r/invinciblegtg Criminal Apr 07 '24

Another f2p Progress, 7 Months Bragging

Hi all again, now I've done one of these before and I will probably do one again. But this post is to give f2p players an idea as how long progess would take. I've been playing since either genuinely day 1 or 2 of the closed beta, so 7 months and 1 week to be exact. I've probably missed around 2-3 weeks worth of dailies and maybe 1-2 weekly rewards.

If you have any questions/concerns please feel free to ask. I'll try and awnser all of them.

Plus if any other f2p players that have also played since August/September please also post photos of your roster too. Again gives newer Agents the ability to see an exact timeline. Because I would definitely expect someone has a perfect track record of playing everyday. vs me who has not xD

This is personally why I love this game. For a gacha take on invincible f2p is viable, I never thought I'd get a legendary and high without paying. I was dead wrong.


33 comments sorted by


u/GantB Apr 07 '24

What do the stars mean?


u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 07 '24

Epic and higher ranks have a different rank up process. One of the pinned posts of the sub shows how it works, easier than me explaining 😅.


u/GantB Apr 07 '24

Oh okay cheers bud


u/Thiago_D Apr 07 '24

What was your strategy to level up characters?

I’m put everyone to elite plus+ and i’m seeing that u unlock the 3rd skill of them, but you upgrade your main team to a certain level first?

Good grind u did


u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 07 '24

I would focus on set characters, those being the 6 original elites and now MG. I got everyone originally to elite+. I then took my main team to just epic. Then everyone else to exceptional. Currently going main team to legendary.

I do hope to add both Allen, and Flaxian leader to the roster of epics and upgrade them at the same rate as my main team now. Froms worlds beyond characters are the hardest to come by sadly.


u/Thiago_D Apr 07 '24


u/Thiago_D Apr 07 '24


now that i have almost a copy of all rares to elite+ i will focus on the main team and get food etc. who do u suggest to focus firsr?


u/Thiago_D Apr 07 '24



u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 07 '24

I am defs bias but the ones I'm going for, bar the second robot. (that was an accident before I knew how the ranking system worked.

The OG elites, Inv, Atom, Omni, Robot, Immortal and Titan, Have all been Viable since day 1 and I continue to love em. Monster Girl because I hear shes an actual monster when epic+ specifically (yet to find out). As mentioned, Allen I hear he too is a beast and Flaxian Leader.


u/xThock Earth's Defender Apr 07 '24

Is Flaxian Leader actually good as a main contender, or is he just useful for farming GDAs?


u/Chance_Watercress_92 Earth's Defender Apr 07 '24



u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

Not a main contender. But his rewards increase passive, just makes him yeah, a good gda op farmer.



u/Thiago_D Apr 07 '24



u/EphemeraFury Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24


u/theEverlasting7 Apr 10 '24

Bro, I’m building a top tier alliance rn and I think we will be much stronger if we stick together. I’ve sent you an invitation in the game,just in case. I hope you will join and we can reach higher levels and regions together



u/EphemeraFury Apr 08 '24

Been playing since November f2p unless you think Google surveys count as spending money.


u/Emac69Emil Criminal Apr 08 '24

What are google surveys and how do you complete them?


u/EphemeraFury Apr 08 '24

Google opinion rewards. Basically Google survey questions that as a reward you get a small bit of credit in your account. Usually between 6p and 34p.

If you leave GPS on then it asks you about shops you've vaguely been near.


u/Emac69Emil Criminal Apr 08 '24

Ohh so I need to put my credit card into google?


u/No_Raccoon_1480 Apr 11 '24

No it's google play money. Only good for in app purchases. Best way to stay f2p cuz they're short and easy and don't have ads.


u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 08 '24

Regardless that's a pretty amount of progress. That robot is sexy.


u/EphemeraFury Apr 08 '24

Thanks. I've got enough gda food to get Robot to seismic or MG to Legendary. I was hoping yo get more than 1 robot from this event that would've made the choice a lot easier :-)


u/Just_a_regular_mf Apr 07 '24

How much is your team's power level ? ( the one you use in campaign )


u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 07 '24

Rn out of my main heros, Im using Omni, Mark, Immortal, Atom & Robot, Total is 3.5mil. Individually, Omni 1.36mil, Mark 654k, Immortal 640k, Robot 501K, Atom 343k.


u/Chance_Watercress_92 Earth's Defender Apr 07 '24

I am completely jealous of that 700k+ special hero xp I need around 800k just to catch my main 5 epic+ heroes up. Its such a slow grind right now😭


u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 07 '24

hahah thanks, no use for it as of yet. the in-between waiting periods between upgrading heroes are just so long at this stage. You can stockpile huge amounts (havent hit a mil yet, something always came up in terms upgrading when I got close)


u/Chance_Watercress_92 Earth's Defender Apr 08 '24

Makes sense, im starting to spread out and working on criminals and beyond more now that I have my main team at a decent point. Gonna stock pile on the other two categories while I work on those and wait for more SHXP. Gonna have alot of exceptional+ teams that are under leveled for awhile but its whatever lol


u/santilmo101 Apr 10 '24

BS f2p LOL


u/MegaMicah Criminal Apr 10 '24

Explain how please?