r/interestingasfuck 4d ago

Something looked awfully familiar to me: LEFT, Lady Elaine Fairchild's merry-go-round home, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, 1970s. RIGHT: The White House, two days ago.

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u/LeonardSmallsJr 4d ago

The more the world resembles Mr Roger’s Neighborhood, the better.


u/AlmanzoWilder 3d ago



u/Tantra_Charbelcher 4d ago

Imagine being this upset about something that literally has no effect on your life whatsoever. The supreme Court just legalized bribery and gave themselves the power to deregulate the entire economy from the bench and this is what gets you people mad? Get your priorities straight, you absolute fucking morons.


u/cricketbiscuit7 3d ago

Who's upset


u/CowsTrash 4d ago

Woah, man, we need to revel in the absolute absurdity that is this AND NOTHING ELSE, Dem libs are stealing my white house white pillars!

Don't you dare educate yourself.. /s


u/Salty_Arm_2677 2d ago

Relax, take a deep breath and chill. Who are you talking to? I’m pretty sure this post is in favour of the Whitehouse looking like Mr. Rogers. 🤦‍♂️


u/wozblar 3d ago

it's a bit more of a coincidence than being interestingasfuck tbh, did not expect the shitfire of a comment section tho lol


u/jady1971 3d ago

I am 52, Lady Elaine scars the crap out of me to this day. I have nightmares about being trapped in her spinning house of terror.


u/AlmanzoWilder 3d ago

Hahahaa. You ain't the only one! She's as scary as the original McDonald's characters.


u/Acceptable-Ad7123 4d ago

Why is this on interesting af? Its not an interesting take, its you being upset about political stuff and trying to garner support for your echo chamber.

Reddit as a whole has turned to a cesspit


u/nitronik_exe 3d ago

OP never said anything negative about it? How did you come to the conclusion that they are upset?


u/AlmanzoWilder 3d ago

THANK you! Their comment is coming from outer space!


u/Acceptable-Ad7123 3d ago

Conversational bits that are deleted now.

Regardless, the discourse it intends to cause because of intentionally vague initial titles/ no or very little follow up context is the same route many media types go to just create a convo/argument so i assume this is targeted similarly.

Or maybe im an asshole who assumed a lot because of conversations had and my bias went the route it did. Idk, but it seems like a targeted post without further comments (that aren’t deleted)


u/DEEZLE13 3d ago



u/Acceptable-Ad7123 3d ago

You could’ve read bit a lil further down where i explained pretty much how i couldve been doing that, but good on you to repeat it with a one word reply. Great effort.


u/Kenji_03 4d ago

Pillars that are colored.

They must be similar!


u/AlmanzoWilder 3d ago

Yes. Why don't you find a third example of a round building with rainbow colored ionic columns? I'm waiting.


u/flyraccoon 3d ago

Why is that interesting ? Can’t the White House decorate their pillars with colors to support the LGBTQI+ ? I mean it is interesting and lovely because if I had pillars I’ll be painting them the same it’s a great idea


u/Right_hand_K 3d ago


London St George hall

No need to be so sensitive mate


u/AlmanzoWilder 3d ago

Building is straight. Picture is in fisheye perspective. Not very close. Mate.


u/Right_hand_K 2d ago

Rogers has more than 10 pillars, white house only has 5 -- not very close. Mate.

Rogers has black pillars and pink pillars. white house doesn't -- not very close. Mate.


u/Book_Of_Bones 3d ago

And yet...

Men's health month doesn't even get a mention?



u/DEEZLE13 3d ago

It’s called Toyotathon and it happens every year


u/paintedirondoor 3d ago

Why are you mad over some cool rainbow colored pillars


u/AlmanzoWilder 4d ago

Wow. I really had no purpose behind this post apart from pointing out the (to me) remarkable similarity between a Mr. Roger's set piece and the decorated white house. I don't believe gay pride should even be a political issue but here we are. For every goddamn issue, half the country is on one side and half on the other.


u/bummedintheface 3d ago

I don't believe gay pride should even be a political issue but here we are.

what kind of issue should it be then?


u/EpicAura99 3d ago

It shouldn’t be an issue. Nobody should concern themselves with who other people love. Just like nobody should concern themselves with what the color of someone’s skin is.


u/bummedintheface 3d ago

It shouldn’t be an issue.

Exactly my point.


u/AlmanzoWilder 3d ago



u/bummedintheface 3d ago

How would that change anything?


u/Appropriate_Ad_9169 3d ago

Both speak to people with brains not fully developed


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago



u/Redditaccount173 4d ago

More people support same-sex marriage than oppose it in every single state in the country (even in Alabama and Mississippi). It’s not a wedge issue anymore.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/ReverendAntonius 4d ago

You have to be pretty stupid to think a minority group wanting equal rights and treatment is the same as the group that wants to limit that same minority’s rights and refuse them equal treatment under the law.

Pretty fucking stupid, or plain disingenuous and arguing in bad faith. Either/or. Probably both.


u/HappyMaids 4d ago

LGBT flags give the exact same energy as Trump flags.

lol. Hardly.


u/silverfallmoon 4d ago

Lol... Really. Pretty much equally annoying.


u/SaintUlvemann 3d ago

Right, well, let's set aside really minor concerns like annoyance, and see how people actually use these flags:

On January 6th, Trump supporters tried to beat cops with their Trump flags.

Whereas, last August, an upset conservative murdered a woman for flying a pride flag outside her own clothing store.

The only thing these two incidents have in common is violent conservatives.


u/gobbershite 4d ago

Why would it lead to Trump winning? Because most people are a little tired of rainbow crap being thrown in their face? I'm native American. The White House has never flown the Navajo Nation flag on its grounds. Not once.


u/ReverendAntonius 4d ago

The White House doesn’t fly the Navajo flag because the Navajo vote isn’t nearly as large as the LGBTQ vote. They’re pandering.

The White House doesn’t actually give a fuck about minority groups. Any of them.

Flying a Navajo flag wouldn’t change that fact, but it would make you feel better I suppose.


u/Wild_Animal99 3d ago

I agree - pandering.

Recently it came out that the reason Disney is making LBGTQ Movies and characters is because they don't have to pay Women and minorities actors as much as the WHITE actors.