don’t be an idiot.


u/North-Milk6856 10d ago

I am quite literally top 50 in the world at this game. I can promise yall have no idea what you’re talking about. I genuinely get 2 every other day.


u/Username011223 10d ago

No one asked


u/North-Milk6856 10d ago

Only thing buddy can respond to now lol. Understandable. You’re actually an idiot.


u/mcmilkk 7d ago

Bro your the one who doesn’t know anything. in your most recent post you literally asked for basic information then said you know nothing about the game and just have money 💀💀💀


u/North-Milk6856 6d ago

That is not what was said or even what remotely happened at all😭