r/inthenews 4d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/lotj 4d ago

Trump’s lies were completely batshit crazy even for him.

Biden standing there in shock wasn’t a good look, but goddamned if I wasn’t echoing that.


u/HumphreyLee 4d ago

“On the bubble” voters probably do not watch media coverage of Trump’s rallies and have not seen how fucking meandering and full of gibberish bullshit they are - even compared to what he was doing just 4 years ago - and got a big blast of that in face while also seeing Joe at his worst. If you were reticent about him before, I don’t know how he swayed you last night compared to Joe’s bad performance. At least Joe tried to talk real policy in bad form, Trump just went and made shit up like with his “post birth abortion” - y’know, murder, I think is the term? - nonsense.


u/Lazy-Street779 3d ago

Nancy Pelosi


u/Lazy-Street779 3d ago

Tariffs are are good for citizens.


u/RTalons 3d ago

The way he was talking, every single person should’ve been murdered five or six times by now by all the illegals who stole our jobs and are also somehow voting.

I knew enough of his taking points to be able to work out what he meant, but his answers would span a decade, in non-chronological order, confusing multiple people (example, question about childcare. Answer: Jan 6 is pelosi’s fault, cops guided people in, reference to BLM burning cities to the ground, Charlottesville never happened - Biden made it up, etc.)

He couldn’t remember what cities apparently were burned to the ground, and you would have had to know that was coming because the transition from Jan 6 was seamless. A literal transcript is non-sensical, reads like he meant they time travels to burn cities while simultaneously being fabricated by Biden.


u/rfccrypto 3d ago

How insane was it for Trump to repeat that illegals are "taking black jobs". So black jobs are all hard labor? WTF? And he accused Joe Biden of being terrible for black people, where Biden was arrested protesting for black rights. 


u/Lazy-Street779 3d ago

I couldn’t speak a word for 10 minutes when I heard Trump lies.