r/hellsomememes 7d ago

Sleep by lie on her back . . . Supernatural Meme


11 comments sorted by


u/Kamataros 7d ago

Now lets focus on the knight


u/Poppeppercaramel 7d ago

Maybe his besties​ can lend him a body, to stay alive for a while.


u/Rare-colour 7d ago

This .

Yes, we should supply the knight with a vassal.


u/dicemonger 6d ago

A vassal to use as a vessel?


u/Rare-colour 6d ago

It would work perfectly.

Think of somebody that close, and then introducing. The Knight's ghost.


u/marsgreekgod 6d ago

I feel like there is more context to this?


u/Poppeppercaramel 6d ago

The Snail girl(Susan)​ was a human who joined crusade with other 2 friends(Jeffrey and Benjamin)

It's​ turned​ out to be a brutal meat grinder war and total disgrace of a crusade, her bros lost their life and limbs in the war while she lost her humanity when she ran into evil genie.

Now they're adopted by a wizard and kinda try to get used to their new situation, Susan missed her old human life so her buddies try to help her cope with her new body she forced to live in.


u/Lantern777 6d ago

Means the main story line is to recover from traumatic experience and try to cope with their new forms in different ways with their friends? Love the idea.


u/Poppeppercaramel 6d ago

Yes, you can follow their main story in r/Varanusthewizard

They're​ originated from r/wizardposting

Overall they're supposed to parallel the real life military industrial complex​ where superpower countries send out young people to die in some war for profit, I just swapped them for fantasy theme and they're basically abandoned war veterans.


u/Lantern777 6d ago

I'll check the sub, and thanks for the introduction. Your idea is amazing.


u/Lantern777 6d ago

Susan always looks so miserable and sad. The only good thing is that she's got friends that care about her. To see Susan been treated nicely and satisfied by some tiny wishes, kinda makes me wanna cry.