r/inthenews May 27 '24

Donald Trump rejected by Libertarians, gets less than 1% of vote article


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u/SelectionNo3078 May 27 '24

30 years of fox propaganda

A period that has also seen previously unthinkable cultural changes and widening economic inequality

And on top of that the vast majority know nothing about politics history or the economy


u/ILikeBigBeards May 27 '24 edited May 27 '24

historically it was Rush, and then also Fox, but now it's also big time social media propaganda. Putin knows what he's doing and the US has fallen way behind on that battle field. The Russians (and now also the Chinese) have won, friends.

The scarier thing about social media propaganda is that it's much better than Fox at targeting the other side. You don't have to get them to vote for Trump, you just gotta get them to not be motivated for their guy.


u/CaptGeechNTheSSS May 27 '24

Reagan and the bushes gutting our education system led to this


u/SelectionNo3078 May 27 '24

The fairness doctrine in media led to fox.


u/spaceman_202 May 27 '24

even longer for talk radio propaganda and "both sides" liberal media propaganda

during the 2020 election, the "liberal" on PBS news coverage, literally stood up and cheered for Trump's Stock Market (his words)

again, the "liberal" called it Trump's Stock Market and was talking about how it was so good before covid

NPR was doing segments on how "Russia is not involved and that's been disproven"

you either get right wing lite news "both sides, but Democrats are bad"

or right wing news "Trump is a lion, Biden is senile and drinks children's blood"