r/invinciblegtg Apr 05 '24

Naw what the hell glitches

I had robot earlier but when I checked in later he wasn't in the rewards listing. This happen to anyone else? I'm genuinely pretty mad because the drop rates are already abysmal but now you're gonna take away my rewards?


29 comments sorted by


u/Inviltrumite Apr 05 '24

This has been happening to a lot of people on all the ops where you get heroes for rewards. I don't think anyone has figured out any patterns. It just happens randomly.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

Sucks that it's not just isolated to me, I'm surprised more people haven't been vocal about this. This Dev team needs to step it up rather than focusing on $50 "deals" to sell us.


u/Inviltrumite Apr 05 '24

There's a bunch of posts in this sub and also on Discord. Sometimes people's Elites end up getting converted to a random Rare instead. No idea if it's ever happened to me. I don't really watch my ops closely. I just wait until they're done and claim, so I wouldn't notice any switcheroos that might be occurring.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

Didn't even know they had a discord. My problem is I love to micromanage especially with video games so I always notice when something like this happens it's frustrating for me and probably for the other players who have had to deal with this.


u/Inviltrumite Apr 05 '24

Yea, if you want to be super active, get on Discord. This sub is not that great.

I'm guessing this issue happens to everyone, but only some people are active enough to observe it.


u/Dodgetown Apr 05 '24

The pattern I believe I’ve noticed, but can’t 100% confirm is that if you exit out of the OP it’s very likely the rewards will reroll once and then stay the same. But if you check the rewards and there is an epic unit or something specific you want then stay in the OP and wait for it to finish and those rewards should be guaranteed.


u/RJSmithay From Worlds Beyond Apr 05 '24

Funny, I just got done dealing with their support because I had lost an Immortal that I should have gotten from School's Out. They compensated me with gems, a recruitment ticket, and some gold. But like... I'd like the immortal too ya know? Didn't know it was more widespread.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

You got through to their support? I didn't even know they had a support I'm surprised they reimbursed you in any capacity. They need to address this because it's become an even more widespread now.


u/RJSmithay From Worlds Beyond Apr 06 '24

In case you want to try your luck if you go into the social tab of the settings page you click on "need help?" And there is a chat feature.


u/Username011223 Apr 05 '24

Nah that’s ridiculous


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

And I'll probably never see him again during the next 5 days this event is active.


u/Username011223 Apr 05 '24

Yh I got zero of the elite hero’s the first few times they did this, I did get a few last time though which I think was red rush


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

Would be really cool if the developers would just tell us the drop rates for these events and whether or not upgrading the event increases the chances of receiving these elite heroes. At this point my suspicion is that it's less than 1%.


u/Username011223 Apr 05 '24

Yh they added the drop rates to the shops, mainly because they are legally required to I am sure, so I don’t see why they can’t add it to ops


u/Friday_Night_Vibes Apr 05 '24

I’ve clicked to complete ops before, only to have the app say it’s out of sync, it’ll restart the app and when I go back to the op the rewards will have changed


u/Addicted215 Criminal Apr 05 '24

Yea that’s weird but after the GDA is done let us know if you get the Robot because maybe it’s just a visual bug.

Edit: I just noticed the two pieces of Elite chest gear disappeared too so idk. Seems just another glitch/ bug to add the long list of them.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

Sadly I never received him. The list of Glitches/Bugs is ever expanding.


u/Ashamed_Falcon_5375 From Worlds Beyond May 27 '24

Contact support


u/Shiro323 Apr 05 '24

Seems like regular Ubisoft shit


u/ChasPM Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

The white is what you could get/estimated to get if you let the op finish. The red number is what you’ve already earned. It’s not guaranteed that you’ll get what’s in white because of rng.

Edit: downvote away but you’re all wrong. Try it out and actually check what you have before and after aborting some time 😂


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

I don't know if you noticed but it completely took away several of the rewards before the op even finished. Also that's not true about white being what you could get, when the item is highlighted in white you will receive that reward even if you choose to abort the mission early. The red highlight means you have to finish the operation or get to the point where it highlights white in order to be able to receive it. It's a way of telling the player "Hey you found these items but you need to collect them and bring them back home in order to use them"


u/Sipelius_ Apr 05 '24

White is the amount you get if you finish the op. Red is the amount you get if you abort the op.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

Is everyone sipping on the stupid Kool aid today?


u/ChasPM Apr 05 '24

I’m not one to argue on the internet, so let’s just agree to disagree then. When I’ve ended early, I’ve received what was showing in red, but it’s not all that easy to see what you get aborting, so I’ve only checked it a few times. Personally, I don’t end early unless the amount/thing I’m trying to get is in the red number.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

That's bullshit and you know it "let's agree to disagree" that's not how this works buddy. Your statement is completely false, why would I agree to disagree over false facts? I wanna see a screen recording of you receiving the items in red, cuz if you don't produce I'm calling BS.


u/ChasPM Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

I mean, I tested it with a handful ops and different currencies and that’s what it did. 🤷‍♂️. I don’t really care if you believe me or not and I don’t care enough to record my screen or take screen caps. Use that info however you want to and think whatever you want to.

Edit: Currencies/resources. Whatever.


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 05 '24

Different currencies? What the fuck are smoking? Go back to your little troll cave and bother someone else then if you don't wanna have a meaningful discussion, just gotta stop spreading BS Mr. "I tested it with a handful of ops and currency's"


u/MajTheStampede Apr 09 '24

Everyone saying they got the items in red for abandoning early are right. By the way, enjoy your ban for using exploits. "I didn't do anything, I swear"


u/CivilLiterature4005 Apr 09 '24

Now I know your dickridding Ubisoft, man you came to a 3-day old post just to comment this s***? Like how far bent over are you right now?